Brady Feeney hit hard by COVID

Let us know when you come across another common virus that impacts so many organs and has all the complications that Covid-19 has.

I’m literally not trying to be an a—here but when you have any other viral infection you’re not getting checked out for other things like this. I’ve been knocked on my tail by the flu, hurt all over, chest pains, the whole deal. We all have. And they typically say rest, drink, Tylenol, and go home. If it gets really bad, go to the ER. They’re not doing this though. We’re sending people into the hospital and getting checked all over for everything without life threatening conditions. I’m just saying, if we did this for every viral infection, wouldn’t you find other things like we’re finding? Again, I’m only asking. I know a lady who died at 35 from this same exact heart condition a few years ago. She had a “viral infection.” Only found out she had this after she died.
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I’m literally not trying to be an a—here but when you have any other viral infection you’re not getting checked out for other things like this. I’ve been knocked on my tail by the flu, hurt all over, chest pains, the whole deal. We all have. And they typically say rest, drink, Tylenol, and go home. If it gets really bad, go to the ER. They’re not doing this though. We’re sending people into the hospital and getting checked all over for everything without life threatening conditions. I’m just saying, if we did this for every viral infection, wouldn’t you find other things like we’re finding? Again, I’m only asking. I know a lady who died at 35 from this same exact heart condition a few years ago. She had a “viral infection.” Only found out she had this after she died.
Right now everything - and I mean everything - is being blamed on the virus. Not a day goes by that some dire after-effect is reported. Your hearing. Your eyesight. Your heart. Your lungs. Your brain. All internal organs. That weird child disease that was supposed to have developed in children in New York.

Funny thing is, the reports go out and then you rarely hear anything about it again. No study. No medical research into it. Just a report and no follow up.

So, if a few people develop a condition because of Covid - BAM! It's accepted as fact that the virus caused it.

I find it interesting that, evidently, Feeney is well enough to continue classes. And, if he has a heart issue, he shouldn't be playing. But if I have Covid and the doctor tells me I have heart damage, I'm not going to run right back to the place where I got the virus. And I'm not blaming Feeney or his mom for anything. Moms have a right to worry. But taking this as "This will happen to players if they get it" is just voodoo science, at this point.
Right now everything - and I mean everything - is being blamed on the virus. Not a day goes by that some dire after-effect is reported. Your hearing. Your eyesight. Your heart. Your lungs. Your brain. All internal organs. That weird child disease that was supposed to have developed in children in New York.

Funny thing is, the reports go out and then you rarely hear anything about it again. No study. No medical research into it. Just a report and no follow up.

So, if a few people develop a condition because of Covid - BAM! It's accepted as fact that the virus caused it.

I find it interesting that, evidently, Feeney is well enough to continue classes. And, if he has a heart issue, he shouldn't be playing. But if I have Covid and the doctor tells me I have heart damage, I'm not going to run right back to the place where I got the virus. And I'm not blaming Feeney or his mom for anything. Moms have a right to worry. But taking this as "This will happen to players if they get it" is just voodoo science, at this point.
That last paragraph is a new low, even for you.
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140,000 died from measles in 2018 on course to break that record in 2019
Polio still a major problem in developing countries

This is true, but the issue is not that the vaccines are not effective. The issue is getting vaccinations to enough children. The WHO measures the measles vaccine at 93% effective after one dose, 97% effective after two. Two doses against polio is 90% effective. Three doses... 99+%.
While Covid is at 750,000 and climbing, after six months.
For real. Like how do global polio & measles deaths have any bearing on the USA?

I can't believe he didn't bring up TB. I mean, there were 1.5 MILLION tuberculosis deaths globally in 2018 (, who cares if only 550 or so were in the USA ( 2018, a total of,1.3% decrease from 2017).)
This is true, but the issue is not that the vaccines are not effective. The issue is getting vaccinations to enough children. The WHO measures the measles vaccine at 93% effective after one dose, 97% effective after two. Two doses against polio is 90% effective. Three doses... 99+%.
Precisely why I quoted world numbers as opposed to US only. Vaccines in other parts of the world mean nothing unless the people have access to them.
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Half the country has already vowed not to get the covid vax. If not more.
Banking on hydroxychloroquine, perhaps? Or exposure to heat and light? Or a miracle? Or they just want to see an immunocompromised friend, or grandma and grandpa, dead?
Banking on hydroxychloroquine, perhaps? Or exposure to heat and light? Or a miracle? Or they just want to see an immunocompromised friend, or grandma and grandpa, dead?

You’ll have to ask them. But every poll I’ve ever seen on the matter hasn’t been over 50%.
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Half the country has already vowed not to get the covid vax. If not more.
If it proves effective, most of those folks will change their minds. For now, it's posturing. One thing for sure, their kids will be getting one if they want to attend school. No school in the country (save for a few hyperconservative private religious schools) will allow them through the door without it.
I find it interesting that, evidently, Feeney is well enough to continue classes. And, if he has a heart issue, he shouldn't be playing. But if I have Covid and the doctor tells me I have heart damage, I'm not going to run right back to the place where I got the virus.
That's absurd. I came down with viral myocarditis in really wouldn't think I would return? I was in a coma and was back in class in less than two weeks. The kid has an athletic scholarship to a B1G school and you think the kid would give that up because he got sick in college?
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That's absurd. I came down with viral myocarditis in really wouldn't think I would return? I was in a coma and was back in class in less than two weeks. The kid has an athletic scholarship to a B1G school and you think the kid would give that up because he got sick in college?

