Archie Miller rumored to be NC St. possibility

It's the IU to tradition to be slow to move and miss out on a good coach. Did it with Davis and have repeated the process with Crean. We had Stevens after Creans third season.
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We've whiffed on Stevens, Matta, Pitino, Sean Miller, etc. Won't be surprised to see it happen again. That's the Indiana administration for you. A day late and a dollar short. Always, always, always.
Archie played at N.C. State and was on Matta's staff at OSU. With both those jobs possibly coming open in the near future, it's really bad timing as far as IU is concerned.
Would it really be a travesty to let Archie Miller slip through our fingers..?
Not sure. He's a very good coach of U of Dayton.

But I don't have a crystal ball...

What I like is that he is clean. He gets more out of his teams than one would think. He wins at that level. He values the ball. Knows X's and O's. Thinks that defense is important too.

Whether he is the best for IU? Who knows?

I haven't seen Marshall much...he wins. Would he fit at IU? Who knows?

I just know that Crean has hit his ceiling. That I know.

I also know that Glass didn't give him an extension last year. Tells me a lot.
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I am absolutely going to lose my bleep if we strike out on big guys(Donovan,etc) and let all the good up and comers go elsewhere and start tearing it up. I am really going to lose my bleep if Crean is retained for another season.

Well, I'd be really surprised if we end up with one of the "big guys" (like Donovan). And I won't even call it "striking out" if that ends up being the case.

We have to live within the realm of budgetary possibility here.

Which takes me back to Crean....his buyout stands at $4M today and will fall to $1M after June. Maybe he'll do the program a huge favor and take another job so as to avoid putting us in such a bind. Who knows?

But, let's face it, one things fans simply don't have to deal with in kvetching about hiring and firing people is the monetary ramifications. I mean, we'll talk about it here and there. But we're not the ones charged with balancing the books, raising money, etc. Talking about it in the abstract and actually doing it are two very, very different things.
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Well, I'd be really surprised if we end up with one of the "big guys" (like Donovan). And I won't even call it "striking out" if that ends up being the case.

We have to live within the realm of budgetary possibility here.

Which takes me back to Crean....his buyout stands at $4M today and will fall to $1M after June. Maybe he'll do the program a huge favor and take another job so as to avoid putting us in such a bind. Who knows?

But, let's face it, one things fans simply don't have to deal with in kvetching about hiring and firing people is the monetary ramifications. I mean, we'll talk about it here and there. But we're not the ones charged with balancing the books, raising money, etc. Talking about it in the abstract and actually doing it are two very, very different things.
The buyout really has not been a hurdle. Glass said that. And those that understand contract language and what happens when coaches leave know that.

Usually the coach does not want to stay and will exit quietly after the University and the coach negotiate a termination agreement, as is allowed in the contracts. It is typically more than a low buyout in the future and less than the current buyout. So It might be in the realm of 1.4 million. And the coach leaves soon after the last game is played in a season.

The coach agrees not to sue. The University gets the old coach and his contract behind them at the earliest. And there is no buyout or calculation of future income by the old coach. It is over...with this scenario. The old coach doesn't get his name dragged out in the media relative to any negative performance issues...and his marketability is intact. Reference Wilson leaving IU. It happens. No buyout matters, really....if both want out.

If Crean wants to linger then that would make him harder to sell himself relative to his next gig. And he would linger only until July 1 anyway.

But this is all mere speculation because it is all up to Glass and he won't evaluate Crean, he says, until after the season is over.

I think its over because Glass already showed his cards by not extending the contract last year.
Someone with a hefty resume and flat out winning: Greg Marshall.

Guys......Marshall isn't going anywhere.

He makes more than Crean (thanks to Koch brothers) with little or no expectations and does exactly what he wants, when he wants with his program.

For the amount of money and promises it would take to get Marshall, go get Donovan instead.
Guys......Marshall isn't going anywhere.

He makes more than Crean (thanks to Koch brothers) with little or no expectations and does exactly what he wants, when he wants with his program.

For the amount of money and promises it would take to get Marshall, go get Donovan instead.

Ok we will cross Marshall off the list.
Guys......Marshall isn't going anywhere.

He makes more than Crean (thanks to Koch brothers) with little or no expectations and does exactly what he wants, when he wants with his program.

For the amount of money and promises it would take to get Marshall, go get Donovan instead.

I can't find anything that says he makes more money than Crean. He does seem to be relatively close though.

That said, IU is an upgrade in every respect vs WSU.
It's the IU to tradition to be slow to move and miss out on a good coach. Did it with Davis and have repeated the process with Crean. We had Stevens after Creans third season.

