Brady suspended for 4 games HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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What I cannot believe is that you cannot grasp the whole point that I'm attempting to get across with my graphical portrayals of these poor majestic animals being subjected to degrading abuse post-mortem.
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What I cannot believe is that you cannot grasp the whole point that I'm attempting to get across with my graphical portrayals of these poor majestic animals being subjected to degrading abuse post-mortem.

The only thing making this thread suck less are your beating a dead horse memes.

Besides that, this thread still sucks..
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Dodging the question, are we?

Is 11.49 between 11.32 and 11.52, or not?

The issue at hand is whether footballs were deflated, so discussing the measured inflation levels of footballs is as relevant as it gets.

It went whoosh, right over your heads, though. Figures, for a bunch of stupid morons.
Kraft is about to speak.

I fear that he lacks the guts for a court fight, even if he would win, and he is about ready to cave to a much-reduced punishment.

I hope not, but if he does, I hope that he sells the team ASAP.
Kraft is about to speak.

I fear that he lacks the guts for a court fight, even if he would win, and he is about ready to cave to a much-reduced punishment.

I hope not, but if he does, I hope that he sells the team ASAP.
He lacks the guts because he knows that everyone involved will be questioned under oath. All the information that they have been trying to hide will be discoverable.

It speaks volumes that the patriots accepted their punishment (ie accepting guilt) prior to knowing what the punishment was...the threw a fit when they actually were punished.

Long story short, Cheatriots have been caught twice.
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I'm dodging nothing. You take my not answering as dodging, yet I truly do not care and you'd realize that if you had read and comprehended my replies earlier instead of being obsessed with doing this:


But to make it clear, I'm a Bears fan so when it comes to worrying about issues with quarterbacks I've got enough on my plate to be worried about what another team's qb decides to do or not do with his balls. So please for the love of the unborn foals...

Kraft and Goodell are reportedly working on a compromise

Patriots get: no fine, no loss of picks, no suspension for Brady, an apology from the NFL for false leaks ("11 of 12 footballs..."), the firing of the NFL leaker, a statement saying that the Patriots did nothing wrong

Goodell gets: to stay gainfully employed, for now (you've got to give them something, unfortunately). He also gets to avoid two expensive court battles that he realizes he has no chance of winning, since science conclusively shows that in fact no footballs were deflated by anyone (average pressure at halftime: 11.49, expected pressure by the ideal gas law = 11.32-11.52 psi, accuracy of gauge = 0.40 psi)
Once again, your inside info and predictions are spot on. Ha!
For the first 200 posts or so, I was enjoying watching OS go crazy. Then I stopped following this thread when it stopped being interesting. Now I am following again out of morbid curiosity.

How low can this go? What will be the final ratio of Brady memes to dead horses? This thread has become a fascinating study into the depths of the online human psyche.
For the first 200 posts or so, I was enjoying watching OS go crazy. Then I stopped following this thread when it stopped being interesting. Now I am following again out of morbid curiosity.

How low can this go? What will be the final ratio of Brady memes to dead horses? This thread has become a fascinating study into the depths of the online human psyche.

For the first 200 posts or so, I was enjoying watching OS go crazy. Then I stopped following this thread when it stopped being interesting. Now I am following again out of morbid curiosity.

How low can this go? What will be the final ratio of Brady memes to dead horses? This thread has become a fascinating study into the depths of the online human psyche.

There's no way this topic can actually interest a person for this long. If it does, that person has to be considered just as senile as OS, right?

...9 freaking pages discussing an UGG boots model and his ball sack.
There's no way this topic can actually interest a person for this long. If it does, that person has to be considered just as senile as OS, right?

...9 freaking pages discussing an UGG boots model and his ball sack.

Football is THEE American religion, only Beer has as great a following. I'm sure if one didn't exist the other wouldn't be as popular. I love the irony though. In a league where 99% of the players are on PEDS, and everyone knows it. This is the thing people call cheating .. Pro sports in it's entirely is broken but none as much as the over hyped and over commercialized boredom called football.
What would Goodell have told Kraft in the last 24 hours for Kraft to totally change his tune. Guarantee you that the Pats are guilty, Brady is guilty, and the league does not want to embarrass them any further.

It is amazing that with Kraft and his billions of dollars couldn't find a scientist to agree with OS.
What would Goodell have told Kraft in the last 24 hours for Kraft to totally change his tune. Guarantee you that the Pats are guilty, Brady is guilty, and the league does not want to embarrass them any further.

It is amazing that with Kraft and his billions of dollars couldn't find a scientist to agree with OS.

You guys don't get it ... the NFL is like a spoiled teen, if it's not getting attention, it creates attention. This is nothing but a PR scheme and like a bunch of cackling chickens watching Oprah, y'all buy into it and cluck for months ... If they actually cared about rules and integrity they would crack down on PED's, but they don't, because all they care about is money. All publicity, including negative, is good PR.

btw - this thread still sucks.
Football is THEE American religion, only Beer has as great a following. I'm sure if one didn't exist the other wouldn't be as popular. I love the irony though. In a league where 99% of the players are on PEDS, and everyone knows it. This is the thing people call cheating .. Pro sports in it's entirely is broken but none as much as the over hyped and over commercialized boredom called football.
All organized sports is broken. Pro and college.
I agree with Goat. The idea of a player not choosing to play at a school based on whether or not it is an Adidas or Nike school makes my stomach turn. We've turned these players into demigods.

