Archie Miller rumored to be NC St. possibility

Why would Glass cross anyone off before having a discussion? I am amused by the self-proclaimed loud mouthed experts here and elsewhere that proudly proclaim; "he won't come to IU". "Glass will not offer him". "They aren't coming".

Bullshit. This is like saying "it won't rain in Indy two weeks from next Tuesday". It's a pretty safe bet statistically, but based in zero actual knowledge. Money talks, and a trainload of it speaks very clearly.

IU is stil a premiere job supported by premiere facilities, support, academics, campus, cultural amenities and one of the largest most affluent alumni bases on the planet.

Over the top expectations? Sure. But an amazing opportunity for any number of candidates.

Word gets out in basketball circles quickly.

Stevens, Few, and Marshall are not a option. You can believe me or not, don't care.

Donovan and Bennett are long shots.
Goodman on A Miller to NC way

Some posts ask Goodman why he feels so strongly about Miller not going to NC State. Goodman doesn't answer that.

One post says Goodman is referenced on Archie Miller's wiki site. The latest wiki edit has A. Miller going to NC State. Of course it is all bogus.

One rumor has Archie Miller going to tOSU after Matta leaves. Careful what you believe. But I believe everything that is posted here.

Gotta go, my nurse is here. Time for my meds.
Some posts ask Goodman why he feels so strongly about Miller not going to NC State. Goodman doesn't answer that.

One post says Goodman is referenced on Archie Miller's wiki site. The latest wiki edit has A. Miller going to NC State. Of course it is all bogus.

One rumor has Archie Miller going to tOSU after Matta leaves. Careful what you believe. But I believe everything that is posted here.

Gotta go, my nurse is here. Time for my meds.

ah, ok? lol
Word gets out in basketball circles quickly.

Stevens, Few, and Marshall are not a option. You can believe me or not, don't care.

Donovan and Bennett are long shots.

While I can certainly believe all that you're saying here, I would say that I suspect the Indiana job will be viewed as considerably more desirable than it was in 2008. It was a pretty toxic job at that time -- which is why I'll always have something of a soft spot for Tom Crean. He took our job at a time when most established coaches wouldn't have -- and he, for the most part, did an admirable job at rehabilitating the program.
Let me know when you find those quotes.....

And if you think IU has their pick of coaches, sorry to break it to you.

Stevens, Marshall, S Miller, and guys like Few have no interest in IU.

Donovan is a extreme long shot and the only reason I'm saying we have a shot at Bennett is because he isn't making squat at Virginia and even with that he is a long shot as well.

The real candidates are A Miller and Collins. That's it. Glass better get one of them

“It’s a tug of war with my family this past time, it was a wonderful offer from Alabama,” Marshall told The Jim Rome Show. “They were very nice, they were very trustworthy, they sold a beautiful vision of what they would like to see, what they would like to see their basketball program become."

That was a quote about Alabama. A crappy and non-competitive basketball program in a football conference.

Also, I shouldn't even be responding to someone that thinks Collins is a candidate. That's totally laughable. Does Collins even have a winning record at NU? Honest question.
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While I can certainly believe all that you're saying here, I would say that I suspect the Indiana job will be viewed as considerably more desirable than it was in 2008. It was a pretty toxic job at that time -- which is why I'll always have something of a soft spot for Tom Crean. He took our job at a time when most established coaches wouldn't have -- and he, for the most part, did an admirable job at rehabilitating the program.

Absolutely. IU is a great job, not arguing that.

With Stevens, lets just say he has let it be known he isn't leaving Boston anytime soon. And why should he? Hes making a ton of money and Boston is poised to make some serious runs in the future.

Some coaches are turned off by the lime light that is the IU job. Guys like Marshall and Few. They don't want to deal with alumni, off court responsibilities, and recruiting. There is a reason they are where they are. And Marshall already makes a ton of money....Koch brothers are not going to let money be a problem.

