BREAKING: THE DREAM TEAM OFFICIAL ENDORSEMENT: Administration - Trump, Musk, Kennedy, Gabbard

Vance is the kid who stared at all the girls creepily and even though you never caught him, you suspected he tortured animals. Walz is the guy who was friends with all the girls, not because he was the cool kid, but because he was basically their gay friend, even if straight.
I worked with a guy that had Vance like qualities. He was interested in a woman that was a friend of mine. I asked what she thought of him, her response fits Vance. "He comes off like he might ask if you'd like to go for a ride in the trunk of his car".
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@DANC @Joe_Hoopsier @snarlcakes hold the line. hold the line. we got killed last night. busy as f with miserable crap today so i can only scan the board. it's not good. is joe here? snarl and danc you're doing fine but we're getting killed bc the content is working against us. trump didn't do us any favors. just hold the line for a few days and hopefully some of this blows over.
@DANC @Joe_Hoopsier @snarlcakes hold the line. hold the line. we got killed last night. busy as f with miserable crap today so i can only scan the board. it's not good. is joe here? snarl and danc you're doing fine but we're getting killed bc the content is working against us. trump didn't do us any favors. just hold the line for a few days and hopefully some of this blows over.
I'm not scared. Trump is back ahead in the Polymarkets. People still have to get up each day and pay 15 dollars for a sirloin and protect their cats.

@DANC @Joe_Hoopsier @snarlcakes hold the line. hold the line. we got killed last night. busy as f with miserable crap today so i can only scan the board. it's not good. is joe here? snarl and danc you're doing fine but we're getting killed bc the content is working against us. trump didn't do us any favors. just hold the line for a few days and hopefully some of this blows over.
Still here coach, but my other boss has me in all day meetings this week, and then drinking all night to make the pain go away!
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Best we lay low anyway. Let this blow over
Im Out Key And Peele GIF by First We Feast

I have less than two months until election. I'm just warming up. I have 4 years to lay low if we lose.
@DANC @Joe_Hoopsier @snarlcakes hold the line. hold the line. we got killed last night. busy as f with miserable crap today so i can only scan the board. it's not good. is joe here? snarl and danc you're doing fine but we're getting killed bc the content is working against us. trump didn't do us any favors. just hold the line for a few days and hopefully some of this blows over.
Eh, I think we all knew the potential was there for biased moderators and Trump being Trump.

I always enjoy the giddiness of the woke in events like these: "OH, LOOK AT THAT - SHE MADE HIM SHAKE HANDS" or "HE'S SEETHING". They're like teenage girls at a Taylor Swift show.

I doubt the debate changed many minds anyway.
Eh, I think we all knew the potential was there for biased moderators and Trump being Trump.

I always enjoy the giddiness of the woke in events like these: "OH, LOOK AT THAT - SHE MADE HIM SHAKE HANDS" or "HE'S SEETHING". They're like teenage girls at a Taylor Swift show.

I doubt the debate changed many minds anyway.
Saw Joe Biden is now supporting trump. Maybe that will help.
Eh, I think we all knew the potential was there for biased moderators and Trump being Trump.

I always enjoy the giddiness of the woke in events like these: "OH, LOOK AT THAT - SHE MADE HIM SHAKE HANDS" or "HE'S SEETHING". They're like teenage girls at a Taylor Swift show.

I doubt the debate changed many minds anyway.

My now 18 year old came home today and asked if I had heard Swizzle was endorsing Harris. We have never talked politics, to be honest with you, I'm surprised she knew who was in the race.

I told her I had and her reply was:

"There's no way I can support someone that Taylor Swift supports. I'm voting for Trump".

I laughed and asked her what her favorite football team is? She thought for a sec and said "That's different. We need Kelce to be happy. He doesn't need to be another song halfway through the season".
My now 18 year old came home today and asked if I had heard Swizzle was endorsing Harris. We have never talked politics, to be honest with you, I'm surprised she knew who was in the race.

I told her I had and her reply was:

"There's no way I can support someone that Taylor Swift supports. I'm voting for Trump".

I laughed and asked her what her favorite football team is? She thought for a sec and said "That's different. We need Kelce to be happy. He doesn't need to be another song halfway through the season".
My response would have been: Who, or what, is Swizzle?

Is it a nickname for TS?
My now 18 year old came home today and asked if I had heard Swizzle was endorsing Harris. We have never talked politics, to be honest with you, I'm surprised she knew who was in the race.

