
I wasn't in any meetings, but I doubt Beard was ever considered. What exactly did Beard do wrong? If he never hit her or choked her and was defensive because she was attacking him then I would like to know. Now, does this look bad? Yes, if that is what he is responsible for then it is what it is. Alcohol does not exempt anyone if they did wrong. I'd just like to know what he actually did. Beard lost his dream job to this incident. He played at Texas and wanted to coach there.
So Van, if he did nothing wrong, why don’t you think he fought not only losing his dream job, but also not receiving money owed him? Have you pondered that?
I believe she said she wasn't choked. Look I raised 2 daughters and I wouldn't want anyone to hit them, but I also raised them to not step in a mans role. They were taught to not hit and you won't be hit. I think Beard should have walked away, but I also think the situation was much different than what is being projected.

As far as Pastor, trying to interpret the context of a post is IMO not fair so I choose not to go there.
Not to step in a man’s role? What is that?
Where did you see she was hitting him? Can you cite that? All I saw was that she broke his glasses. Do you wonder why she had marks all over her and he had none? Does it make it ok that he was drinking? Is it ok if he has has an alcohol problem, which has been rumored?
umm, the woman involved, you know the one of the 2 of you who was actually there, said she'd not disagree that Beard was defending himself.
Where did you see she was hitting him? Can you cite that? All I saw was that she broke his glasses. Do you wonder why she had marks all over her and he had none? Does it make it ok that he was drinking? Is it ok if he has has an alcohol problem, which has been rumored?
Are we still discussing the DV case? JC! I think Beard's better than DeVries but maybe it's time to move on.
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Laughable. Yeah, he's not the only one who doesn't change their views when presented with new facts.
Lmao. Says the guy making excuses for bite marks and lacerations and likely alcohol abuse. That’s our guy!
Where did you see she was hitting him? Can you cite that? All I saw was that she broke his glasses. Do you wonder why she had marks all over her and he had none? Does it make it ok that he was drinking? Is it ok if he has has an alcohol problem, which has been rumored?
When was it rumored he had a drinking problem. Seriously, I don't remember hearing this before the incident. As I said before drinking does not get people out of taking responsibility. But my question is what did he do? She had marks? What kind of marks? Does that mean he hit her? The charges were dropped. So if he actually hit her he should have had those charges remain.
When was it rumored he had a drinking problem. Seriously, I don't remember hearing this before the incident. As I said before drinking does not get people out of taking responsibility. But my question is what did he do? She had marks? What kind of marks? Does that mean he hit her? The charges were dropped. So if he actually hit her he should have had those charges remain.
Van good Lord do you not know how to google?
Lmao. Says the guy making excuses for bite marks and lacerations and likely alcohol abuse. That’s our guy!
I'm not making excuses for any of it. I've said all along, I wasn't there and don't know what happened, and neither do you. All I ever said is that it would be dumb to rule him out for that 1 night and SD should consider him, do background on him and see if there's other stuff that shows up. Since it sounds like he didn't consider him, I'd say he either found more dirt or was told by PW that she didn't want CB as coach. Whatever, I'm happy with our new coach.
Classy post! Seems like in one breath you are defending women and in the next calling them bitches. I'm not sure you know which way you lean regarding this situation. Very interesting!!!!
You do not understand my tone because you are dumb. Glad I could clear that up.
Where did you see she was hitting him? Can you cite that? All I saw was that she broke his glasses. Do you wonder why she had marks all over her and he had none? Does it make it ok that he was drinking? Is it ok if he has has an alcohol problem, which has been rumored?
The point is we don't have the video and no one knows but them. Did she try to injure or hit him, probably. It's all a moot point now. I just don't like the IU fans all saying they know he's a bad person and a threat to all women. The messages about him a silly sometimes. peegs is worse than this board...