I'm not an insider like some of you guys, but what if we had hired Stevens after CTC's third year, then the Celtics came calling in 2013, like they did at Butler? Who's to say that he wouldn't have taken the job under those circumstances?
The buyout really has not been a hurdle. Glass said that. And those that understand contract language and what happens when coaches leave know that.

Usually the coach does not want to stay and will exit quietly after the University and the coach negotiate a termination agreement, as is allowed in the contracts. It is typically more than a low buyout in the future and less than the current buyout. So It might be in the realm of 1.4 million. And the coach leaves soon after the last game is played in a season.

The coach agrees not to sue. The University gets the old coach and his contract behind them at the earliest. And there is no buyout or calculation of future income by the old coach. It is over...with this scenario. The old coach doesn't get his name dragged out in the media relative to any negative performance issues...and his marketability is intact. Reference Wilson leaving IU. It happens. No buyout matters, really....if both want out.

If Crean wants to linger then that would make him harder to sell himself relative to his next gig. And he would linger only until July 1 anyway.

But this is all mere speculation because it is all up to Glass and he won't evaluate Crean, he says, until after the season is over.

I think its over because Glass already showed his cards by not extending the contract last year.
Maybe but I suspect Crean is currently pressing him hard for that extension and using the injury excuse to back up his cause.
IU may well "snooze and lose" but it won't be because we miss out on Archie Miller.
Maybe but I suspect Crean is currently pressing him hard for that extension and using the injury excuse to back up his cause.
Maybe Crean has said to Glass that recruiting will be a problem without an extension. And maybe Glass said...we can have this discussion after the season is over.
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Guys......Marshall isn't going anywhere.

He makes more than Crean (thanks to Koch brothers) with little or no expectations and does exactly what he wants, when he wants with his program.

For the amount of money and promises it would take to get Marshall, go get Donovan instead.
1) he doesn't make more $$ than Crean (unless maybe bonuses are included) and 2) he'd likely never be on Glass' list anyway
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Probably an accurate read of it.
isn't that also the likely conversation they would've had a year ago? I still have concerns that BOTH of them get boxed in, i.e., no extension, no other job offer to CTC, best replacement candidates hired elsewhere, and nothing changes...(with Tucker and M. Smith going elsewhere)
isn't that also the likely conversation they would've had a year ago? I still have concerns that BOTH of them get boxed in, i.e., no extension, no other job offer to CTC, best replacement candidates hired elsewhere, and nothing changes...(with Tucker and M. Smith going elsewhere)
Entirely possible. But I think Glass would prefer that he stay, and I think he's probably trying to figure out how to make that happen. I could easily see a two year extension at existing terms with a minimal buy out as Glass's offering to Crean. It would tack on enough time to knock down the "can't recruit" issue while paying not much more than they're already obligated to pay now.

It's certainly flawed, but it kicks the Crean down the road for another year and let's both guys get their respective bearings for what might lie ahead. I wouldn't agree with that course of action, but I can see Glass trying it. And if Crean walks, so be it.
Entirely possible. But I think Glass would prefer that he stay, and I think he's probably trying to figure out how to make that happen. I could easily see a two year extension at existing terms with a minimal buy out as Glass's offering to Crean. It would tack on enough time to knock down the "can't recruit" issue while paying not much more than they're already obligated to pay now.

It's certainly flawed, but it kicks the Crean down the road for another year and let's both guys get their respective bearings for what might lie ahead. I wouldn't agree with that course of action, but I can see Glass trying it. And if Crean walks, so be it.
and that takes us closer to my nightmare scenario: the proverbial can DOES get kicked down the road, extension doesn't help recruiting, next season's about as bad as this one, guys like A. Miller and maybe Holtmann are hired elsewhere, IU continues to dither while Donovan leaves OKC and heads to either UK or UL, etc., etc., etc.

And then, to top it all off, Stevens leaves Celtics for UNC or Duke, somewhere around 2020 or 2021.
and that takes us closer to my nightmare scenario: the proverbial can DOES get kicked down the road, extension doesn't help recruiting, next season's about as bad as this one, guys like A. Miller and maybe Holtmann are hired elsewhere, IU continues to dither while Donovan leaves OKC and heads to either UK or UL, etc., etc., etc.

And then, to top it all off, Stevens leaves Celtics for UNC or Duke, somewhere around 2020 or 2021.
Happy Valentines Day.

I can't find anything that says he makes more money than Crean. He does seem to be relatively close though.

That said, IU is an upgrade in every respect vs WSU.

