Being a man

Mas and prankster are right but need to pull the brain trust together one last round. I’ve got a good one. Like mas said im like a Fing mouse. @Baller23Boogie @Ohio Guy @DANC @Joe_Hoopsier @snarlcakes

So last night we were texting. Just logistics crap. Obvious her bf wasn’t home. I text her hey you read about this billionaire’s f*uck of a stepson. He was at a blink 182 concert and messaging with some chick sending THIRST TRAPS. I get no reply for an hour. Her next text is her naked in bed with just new shoes on.
Pic of her naked.
Next price of shoes with emojis

We were joking earlier bc I kept un sending texts. The next text is WRONG then they are all unsent. Then she writes I want to fcking die right now. I want to cry. Then I write yikes. And she says she was sending that to her gf and hit the wrong button. Zero chance that’s true.

1) I wrote about a thirst trap and she wanted to send me one
2) she was also texting her bf who was out and probably next on the text list and she meant to send it to him. I txt wrong people often
you need to post that naked in bed thing in order to get proper advice about your shoe fetish.
I’m not sure what you are getting at, but I think you are begging the question.

First of all, I don’t think a kid born with a penis should ever feel the need to ”pretend” to be a man. If such a kid has that urge, IMO, it stems from misery and dissatisfaction instilled in that kid by adults, more likely than not, female adults. The whole modern gender disconnect theory began in as a silly sociology concept Around 30 years ago. It isn’t science.

From the earliest years of elementary school boys are pressured into behavior standards that largely don’t fit boys. Some boys are even drugged for that reason. Ive read some about giving youngsters behavioral drugs, the boys outnumber girls by a wide margin.

Boys, and men, are raised and conditioned to believe that bad masculinity, euphemistically called toxic masculinity, is a thing. In short, masculinity is becoming undesirable in polite company. Female behavior never receives a similar condemnation. Why do you suppose that is?

There is much social good to masculinity. We are suffering because of the lack of it. Absent fathers, lack of men in k-12 education, and the institutional feminism of all education is taking a toll.
CoH, in reading your post a couple of terms made me think. Did a little research and am wondering what your reaction might be to two websites.

The terms were "modern gender disconnect theory" and "toxic masculinity"

As to "modern gender disconnect theory" is this link which includes defining gender identity and gender expression an example of the "modern gender disconnect theory" being adopted by a commission ?

On the subject of "toxic masculinity" does this female organization website have any examples of "toxic masculinity" which have merit ?
Why are you addressing me about ignore buttons? I don’t have anyone on ignore. This should be aimed at your buddy DANC.
You totally ignored my questions, though.
Books Have been written about your questions. No way can I provide a decent answer in a post other than what I have said.

Like some things in physics, we can’t see the cause but the effects are clear. The proliferation and increase of microagressions, hypersensitivity, intolerance,, anxiety and depression, the disappearance of meritocracy are all evidence of toxic femininity. This showed up at Stanford law school when students, led by a female associate dean, shouted down a judge with whom they disagreed. The dean likely doesn’t know she was inappropriate.

Read the whole thing.

Books Have been written about your questions. No way can I provide a decent answer in a post other than what I have said.

Like some things in physics, we can’t see the cause but the effects are clear. The proliferation and increase of microagressions, hypersensitivity, intolerance,, anxiety and depression, the disappearance of meritocracy are all evidence of toxic femininity. This showed up at Stanford law school when students, led by a female associate dean, shouted down a judge with whom they disagreed. The dean likely doesn’t know she was inappropriate.

Read the whole thing.

So, you really don’t have anything.
Mas and prankster are right but need to pull the brain trust together one last round. I’ve got a good one. Like mas said im like a Fing mouse. @Baller23Boogie @Ohio Guy @DANC @Joe_Hoopsier @snarlcakes

So last night we were texting. Just logistics crap. Obvious her bf wasn’t home. I text her hey you read about this billionaire’s f*uck of a stepson. He was at a blink 182 concert and messaging with some chick sending THIRST TRAPS. I get no reply for an hour. Her next text is her naked in bed with just new shoes on.
Pic of her naked.
Next price of shoes with emojis

We were joking earlier bc I kept un sending texts. The next text is WRONG then they are all unsent. Then she writes I want to fcking die right now. I want to cry. Then I write yikes. And she says she was sending that to her gf and hit the wrong button. Zero chance that’s true.

1) I wrote about a thirst trap and she wanted to send me one
2) she was also texting her bf who was out and probably next on the text list and she meant to send it to him. I txt wrong people often
I’m a pretty good detective, but I will need to examine all the evidence closely before I cum to my conclusion.

I told you a couple days ago you were going to get something spicier. Women love attention. Tell her the shoes look great on her.
I’m a pretty good detective, but I will need to examine all the evidence closely before I cum to my conclusion.