I told her I had and her reply was:

"There's no way I can support someone that Taylor Swift supports. I'm voting for Trump".

I laughed and asked her what her favorite football team is? She thought for a sec and said "That's different. We need Kelce to be happy. He doesn't need to be another song halfway through the season".
So, it's all over. She has Taylor Swift's endorsement so it's a done deal. Time to move on. ;)
Minnesota state law prohibits that. It also prohibits forcing trans kids to use unisex bathrooms.

Again, the intent of the law is crystal clear even if the wording or implementation is not.
The question wasn't what the intent was. It was whether or not Walz signed a law that actually required a certain course of action. And he didn't. Blather on about the intent of the lawmakers all you want, the original claim against the law was a falsehood.
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*you mean lie low.

Lie is not only correct gramnar but also covers what your candidate stands for..
Fair on grammar.

Your candidate:
Lied about condition of biden
Lied about 2025
Lied about national ban on abortion
Lied about defunding police support
Picked a candidate who lies incessantly

Delete your feed. You’re brainwashed
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*you mean lie low.

Lie is not only correct gramnar but also covers what your candidate stands for..
The saddest part is just how unprincipled your candidate is. That she will literally say anything to get elected. I suspect that’s her. 30 sleeping with a 60 year old who was hardly anything to look at. Second most lib voter this century. But now pretending she’s something else? Grow up child

These are politicians of the worst kind
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OK, I finally made it through this POS thread.

After saying repeatedly that he does not support Trump and hopes he loses, the OP has still not rescinded his unwavering support for Trump in numerous posts or his loud endorsement of Trump on behalf of The Scream Team.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you McTrump !!
I don't think McM ever said he wants Trump to lose. He's made it very clear he wants Trump to win. He's just not sure Trump is capable of pulling it off.
OK, I finally made it through this POS thread.

After saying repeatedly that he does not support Trump and hopes he loses, the OP has still not rescinded his unwavering support for Trump in numerous posts or his loud endorsement of Trump on behalf of The Scream Team.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you McTrump !!
Is your brain broken. I seriously think something is wrong with you. I am voting for trump. I will vote for anyone running against a progressive. That doesn’t mean I think he’s a good candidate and I can still criticize him.

You and a few others really need a relegation board or a restricted thread. Hyper partisan low watt dumbasses
Trump was already President for 4 years and he did zero. He'll be a lame duck after two years and have even less political power than he did in his first term.

Remember when Trump touted his incredible business experience and assembled multiple CEO roundtables to guide economic policy when he came into office? That lasted about 6 months and then all the CEOs quit the group en masse, as he's such a joke.

This is campaign season bullshit. But there are suckers that buy into this smoke and mirrors ever cycle.
And, recall Trump's signature negotiating strategy, about which he brags and brags and brags : you have to be willing to walk away from the negotiating session.

In other words, take your ball and go home, crying like a baby.

Xi and Putin love "negotiating" with a fool like that.
And, recall Trump's signature negotiating strategy, about which he brags and brags and brags : you have to be willing to walk away from the negotiating session.

In other words, take your ball and go home, crying like a baby.

Xi and Putin love "negotiating" with a fool like that.
Cradle to grave benefits
Attack on big oil
Title 42, remain in Mexico, asylum agreements lifted
Defund police and bail projects

My god how sweet would a do nothing president be. We know what “transformative” gets us
I’m willing to be there are a LOT of schools in Minnesota that allow students to use the restroom which corresponds to their gender identity.

In those schools, if a trans girl is regularly using the boys bathroom, then this law requires the school to provide menstrual products in that bathroom.
Wouldn't it be easier for you to just go to CVS and buy one?
He sounds like he has the right approach to me. Those countries need to step up. That is my supposition which could be completely wrong. I don’t know or follow that stuff
It's not the right approach if we want to continue this unprecedented run of world peace we've had since WW2. You can credit MAD, or free trade, or any number of other things, but one of the linchpins has been America as the leader of the west - both economically and militarily. Take that away, and the entire system collapses.

Trade wars already weaken the system. But pulling back from NATO would destroy it.

Edit: can't believe no one called me out on the bad spelling error.
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It's not the right approach if we want to continue this unprecedented run of world peace we've had since WW2. You can credit MAD, or free trade, or any number of other things, but one of the linchpins has been America as the leader of the west - both economically and militarily. Take that away, and the entire system collapses.

Trade wars already weaken the system. But pulling back from NATO would destroy it.

Edit: can't believe no one called me out on the bad spelling error.
I didn't want to get banned again.

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