Here is what Marshall said after letting it be known he wasn't interested in the UCLA job a few years ago before Alford got it. Remember....UCLA...

“I’m already making seven figures,” Marshall said. “You can eat a lot of steak and hamburger and pizza for what we’re making at Wichita State . … I live on the golf course. We have a beautiful backyard. My wife has four dogs. She gardens. We fly around on private planes to Napa and back to South Carolina. We have a good life, man.”

He's not going anywhere
Here is what Marshall said after letting it be known he wasn't interested in the UCLA job a few years ago before Alford got it. Remember....UCLA...

“I’m already making seven figures,” Marshall said. “You can eat a lot of steak and hamburger and pizza for what we’re making at Wichita State . … I live on the golf course. We have a beautiful backyard. My wife has four dogs. She gardens. We fly around on private planes to Napa and back to South Carolina. We have a good life, man.”

He's not going anywhere

First you're acting like ucla had their pick of coaches when they hired Alford. Totally not true. Alford was not close to their top choice so multiple coaches other than Marshall turned them down. Second, I've read plenty of quotes by Marshall about how he's open to leaving, but not just for more money. When he leaves, he wants to go to a premier program in a power 5 conference. I'll find some quotes later.
First you're acting like ucla had their pick of coaches when they hired Alford. Totally not true. Alford was not close to their top choice so multiple coaches other than Marshall turned them down. Second, I've read plenty of quotes by Marshall about how he's open to leaving, but not just for more money. When he leaves, he wants to go to a premier program in a power 5 conference. I'll find some quotes later.

Let me know when you find those quotes.....

And if you think IU has their pick of coaches, sorry to break it to you.

Stevens, Marshall, S Miller, and guys like Few have no interest in IU.

Donovan is a extreme long shot and the only reason I'm saying we have a shot at Bennett is because he isn't making squat at Virginia and even with that he is a long shot as well.

The real candidates are A Miller and Collins. That's it. Glass better get one of them
First you're acting like ucla had their pick of coaches when they hired Alford. Totally not true. Alford was not close to their top choice so multiple coaches other than Marshall turned them down. Second, I've read plenty of quotes by Marshall about how he's open to leaving, but not just for more money. When he leaves, he wants to go to a premier program in a power 5 conference. I'll find some quotes later.
Glass would never hire him.
Maybe but I suspect Crean is currently pressing him hard for that extension and using the injury excuse to back up his cause.

Extension for recruiting purposes, big Ten title and injuries are his only leverage. The results are shit so needs to press hard. Glass needs to pass.

The longer he waits the more difficult the recovery and turnaround. There are a handful of quality coaches out there, he needs to start the back channel processes if he hasn't already.
We missed on Matta and Sean Miller as well. Pitino is another as our administration wouldn't pay his asking price.
If NC State does make a coaching move, it's likely that Dayton coach and NC State alum Archie Miller would be high atop the list, although sources told ESPN that Miller is unlikely to take the job.
Let me know when you find those quotes.....

And if you think IU has their pick of coaches, sorry to break it to you.

Stevens, Marshall, S Miller, and guys like Few have no interest in IU.

Donovan is a extreme long shot and the only reason I'm saying we have a shot at Bennett is because he isn't making squat at Virginia and even with that he is a long shot as well.

The real candidates are A Miller and Collins. That's it. Glass better get one of them
make sure Glass knows how to reach you....we want him to have access to all available information so he can get this right.
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Let me know when you find those quotes.....

And if you think IU has their pick of coaches, sorry to break it to you.

Stevens, Marshall, S Miller, and guys like Few have no interest in IU.

Donovan is a extreme long shot and the only reason I'm saying we have a shot at Bennett is because he isn't making squat at Virginia and even with that he is a long shot as well.

The real candidates are A Miller and Collins. That's it. Glass better get one of them

...and you know they have no interest in IU how?
If we cross off Stevens, Donovan, Bennett, Marshall, and Miller.

Who's left?

Why would Glass cross anyone off before having a discussion? I am amused by the self-proclaimed loud mouthed experts here and elsewhere that proudly proclaim; "he won't come to IU". "Glass will not offer him". "They aren't coming".

Bullshit. This is like saying "it won't rain in Indy two weeks from next Tuesday". It's a pretty safe bet statistically, but based in zero actual knowledge. Money talks, and a trainload of it speaks very clearly.

IU is stil a premiere job supported by premiere facilities, support, academics, campus, cultural amenities and one of the largest most affluent alumni bases on the planet.

Over the top expectations? Sure. But an amazing opportunity for any number of candidates.