And I can't believe I am still paying attention to this thread.
You guys don't get it ... the NFL is like a spoiled teen, if it's not getting attention, it creates attention. This is nothing but a PR scheme and like a bunch of cackling chickens watching Oprah, y'all buy into it and cluck for months ... If they actually cared about rules and integrity they would crack down on PED's, but they don't, because all they care about is money. All publicity, including negative, is good PR.

btw - this thread still sucks.
I think the NFL is the one organization that doesn't need additional attention, esp. this kind of attention.

That being said, I don't disagree with you, except to add college into it as well.

I say we all camp out somewhere and just sit and smoke weed all day!!!
All organized sports is broken. Pro and college.

It's the trickling down of big money from pro sports that's ruining NCAA. That and the hip hop culture. College football is as unbearable as the NFL and has been for quite awhile. Basketball is getting there, especially at the top but in basketball there's so many teams that a majority are still fine. We put way to much importance in this crap when it's not important at all. Taking a chit is more important, and beneficial.

Most NFL fans are lemmings, (even though lemmings are not really lemmings) they just want to fit in with everyone else. In my office every person is an NFL fan and has a team. They're mostly middle aged women that don't know the difference between a post route vs a flag route. They only watch because everyone else watches. That's the hype machine at work.
I think the NFL is the one organization that doesn't need additional attention, esp. this kind of attention.

That being said, I don't disagree with you, except to add college into it as well.

I say we all camp out somewhere and just sit and smoke weed all day!!!

Smoking weed during the day makes a person lazy, especially later in the day and evening.

God you're dumb. lol
How do you get to stop emailing me every time somebody responds in this thread?

I went to "Preferences" and deselected "and receive email notifications of replies". It's not working.


Of course at this point this damn thing probably needs to be looked at for LTF status just for it's damn absurdity and ability to continue to live on well beyond it's expiration date...
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Of course at this point this damn thing probably needs to be looked at for LTF status just for it's damn absurdity and ability to continue to live on well beyond it's expiration date...
Hopefully this can be the end. But probably not.
At this point, I'm just impressed by the number of horse-beating memes and gifs you've found. So i'm just going to keep this going with whatever...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Can't believe no one has posted this yet - you should be ashamed of yourselves...
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I'm dodging nothing. You take my not answering as dodging, yet I truly do not care and you'd realize that if you had read and comprehended my replies earlier instead of being obsessed with doing this:


But to make it clear, I'm a Bears fan so when it comes to worrying about issues with quarterbacks I've got enough on my plate to be worried about what another team's qb decides to do or not do with his balls. So please for the love of the unborn foals...

I love this. An obscure reference to WWII (and perhaps WWI).
He lacks the guts because he knows that everyone involved will be questioned under oath. All the information that they have been trying to hide will be discoverable.

It speaks volumes that the patriots accepted their punishment (ie accepting guilt) prior to knowing what the punishment was...the threw a fit when they actually were punished.

Long story short, Cheatriots have been caught twice.
Rangeline, you're 100% correct. Kraft was willing to take his punishment several weeks ago, before the punishment was announced, and said so publicly.
For the first 200 posts or so, I was enjoying watching OS go crazy. Then I stopped following this thread when it stopped being interesting. Now I am following again out of morbid curiosity.

How low can this go? What will be the final ratio of Brady memes to dead horses? This thread has become a fascinating study into the depths of the online human psyche.

This thread is going to be locked, forensically copied by authorities, and used as evidence against OS when Tom Brady's underwear goes missing and they find his pets boiled in the kitchen.
Football is THEE American religion, only Beer has as great a following. I'm sure if one didn't exist the other wouldn't be as popular. I love the irony though. In a league where 99% of the players are on PEDS, and everyone knows it. This is the thing people call cheating .. Pro sports in it's entirely is broken but none as much as the over hyped and over commercialized boredom called football.

I would guess that this is a big deal because 99% of the teams aren't deflating the footballs. But the biggest reason this won't die is the outside shooter posts on every message board in the country and everyone hates him. Even Kraft is willing to eat the penalties because he thinks OS is a douche.
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I would guess that this is a big deal because 99% of the teams aren't deflating the footballs. But the biggest reason this won't die is the outside shooter posts on every message board in the country and everyone hates him. Even Kraft is willing to eat the penalties because he thinks OS is a douche.
In evidence of TMP's assertion that the NFL is a religion, almost every one of OS's non-football posts makes him seem like a rational, pleasant human being. I wonder if David Koresh was a cool dude as long no one mentioned Jesus?
In evidence of TMP's assertion that the NFL is a religion, almost every one of OS's non-football posts makes him seem like a rational, pleasant human being. I wonder if David Koresh was a cool dude as long no one mentioned Jesus?

All it takes is one bad day to ruin a reputation for life. OS is currently searching for the second deflator on the grassy knoll outside Gillette Stadium.

We can think of him as being ok in a different thread. Objectivity is out of place in this one.

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