Guys like Donovan and S Miller are making some serious money. IU is a great job but probably not good enough for a guy like Donovan to take a pay cut. Unless the IU administration starts coughing up some serious money. To get these guys IU would have to pay over 6 million a year....probably closer to 7. Would IU do that? If the answer is Yes, then I think we can make a run at these guys.

Then you have a dark horse like Bennett.....not making anything.....but much like Marshall and Few.....would he be interested? The good news is that he isn't making squat at Virginia. Would he listen if IU doubled his pay? That would only mean 4.2-ish million....Crean makes 3.2 on a 5 year old contract, so its not totally out of reach. Bennett is the first guy IMO IU could make a run at who is established.

Then you have guys like A Miller, Mack, and Collins....
“It’s a tug of war with my family this past time, it was a wonderful offer from Alabama,” Marshall told The Jim Rome Show. “They were very nice, they were very trustworthy, they sold a beautiful vision of what they would like to see, what they would like to see their basketball program become."

That was a quote about Alabama. A crappy and non-competitive basketball program in a football conference.

Also, I shouldn't even be responding to someone that thinks Collins is a candidate. That's totally laughable. Does Collins even have a winning record at NU? Honest question.

Do you know schools have stopped reaching out to him? Wonder why....

But sure, if it makes you feel better....Marshall is available....EVERYONE wants to coach at IU. Its the only job in the nation!!! Go us!!!!

There will be some BIG offers thrown around at elite coaches. I'm hearing $5-8 million/ year offers. We'll see how it turns out. This coming from people very close to the program who write big checks.
Do you know schools have stopped reaching out to him? Wonder why....

But sure, if it makes you feel better....Marshall is available....


Now you've gone to the cryptic mode, which is hilarious, like you know some real secrets, but prefer to hangout on the free board here.

There will be some BIG offers thrown around at elite coaches. I'm hearing $5-8 million/ year offers. We'll see how it turns out. This coming from people very close to the program who write big checks.

That's the wild card get over 7 million....the candidate pool opens up.... lol
Also, I do not have Marshall as some dream candidate. I don't even have a list. I just think IU is exactly the type of opportunity that ANY HC approached would at listen to their pitch. Everything is in place for success at IU if the right guy gets the job.
Absolutely. IU is a great job, not arguing that.

With Stevens, lets just say he has let it be known he isn't leaving Boston anytime soon. And why should he? Hes making a ton of money and Boston is poised to make some serious runs in the future.

Some coaches are turned off by the lime light that is the IU job. Guys like Marshall and Few. They don't want to deal with alumni, off court responsibilities, and recruiting. There is a reason they are where they are. And Marshall already makes a ton of money....Koch brothers are not going to let money be a problem.

Guys like Donovan and S Miller are making some serious money. IU is a great job but probably not good enough for a guy like Donovan to take a pay cut. Unless the IU administration starts coughing up some serious money. To get these guys IU would have to pay over 6 million a year....probably closer to 7. Would IU do that? If the answer is Yes, then I think we can make a run at these guys.

Then you have a dark horse like Bennett.....not making anything.....but much like Marshall and Few.....would he be interested? The good news is that he isn't making squat at Virginia. Would he listen if IU doubled his pay? That would only mean 4.2-ish million....Crean makes 3.2 on a 5 year old contract, so its not totally out of reach. Bennett is the first guy IMO IU could make a run at who is established.

Then you have guys like A Miller, Mack, and Collins....

I'd be thrilled with Bennett, Miller, or Mack.

But I'm not sure IU is one of the places that Mack would leave Xavier for. It's his alma mater and, given that it's already a top tier program, that probably makes it a tough sell.

I agree about Donovan. Even if both sides were open to it, he seems out of our price range...and, IMO, not worth it anyway.
Now you've gone to the cryptic mode, which is hilarious, like you know some real secrets, but prefer to hangout on the free board here.


lol..."cryptic mode"

Yes, Marshall turned down UCLA, Texas, Alabama, and whoever to wait for the job at IU. I guess those are "secrets"? lol

Why do you think he would come here? Because "It's Indiana"?
lol..."cryptic mode"

Yes, Marshall turned down UCLA, Texas, Alabama, and whoever to wait for the job at IU. I guess those are "secrets"? lol

Why do you think he would come here? Because "It's Indiana"?

