Biden causing inflation around the globe; 10% in UK

Biden is about to take a major beatdown in a few weeks. Even lefty pollers lik this cannot hide it anymore. The fact anyone ever honestly thought Biden was a real moderate is just laughable.



2022 Generic Congressional Ballot Republicans 50% (+6) Democrats 44%
Independents Republicans 52% (+12) Democrats 40% ⦿
3 pt shift toward the GOP from Oct 3 ⦿ Monmouth | 10/14-16 | 756 𝐑𝐕 ⦿ Sample: D29/R26/I45 | MOE ±5.2
Biden is about to take a major beatdown in a few weeks. Even lefty pollers lik this cannot hide it anymore. The fact anyone ever honestly thought Biden was a real moderate is just laughable.


2022 Generic Congressional Ballot Republicans 50% (+6) Democrats 44%
Independents Republicans 52% (+12) Democrats 40% ⦿
3 pt shift toward the GOP from Oct 3 ⦿ Monmouth | 10/14-16 | 756 𝐑𝐕 ⦿ Sample: D29/R26/I45 | MOE ±5.2
I didn't realize Biden was up for election this year...

At least UK isn't going to be contracting for three consecutive quarters



vs. Biden's America

Yeah weird. I didn't know Trump was in 2018 either but he's all the Dems talked about despite a roaring economy, a secure border, and world peace. Biden has nothing but death and destruction.
Boy I miss the days when old joe was saving me .11 cents for my 4th of July BBQ!!

Farm-level inflation is ‘sky high’​

The effects of avian flu are compounded by the increased cost to raise turkeys. Farm-level inflation is “sky high,” Kunisch says.
Turkey feed prices increased more than 10% from August 2021 to August 2022, according to USDA data.
Plus, farmers are still feeling the pinch from soaring labor costs.
Considering, the dollar is the world currency, we are responsible for some of the global inflation. It’s good to be on top.

I wouldn’t feel bad for Europe, though. They have printed an asshat of money, as well. Not to mention, their energy policies have caused a lot of the inflation. I do feel bad for developing countries, because they end up getting screwed the most.

Biden contributed to the problem, as did many Dems, but not near what Pubs contributed to it with their war on anti trust/anti monopolization..

first off, it's price gouging, war/pandemic profiteering, not traditional inflation.

and it's enabled by monopolization far more than anything else.

multinational corps are raising prices because they can, and they can, because market competition has been eliminated through M&A, and mega hedge funds that are the leading share holders of companies that used to compete against each other.

and said mega hedge funds also are the largest shareholders of virtually all big media, and much of their advertiser base, so you'll never hear about this absolute reality from corp media.

corp media isn't allowed to tell you what's really going on.

and why the Fed raising rates to combat price gouging/war pandemic profiteering, is idiocracy beyond belief.
Biden contributed to the problem, as did many Dems, but not near what Pubs contributed to it with their war on anti trust/anti monopolization..

first off, it's price gouging, war/pandemic profiteering, not traditional inflation.

and it's enabled by monopolization far more than anything else.

multinational corps are raising prices because they can, and they can, because market competition has been eliminated through M&A, and mega hedge funds that are the leading share holders of companies that used to compete against each other.

and said mega hedge funds also are the largest shareholders of virtually all big media, and much of their advertiser base, so you'll never hear about this absolute reality from corp media.

corp media isn't allowed to tell you what's really going on.

and why the Fed raising rates to combat price gouging/war pandemic profiteering, is idiocracy beyond belief.
Have you seen the CD rates lately? Who do you think that benefits? People with cash!
President - Democrat
House - Democrats
Senate - Democrats

If he had a salient point (and he doesn't) then whose fault is it?

When the government printed several trillion dollars of money over the past 2.5 years, where did they think it was going to get spent. Reich isn't a serious person.
Is Reich adjusting those profit numbers for inflation?
Is Reich adjusting those profit numbers for inflation?
Even if he isn't, we created trillions of dollars out of thin air and handed them out to everyone. When that money was spent, it was more likely than not going to some corporation.

(And that is just assuming he is being truthful, he didn't really back himself up unless he provided data in a other tweet.)
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Biden called out for lying. Can you imagine how hard Twitter would have had to work with Trump? The algorithms would have just given up.

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