Are we going to ignore the NC State/NCAA drama?

Trump doing his Mussolini poses are legend. The best was when he got back from the hospital, stood on the balcony and took off his mask, and started guppy breathing.
Trump at Disney’s Hall of Presidents:
understood. but knowing how capricious the ncaa can be any forward thinking coach would have thought of this and forced every kid going to be vaccinated or stay back. if i was on that team i'd be absolutely livid right now. and i'd be livid at my coach and teammates who weren't vax. those are memories lost forever. I can tell you personally those memories mean more to me than anything in my life outside of family. They mean a hell of a lot more than school and work and our crew all these years later message daily. Coach f’d those kids. Stupid.

what would you say about HS teams in similar situations, particularly given this?