UCLA never even made an offer. Neither did Texas. You can't turn someone down that never offered. Bama did and he listened. Nobody knows what he's gonna do for the future.

"It's going to take some type of crazy offer to get us to leave Wichita State," Marshall said

You keep arguing against a point I'm not making. Where did I anoint him as IU's next HC? All I've been saying is that if the right offer was made $$$ then he'd consider. After all, he considered Bama. I totally dismiss the idea that he'd never come to IU.
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You can't turn someone down that never offered.

That's simply naive -- in any practical sense, anyway.

If we (unofficially) reach out to, say, Brad Stevens and (unofficially) makes it clear that he's not interested in leaving Boston, then we didn't officially offer him a job and didn't officially decline it.

That doesn't mean that the back-channel contact and refusal didn't happen.
“I’m already making seven figures,” Marshall said. “You can eat a lot of steak and hamburger and pizza for what we’re making at Wichita State . … I live on the golf course. We have a beautiful backyard. My wife has four dogs. She gardens. We fly around on private planes to Napa and back to South Carolina. We have a good life, man.”
I have to believe that for some people, once you get to a certain point, money isn't a big factor, that it's more just keeping score. Why not pay someone a reasonable base rate (let's say $2-3M, just for grins), and then bonus the hell out of them for outstanding performance?
I have to believe that for some people, once you get to a certain point, money isn't a big factor, that it's more just keeping score. Why not pay someone a reasonable base rate (let's say $2-3M, just for grins), and then bonus the hell out of them for outstanding performance?

Good question....

Do you break the bank for, lets say Donovan? ($8 mill/year)

Or, do you pay A Miller 3 mill/year and load that thing with incentives?

Fred Glass knows the answer.....i hope lol
I see lots of high salary amonts being discussed. Do you guys think, honestly, that the IU BOD would approve that sort of extraordinary expense? I'd like to.see Crean gone too, but the dollars seem out of line with BIG and other state salaries. I am sure Fred Glass needs to work inside some sort of budget just like everyone else.
I see lots of high salary amonts being discussed. Do you guys think, honestly, that the IU BOD would approve that sort of extraordinary expense? I'd like to.see Crean gone too, but the dollars seem out of line with BIG and other state salaries. I am sure Fred Glass needs to work inside some sort of budget just like everyone else.
Probably a lot of the money would come from donors
I just fully believe Archie Miller will be the next coach at tOSU. If that happens IU fans will quickly learn to hate him as I think he will be very successful in the B1G. Just my thoughts. Let's hope Glass gets smart and goes all out to make IU once again an elite winner.
Let's see. Kravitz is a writer on and he goes to Bloomington and believes they are going to tell him they are having under the radar discussions with candidates, and they are going to let Crean go? Uh, no. This is why they invite the press to a PRESS conference. They are not going to give a reporter a running commentary and blow open what they may be trying to do without notice...because there is competitive advantage to keeping this business out of the news.
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I see lots of high salary amonts being discussed. Do you guys think, honestly, that the IU BOD would approve that sort of extraordinary expense? I'd like to.see Crean gone too, but the dollars seem out of line with BIG and other state salaries. I am sure Fred Glass needs to work inside some sort of budget just like everyone else.

Good question.....and its that answer that's going to really show how important the basketball program is at IU.

Is the new IU coach one of the top 3 paid in the nation? Or, does the new coach make less than Crean (3.2 mill)?

Fred Glass is really good at one thing...... raising money..... your guess is as good as ours.....
I have to believe that for some people, once you get to a certain point, money isn't a big factor, that it's more just keeping score. Why not pay someone a reasonable base rate (let's say $2-3M, just for grins), and then bonus the hell out of them for outstanding performance?