I told you a couple days ago you were going to get something spicier. Women love attention. Tell her the shoes look great on her.
She wrote back I want to Fing die! I actually think it might have been for her bf. I don’t know. I’m a mouse. A far cry from a man. Is there a dream team 2 I can coach? A step down
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She wrote back I want to Fing die! I actually think it might have been for her bf. I don’t know. I’m a mouse. A far cry from a man. Is there a dream team 2 I can coach? A step down
It was for you. Send her back a picture of you in your oldest dirtiest shoes and ask her if she likes your new shoes. She’ll love it. You can’t step down as our leader. You’re our William Wallace.
It really is too bad I hate most country music.

There's no arguably about it. When she was really invested there was no woman ever who could have taken a set off of her. Hell, probably not even two games.

Believe me. It doesn't feel like it but....

leonardo dicaprio heels GIF
I was the oldest and my parents are the oldest.

My great grandmothers were all born between 1898 and 1903 and were well into their 60s when I was born. All farm wives who outlived their husbands.

I was also able to know 2 of my great grandfathers, though I was much younger when they passed.

Goldmine of knowledge is an understatement. All the old-timey hobbies of making sausage, fermenting, canning, brewing, wine making, and the like are things I watched them do as a way of life.

Imagine growing up with a buggy/wagon and then later watching the first car come down the gravel road, hearing about some guys from Dayton flying and eventually watching a moon landing.
My grandfathers were born in 1885. My youngest grandmother was born in 1897.

My one grandfather never believed we went to the moon. But he blamed any bad weather on the rockets we were shooting into the air. lol

He always told the story how, during the war a banker in town would come out to his farm and tromp across a plowed field to ask my grandfather for some gas ration tickets, since farmers got more than the average person. I think he got great satisfaction out of that.
Mas and prankster are right but need to pull the brain trust together one last round. I’ve got a good one. Like mas said im like a Fing mouse. @Baller23Boogie @Ohio Guy @DANC @Joe_Hoopsier @snarlcakes

So last night we were texting. Just logistics crap. Obvious her bf wasn’t home. I text her hey you read about this billionaire’s f*uck of a stepson. He was at a blink 182 concert and messaging with some chick sending THIRST TRAPS. I get no reply for an hour. Her next text is her naked in bed with just new shoes on.
Pic of her naked.
Next price of shoes with emojis

We were joking earlier bc I kept un sending texts. The next text is WRONG then they are all unsent. Then she writes I want to fcking die right now. I want to cry. Then I write yikes. And she says she was sending that to her gf and hit the wrong button. Zero chance that’s true.

1) I wrote about a thirst trap and she wanted to send me one
2) she was also texting her bf who was out and probably next on the text list and she meant to send it to him. I txt wrong people often
Chick is psycho. Don't do it. Just don't do it......
It was for you. Send her back a picture of you in your oldest dirtiest shoes and ask her if she likes your new shoes. She’ll love it. You can’t step down as our leader. You’re our William Wallace.
A pic of him in his shoes and nothing else. Full Monty.
They’ve been an integral part of my adult life. Success and subsequent demise
I was roommates with a Rugby player at IU. You remind me of him.

Good looking guy who only lived to get laid. We were always amazed at the parade of women through our apartment. We were in awe of him.

We never allowed him to have a party at our place with his Rugby boys - wherever they went, something always got trashed.
CoH, in reading your post a couple of terms made me think. Did a little research and am wondering what your reaction might be to two websites.

The terms were "modern gender disconnect theory" and "toxic masculinity"

As to "modern gender disconnect theory" is this link which includes defining gender identity and gender expression an example of the "modern gender disconnect theory" being adopted by a commission ?

On the subject of "toxic masculinity" does this female organization website have any examples of "toxic masculinity" which have merit ?
There was a time when I also believed gender and sex were different. Then I ran across NYC’s list of dozens of genders it recognized. That is when I realized this whole gender expression thing is just nuts. There are two genders. The Toronto document is a product of the same point of view.

Of course people can believe what they want, but that doesn’t change objective biology. If a man wants to believe he is a woman, I don’t care. But that is a destruction of the objective nature of language and communication. Gender issues are not science but a product of liberal ideology and maybe spirituality . Campus studies show that those who believe it is okay to shout down disagreeable speakers are more likely to be or support trans. This is not without consequences. In some UK jurisdictions, the authorities were concerned with the noticeable increase in child abuse committed by women. Turns out the offenders were trans women. The NIH in the UK has banned hormones and other gender affirming care for kids. They believe that trans beliefs might just be a phase that kids will outgrow. Here, the leftist groups are all in on adolescent gender affirming care. In the UK, trans is science. In the US trans is ideology.