The young man was listed at 6-4, 285 as a senior in high school. As a freshman at IU he is listed at 6-4, 325. Both weights measure out to obesity on the BMI scale. All this talk about following the science. It seems when it comes to football the science has been completely thrown in the dust heap as we continue to push the envelope for the sake of producing NFL roadgrading millionaires.
Then there’s this
That's absurd. I came down with viral myocarditis in really wouldn't think I would return? I was in a coma and was back in class in less than two weeks. The kid has an athletic scholarship to a B1G school and you think the kid would give that up because he got sick in college?
You made my point - you came back. And evidently you were able to go to class. Did it cause permanent damage? Your case also shows this isn't unique to Covid-19.

And fyi - he wouldn't be giving up a scholarship if he stayed away for a while. The SBoR takes care of that.
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If it proves effective, most of those folks will change their minds. For now, it's posturing. One thing for sure, their kids will be getting one if they want to attend school. No school in the country (save for a few hyperconservative private religious schools) will allow them through the door without it.
Public schools run by liberal educators and don't want to follow the numbers for the young and make teachers and other staff to wear mask. But since most teachers are democrats they don't want to help the country and listen to the AAP doctors recommendation.
Public schools run by liberal educators and don't want to follow the numbers for the young and make teachers and other staff to wear mask. But since most teachers are democrats they don't want to help the country and listen to the AAP doctors recommendation.
Apparently the schools you attended taught "authentic frontier gibberish" as the primary language. Either that or you slept through everything but phys. ed.

Your blind and ignorant partisanship is more pathetic than your grammar skills. You've worn me out so I'll just put you on ignore. I'd appreciate it if you return the favor.
Apparently the schools you attended taught "authentic frontier gibberish" as the primary language. Either that or you slept through everything but phys. ed.

Your blind and ignorant partisanship is more pathetic than your grammar skills. You've worn me out so I'll just put you on ignore. I'd appreciate it if you return the favor.
You know cougar you actually have some good arguments but your constant lacing them with these personal attacks make them hard to read and even repulsive. Why can’t you just state your arguments without be so personally derogatory? It would sure make for a better forum.
Educators actually do follow the numbers, which is why vaccines are required and now masks.

Most everyone in the medical field is saying vaccines work and masks help reduce spread of covid. Not sure what alternative world you are living in but it's not the real world.

PS. I highly doubt every educator is liberal. Although, I can understand why you confuse intelligent with liberal.
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You know cougar you actually have some good arguments but your constant lacing them with these personal attacks make them hard to read and even repulsive. Why can’t you just state your arguments without be so personally derogatory? It would sure make for a better forum.
I try to be civil with most folks, but I won't suffer a broadside attack on the profession I've devoted forty years of my life to. I find it offensive when people who should know better use broad generalizations without regard to fact or context to attack public education.

Like fighting a pandemic, educating kids should not be framed in partisan politics. As one who has spent 30+ years teaching US Government, I implore my students to commit to two things: 1. Don't treat government like a team sport, with one side representing everything good and the other everything evil. 2. Don't attempt to defend that which is indefensible, regardless of which "team" is involved.

Above any and everything else, I despise blind partisanship. It is the singular greatest problem in American government. It is a weapon of the ignorant that wounds all. It is the reason we have ended up with a bumbling fool running this country from the Oval Office in a time when leadership is sorely needed.

The poster who has pushed me to a tipping point in these recent exchanges has an intoxicated view of reality poisoned by partisan allegiance that leaves him incapable of rational, objective debate. So i won't engage him further.

My apologies to the rest of the board and I'll avoid the political discussions going forward. I have a hard time suffering fools so I'll do my best to avoid this one.
I understand both of your points of view and I think many people would be in each of your camps.
The problem I have is that the media has totally lost their moral compass and now do not report the news but falsify and steer it to their own employers point of view
WHO has clearly steered away from any blame towards China in sloppy virus lab procedure and slowness to admission of any problem. We can quote statistics from them but I don’t trust them. I would like to think that the CDC in the United States is more honest but I do not know that to be true
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Educators actually do follow the numbers, which is why vaccines are required and now masks.

Most everyone in the medical field is saying vaccines work and masks help reduce spread of covid. Not sure what alternative world you are living in but it's not the real world.

PS. I highly doubt every educator is liberal. Although, I can understand why you confuse intelligent with liberal.
It is based on my teaching history as most teachers were liberal then and I doubt it has changed since I retired.
I try to be civil with most folks, but I won't suffer a broadside attack on the profession I've devoted forty years of my life to. I find it offensive when people who should know better use broad generalizations without regard to fact or context to attack public education.

Like fighting a pandemic, educating kids should not be framed in partisan politics. As one who has spent 30+ years teaching US Government, I implore my students to commit to two things: 1. Don't treat government like a team sport, with one side representing everything good and the other everything evil. 2. Don't attempt to defend that which is indefensible, regardless of which "team" is involved.

Above any and everything else, I despise blind partisanship. It is the singular greatest problem in American government. It is a weapon of the ignorant that wounds all. It is the reason we have ended up with a bumbling fool running this country from the Oval Office in a time when leadership is sorely needed.

The poster who has pushed me to a tipping point in these recent exchanges has an intoxicated view of reality poisoned by partisan allegiance that leaves him incapable of rational, objective debate. So i won't engage him further.

My apologies to the rest of the board and I'll avoid the political discussions going forward. I have a hard time suffering fools so I'll do my best to avoid this one.
You just refuse to accept or understand I am not partisan as I am more libertarian than anything if you have to put a label on it. I do have a problem with the slanted press we currently have and the lies pushed by posters. When I taught I made sure all sides were represented and let my students make up their own mind. You don't accept other peoples ideas and get frustrated if we don't agree. I don't have a problem with you but you seem to not want to hear other ideas and change your mind. Mine aren't partisanship but due to attacks directed to one side not both sides which I would if the discussion was more balanced. You are the one that won't accept rational objective debate because you think only one side has the info and ignore any other data.
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