This is what I've been suggesting all along.

That said, I suspect that this kind of compensation package wouldn't attract a lot of interest from coaches or their agents. And, for better or worse, all big dollar sports entities -- whether pro or collegiate -- have to operate within a marketplace. If the common practice was to have a lower base salary with a large package of performance-based incentives, then that's probably what we'd do. Unfortunately, it's not the common practice. The contract offers out there may include some performance-based incentives -- but they probably don't amount to much. Coaches are demanding guaranteed income with few strings attached -- and they're able to.

Sounds good in theory, though.
I suspect that this kind of compensation package wouldn't attract a lot of interest from coaches or their agents. And, for better or worse, all big dollar sports entities -- whether pro or collegiate -- have to operate within a marketplace. If the common practice was to have a lower base salary with a large package of performance-based incentives, then that's probably what we'd do.
Oh, I get that. It was more an "If I were King of the World" thing on my part.

I do think that for some individuals, mo' money isn't the answer. Just as an example, do you think that Few wouldn't come for $3M, but would come for $4.5? That's one reason I think those saying "Open the wallet!" and throwing out silly yuuuge numbers for Stevens or Donovan are off the mark. Once you get to a certain level, it's just keeping score, or getting into a "my schlong is longer than yours" contest. In fact, if personal gain is the primary concern of a prospective coach, I'm not sure I want him at IU.
Oh, I get that. It was more an "If I were King of the World" thing on my part.

I do think that for some individuals, mo' money isn't the answer. Just as an example, do you think that Few wouldn't come for $3M, but would come for $4.5? That's one reason I think those saying "Open the wallet!" and throwing out silly yuuuge numbers for Stevens or Donovan are off the mark. Once you get to a certain level, it's just keeping score, or getting into a "my schlong is longer than yours" contest. In fact, if personal gain is the primary concern of a prospective coach, I'm not sure I want him at IU.

College coaches are ultra competitive.... most would like to have the "longest schlong" if they had the choice.

But yeah, it's a valid point that some coaches aren't as motivated by money as others.

Unfortunately, that's the only thing IU can offer some of these guys lol
But yeah, it's a valid point that some coaches aren't as motivated by money as others.

Unfortunately, that's the only thing IU can offer some of these guys lol
Not sure if you were serious or not with your lol, but I have to believe the IU gig would be viewed as a great career landing spot for someone wanting to compete at the highest levels with every possible advantage available to him.
That's simply naive -- in any practical sense, anyway.

If we (unofficially) reach out to, say, Brad Stevens and (unofficially) makes it clear that he's not interested in leaving Boston, then we didn't officially offer him a job and didn't officially decline it.

That doesn't mean that the back-channel contact and refusal didn't happen.

How do you know that happened though? Do you know his agent? Were you privy to those back channel feelers? Bottom line is that no offer was made so anyone saying he turned them down are pulling that outta their asses.
How do you know that happened though? Do you know his agent? Were you privy to those back channel feelers? Bottom line is that no offer was made so anyone saying he turned them down are pulling that outta their asses.

You are right, nobody wanted to hire Gregg Marshall because nobody offered......

I guess that means IU isn't offering either lol
Here is what Marshall said after letting it be known he wasn't interested in the UCLA job a few years ago before Alford got it. Remember....UCLA...

“I’m already making seven figures,” Marshall said. “You can eat a lot of steak and hamburger and pizza for what we’re making at Wichita State . … I live on the golf course. We have a beautiful backyard. My wife has four dogs. She gardens. We fly around on private planes to Napa and back to South Carolina. We have a good life, man.”

He's not going anywhere
He will never win a national championship at Wichita
They didn't offer. That's a fact. Anything else is conjecture and rumors. Adding an "lol" really brought your point together though.
It's clear that you don't understand how nuanced these situations are. It's part of the reason why search firms are used, and it's often the reason why AD's reach out to friends and colleagues in an effort to gauge interest.

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