Ben McCollum?

Maybe the first couple times it happens. After a while it’s just “oh, this again”. That’s apathetic boredom.
Those teams never win championships, but the ones with dynamic offenses do. This is in reference to Tennessee or other teams that use an old people f*cking style offense combined with hacking thuggy defense. You can have an elite offense and still play slow tempo. This isn't about pace ..

So there's reasons other than aesthetics and emotion to want a coach that employs elite offense.

In the last 9 tourneys (30 sec clock) the champion had an offensive efficiency in the top 9 while the defense was as low as 22 (Baylor 2021 - which was at 37 pre-tourney) Most were in the top 3 in offense.

So an appx baseline of top 3% offense or under, and better than top 10% defense, wins championships. Isn't that the goal of this program?
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