Biden options

Which Democratic option would you prefer?

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Do apologies occur? Seems to be quite a bit of rancor on this forum
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He's not a Republican. He's wishy-washy. He used to be a Democrat and then jumped on the Reagan train and voted Republican. Do we know whether he voted for Clinton or not? He's never said, as far as I know. My bet is, he voted for Bush Sr. and then Clinton for a second term, but I don't know.

He was duped, like many of us, into voting for W. I don't blame him for that, but look who W was running against?

Did he vote for Obama? I don't think we know.

He claims he voted for Trump in 2016. What changed between 2016 and 2020? Well, in 2020, he voted for a clearly declining Biden, after he'd voted for Trump in 2016? Did he think Biden was going to be better?

Aloha is one who leans with whatever side the media - and his military superiors - leans. Ask him if he thinks the Russian Collusion investigation was warranted?

I've got no respect for a supposed Republican who can't bring himself to criticize a Democrat more than he does a Republican.
You're just plain wrong. Apparently you haven't read what he's written all along. He's not been wishy-washy at all.... he's said from the beginning that he didn't like Trump (neither do I) and would never vote for him. I didn't vote for President in 2016 because I couldn't stand either one of the candidates. In 2020 I held my nose and voted for Trump but Biden would probably have gotten my vote if he hadn't picked Harris as VP. Biden fooled a lot of people as far as what he's done as president because he seemed like a reasonable person when he was a senator.

On edit: I see that he answered your post on how he's voted (not that he owed that too you).
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We really don’t know. We can only guess. IMO Trump showed no spending restraint and enjoyed doling out cash during COVID. I don’t know that he would have shown any restraint in a second term, and if Trump proposed big spending bills, do you think Republicans in congress would buck him? They rollover like dogs for the guy. However, your opinion could be right and he may have pushed for less. Maybe the infrastructure finally getting done would have been enough. We’ll never know.
Did anybody in DC show spending restraint during COVID?

I get that Trump was POTUS. But I seem to remember those bills being feeding frenzies that passed with nearly unanimous support. As such, it seems wrong to hang that all on Trump.

I’d have to look. But I’d bet that one of the few officials not to go all in on the spending spree was Thomas Massie. Which…good for him, if so. But he’s basically the modern day Ron Paul: an oft lonely vote who is generally seen by both parties as a crank.
Did anybody in DC show spending restraint during COVID?

I get that Trump was POTUS. But I seem to remember those bills being feeding frenzies that passed with nearly unanimous support. As such, it seems wrong to hang that all on Trump.

I’d have to look. But I’d bet that one of the few officials not to go all in on the spending spree was Thomas Massie. Which…good for him, if so. But he’s basically the modern day Ron Paul: an oft lonely vote who is generally seen by both parties as a crank.
I didn’t hang any of that which happened after his term on him. I’m just saying he showed no spending restraint in his term and I don’t know that he would in a second. Not saying anything more than that.
They happen occasionally. However, demands that someone apologize are never met and generally are lame.
I'm always, continuously, very sorry for the ideas that our Trojan Horse liberals have here in this country. Ever Since the conservative minded, balanced portion of society created this great country, the Liberal left have been trying to destroy it. They simply want to take from everyone else, line their own pockets and then give just enough chicken feathers out to others, that the "others" (starving under their ideas) love them for something to make soup stock from.
So yes, I apologize that we've allowed them to not be educated yet.
Maybe it's best we have a Dem, lower class demographic. Mostly the white, older, male group who feel bad for having a very nice mobile structure, that gives them even more mobility, while being ashamed of their power over others.
It's kinda sad, actually.
I'm always, continuously, very sorry for the ideas that our Trojan Horse liberals have here in this country. Ever Since the conservative minded, balanced portion of society created this great country, the Liberal left have been trying to destroy it. They simply want to take from everyone else, line their own pockets and then give just enough chicken feathers out to others, that the "others" (starving under their ideas) love them for something to make soup stock from.
So yes, I apologize that we've allowed them to not be educated yet.
Maybe it's best we have a Dem, lower class demographic. Mostly the white, older, male group who feel bad for having a very nice mobile structure, that gives them even more mobility, while being ashamed of their power over others.
It's kinda sad, actually.
That's a unique way of looking at things. Great insight.
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I didn’t hang any of that which happened after his term on him. I’m just saying he showed no spending restraint in his term and I don’t know that he would in a second. Not saying anything more than that.
Trumpy constrained no spending at all. His approach was simply, make more income to pay the out flow. Not sustainable. But EVERYONE was doing better under him and there was much more pride in our collective future.
Now lets try the "more income" AND "spend less" approach, while everyone does better individually. Do that and we may reverse this term limit crap, but only for Trump.
Once he's gone, limits are back in place.
This must be the most ironic and silliest comment I’ve ever seen on here. Donald Trump will NEVER be characterized as having integrity and values. For that matter most republicans who support a liar, conman, and convicted felon won’t either.
And Biden isnt'? You really think Biden has integrity and values? Not a conman? Hasn't lie? Only part missing is convicted felon---and that's probably coming....But then again, probably not. Since he was found to old, and with to bad of a memory to be tried; weird though---hes seemingly fit to run the most powerful country in the world---But not competent enough to be held accountable in a court room.