I do believe there is such things as toxic masculinity. We see it play out daily in almost every major city with the proliferation of shootings and hair-trigger emotions such as road rage. A lot of this is centered in the minority males. I think this is one more consequence of the feminization, of K-12 education. The idea that toxic masculinity is not being an ally of feminism is just nuts and needs no comment. Some of the other factors, such as risk taking, I believe to be an asset, not toxic.
There was a time when I also believed gender and sex were different. Then I ran across NYC’s list of dozens of genders it recognized. That is when I realized this whole gender expression thing is just nuts. There are two genders. The Toronto document is a product of the same point of view.

Of course people can believe what they want, but that doesn’t change objective biology. If a man wants to believe he is a woman, I don’t care. But that is a destruction of the objective nature of language and communication. Gender issues are not science but a product of liberal ideology and maybe spirituality . Campus studies show that those who believe it is okay to shout down disagreeable speakers are more likely to be or support trans. This is not without consequences. In some UK jurisdictions, the authorities were concerned with the noticeable increase in child abuse committed by women. Turns out the offenders were trans women. The NIH in the UK has banned hormones and other gender affirming care for kids. They believe that trans beliefs might just be a phase that kids will outgrow. Here, the leftist groups are all in on adolescent gender affirming care. In the UK, trans is science. In the US trans is ideology.

I do believe there is such things as toxic masculinity. We see it play out daily in almost every major city with the proliferation of shootings and hair-trigger emotions such as road rage. A lot of this is centered in the minority males. I think this is one more consequence of the feminization, of K-12 education. The idea that toxic masculinity is not being an ally of feminism is just nuts and needs no comment. Some of the other factors, such as risk taking, I believe to be an asset, not toxic.
Regarding your last paragraph, lack of good male role models also is a huge factor.

If you get your idea of masculinity from movies, you're going to think violence equals masculinity.
Regarding your last paragraph, lack of good male role models also is a huge factor.

If you get your idea of masculinity from movies, you're going to think violence equals masculinity.
That’s true. But I think it begins in public school. We are in our second or third generation of city public school failures.
Regarding your last paragraph, lack of good male role models also is a huge factor.

If you get your idea of masculinity from movies, you're going to think violence equals masculinity.
If masculinity is supposed to be a descriptive term, based on empirical evidence and what trait shows up in which gender the most, then violence is most certainly a trait of masculinity. If it is supposed to be a normative or aspirational term, then I guess you'd want to temper the trait's definition (although it is not necessarily always a negative given the need for a tribe, group, nation, or people to defend themselves).

I'm still not sure CoH is using the term in a consistent or coherent way.
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That’s true. But I think it begins in public school. We are in our second or third generation of city public school failures.
I don't think schools make a difference in ideas of masculinity. Movies are much more influential to a young mind.

Not arguing schools aren't a failure, though.
If masculinity is supposed to be a descriptive term, based on empirical evidence and what trait shows up in which gender the most, then violence is most certainly a trait of masculinity. If it is supposed to be a normative or aspirational term, then I guess you'd want to temper the trait's definition (although it is not necessarily always a negative given the need for a tribe, group, nation, or people to defend themselves).

I'm still not sure CoH is using the term in a consistent or coherent way.
Well, as he said, there's good masculinity and there's bad masculinity. I'm talking about always using violence to solve disputes - that's the bad violence.

Violence in defense of family, loved ones, the weak, etc., is the good violence, but needs to be controlled.
This popped up in the youtube feed. Mr. Reeves has a couple books out there which look interesting (Of Boys and Men and A New Contract with the MIddle Class). Of course, I know nothing about him other than this interview and my meager wikipedia research.

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This popped up in the youtube feed. Mr. Reeves has a couple books out there which look interesting (Of Boys and Men and A New Contract with the MIddle Class). Of course, I know nothing about him other than this interview and my meager wikipedia research.

Not going to listen to the whole thing, but he's got an English accent, so I believe him.
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That English accent got thousands of guys who can’t play a lick director gigs at clubs all over the country
So true. We had a group of guys from England give a camp for the soccer kids at my daughter's school. I went to a couple practices - those guys had no more clue how to coach than I did - and I didn't know much.

There was a kid who went to the same HS who was a very good soccer player in college. They hired him at the same HS as coach. He also was my daughter's U10 coach. He spent half his time talking to the parents while the game was going on and paying no attention to the game. And his HS team was mediocre (they dominated the county after he left).

Looks and presentation (and accents) play a big role in life.
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I was roommates with a Rugby player at IU. You remind me of him.

Good looking guy who only lived to get laid. We were always amazed at the parade of women through our apartment. We were in awe of him.

We never allowed him to have a party at our place with his Rugby boys - wherever they went, something always got trashed.
Hung put with a guy on the rugby club team. The phrase "Let's throw <insert name> down the stairs" followed by uproarious laughter and volunteers for going second scared the crap out of me.
Hung put with a guy on the rugby club team. The phrase "Let's throw <insert name> down the stairs" followed by uproarious laughter and volunteers for going second scared the crap out of me.
Those guys are nuts. Something tells me they wouldn't try it with a guy your size.