Biden Yarns

They don’t care. I’ve mentioned this at least once a week, but the dupes think THEY know Trump better than the people who know him best. It’s actually pathetic.
You’re a damn dup too. I am sick and tired of your pompous ass talking down to people. You're no better or smarter than anyone else.
They don’t care. I’ve mentioned this at least once a week, but the dupes think THEY know Trump better than the people who know him best. It’s actually pathetic.
Zombies don't think, they just find ways to maga ...

We all know why they do this .. They have to prove that Biden is as bad as Trump, and the Dems are as bad as the GOP sycophants that kiss Trump's ass. .. or admit they're chumps and suckers and were taken by a two bit NYC hustler who will go down in history as one of the biggest liars man-kind has ever produced.

They ignore everything wrong with Trump (that list is way too long to put into a single post) and rationalize, spin and nitpick any perceived fault they see in Joe. He has his faults, many... but Mount Everest vs mole hill is an apt comparison .

There's three kinds of Maga-zombies .. the ones that wear adult diapers in solidarity with their leader, the ones that counter-claim Biden shits his pants too and the dumb. The first group are just cultist weirdos, they're fans. The second are basically lying to themselves and everyone else. They're the true suckers.. The third is the most common.
Just like I didn’t when you suggested I was a closet gay man.
Zeke wasn't talking to you, but it must've struck a nerve.

As for your suggestion that Daviess County is more diverse than Carmel, I could only assume you meant in ways that people could hide. Because if you're talking about nationalities, there is no chance.
Zeke wasn't talking to you, but it must've struck a nerve.

As for your suggestion that Daviess County is more diverse than Carmel, I could only assume you meant in ways that people could hide. Because if you're talking about nationalities, there is no chance.
I agree on Nationalities. I was thinking of diverse being black, white, brown, yellow and sexual preferences.
Zombies don't think, they just find ways to maga ...

We all know why they do this .. They have to prove that Biden is as bad as Trump, and the Dems are as bad as the GOP sycophants that kiss Trump's ass. .. or admit they're chumps and suckers and were taken by a two bit NYC hustler who will go down in history as one of the biggest liars man-kind has ever produced.

They ignore everything wrong with Trump (that list is way too long to put into a single post) and rationalize, spin and nitpick any perceived fault they see in Joe. He has his faults, many... but Mount Everest vs mole hill is an apt comparison .

There's three kinds of Maga-zombies .. the ones that wear adult diapers in solidarity with their leader, the ones that counter-claim Biden shits his pants too and the dumb. The first group are just cultist weirdos, they're fans. The second are basically lying to themselves and everyone else. They're the true suckers.. The third is the most common.
He's not fit. Neither is Biden. So, we get to choose between dumb and dumber. I'll write in Condi Rice like I did in 2020.
Nah you can’t vote Biden. He’s gone. Look at this crew 🤣🤣. Watch the video. It’s great. Random guy in a dress. Biden frozen. They should try unplugging him then plug him back in.

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Zeke wasn't talking to you, but it must've struck a nerve.

As for your suggestion that Daviess County is more diverse than Carmel, I could only assume you meant in ways that people could hide. Because if you're talking about nationalities, there is no chance.
I don't know Bloom. I am from Washington Indiana in Daviess County. I am German on my mother's side of the family and I could probably not be found out.
He's not fit. Neither is Biden. So, we get to choose between dumb and dumber. I'll write in Condi Rice like I did in 2020.
I love harris’ husband at this shit too. He always looks so painfully out of place. He either has zero personality or has to hide his phone so she doesn’t see his friend group texts.

Saw ya at the George Floyd rally dancing with that hot guy in the dress 🤣🤣. Did you have fun 🤣🤣🤣.
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I love harris’ husband at this shit too. He always looks so painfully out of place. He either has zero personality or has to hide his phone so she doesn’t see his friend group texts.

Saw ya at the George Floyd rally dancing with that hot guy in the dress 🤣🤣. Did you have fun 🤣🤣🤣.
that was the most comical thing i ever saw biden standing like a zombie and harris husband trying to dance and he could barely move. At least he tried I guess. The dude in the dress was into it though. Biden looks like the tin man.

that was the most comical thing i ever saw biden standing like a zombie and harris husband trying to dance and he could barely move. At least he tried I guess. The dude in the dress was into it though. Biden looks like the tin man.

Village of misfits. I think the guy resuscitating Biden is George Floyd’s brother. Sweet George floyd with his armed robberies, putting a gun into a woman’s stomach. An American icon.

What an administration….
Village of misfits. I think the guy resuscitating Biden is George Floyd’s brother. Sweet George floyd with his armed robberies, putting a gun into a woman’s stomach. An American icon.

What an administra

lol yep its something but the dude in the dress was having a ball.
Village of misfits. I think the guy resuscitating Biden is George Floyd’s brother. Sweet George floyd with his armed robberies, putting a gun into a woman’s stomach. An American icon.

What an administration….

lol yep its something but the dude in the dress was having a ball.
at the end it does not matter how a guy like bowlmania trashes trump this is small board the voters wiil decide period. A guy like him does not have the sway he thinks he has
that was the most comical thing i ever saw biden standing like a zombie and harris husband trying to dance and he could barely move. At least he tried I guess. The dude in the dress was into it though. Biden looks like the tin man.

My guess is he dropped a load and freezes because he’s afraid if he moves it’ll start to run down a leg
  • Haha
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I love harris’ husband at this shit too. He always looks so painfully out of place. He either has zero personality or has to hide his phone so she doesn’t see his friend group texts.
Divorced, Jewish entertainment lawyer with two adult kids from a previous marriage. Doug said to himself “This next chapter in my life is going to be different, I’m going to be the cool guy for once”

So he hitched his wagon to this Jamaican/ Indian multi-racial rocket-ship ship in hopes of becoming California’s next great legal power couple. All the best cocktail party invites, the state would be his domain. He would finally be cool.

But he got more than he bargained for.
at the end it does not matter how a guy like bowlmania trashes trump this is small board the voters wiil decide period. A guy like him does not have the sway he thinks he has

You've got a serious stalking problem.

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