DJT is an ass-clown. But hes not liked because he hurts feels. I'd bet if some would judge him AS A PRESIDENT, and not as a person(alone), your view would change.

My grandkids will someday read about how the Bidens were one of them most powerful, criminal families to ever live in the WH.
Thinking more about replacing Biden. Harris drives away White men, it would not be good. At the same point, skipping over her would cause Black women to stay away as they will view her as next up. Especially if a White man is chosen. That would not be good. I don't see a solution that works.
Having felt “ left out” for decades. Yet leaning more and more conservative every day. I feel I’m running against the wind.
Allowing the total destruction of the US sounds terrible.
But maybe we need to give a bit more rope, before the true warfare starts. ? Maybe?
Thinking more about replacing Biden. Harris drives away White men, it would not be good. At the same point, skipping over her would cause Black women to stay away as they will view her as next up. Especially if a White man is chosen. That would not be good. I don't see a solution that works.
In my view, only a Harris-Shapiro or Booker-Whitmer ticket works.
Thinking more about replacing Biden. Harris drives away White men, it would not be good. At the same point, skipping over her would cause Black women to stay away as they will view her as next up. Especially if a White man is chosen. That would not be good. I don't see a solution that works.

The solution is lets go Brandon.
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Which is the problem, an orange evil megalomaniac or an enfeebled old man. No good choice available.
It’s actually worse than that and a far larger problem bc their surrogates offer the same. There’s a major disconnect between the two parties and half the country is not only going to be displeased with the policies of the rhetoric and policies of the other side but vehemently dislike same
Here’s something the Democratic mega donors should consider and I’m only half joking.

The Biden family has clearly closed ranks around Joe as he is the gravy train. If the mega donors could cobble together 100 million for a presidential library, Hunter could curate the art for the library on a 3 million/ year salary. They could set up a classroom where Jill could teach classes in the inherent importance of community college. The derelict Biden brothers could have board seats.

Essentially turn the library into a slush fund that could last the Biden’s another generation or two. But they get none of this, if Joe doesn’t step aside immediately.
Here’s something the Democratic mega donors should consider and I’m only half joking.

The Biden family has clearly closed ranks around Joe as he is the gravy train. If the mega donors could cobble together 100 million for a presidential library, Hunter could curate the art for the library on a 3 million/ year salary. They could set up a classroom where Jill could teach classes in the inherent importance of community college. The derelict Biden brothers could have board seats.

Essentially turn the library into a slush fund that could last the Biden’s another generation or two. But they get none of this, if Joe doesn’t step aside immediately.
You’re on to the solution. He can give Hunter a pardon on the way out.
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Here’s something the Democratic mega donors should consider and I’m only half joking.

The Biden family has clearly closed ranks around Joe as he is the gravy train. If the mega donors could cobble together 100 million for a presidential library, Hunter could curate the art for the library on a 3 million/ year salary. They could set up a classroom where Jill could teach classes in the inherent importance of community college. The derelict Biden brothers could have board seats.

Essentially turn the library into a slush fund that could last the Biden’s another generation or two. But they get none of this, if Joe doesn’t step aside immediately.
Now how do we get rid of Trump?
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