Anyone actually think we'll get Mullins?

More to the point, don't engage with conspiracy theories by shooting back more lunatic conspiracy theories from the other side. If politics aren't supposed to be interjected into basketball discussions, it shouldn't matter who started it, or what side of the political spectrum the original comment came from. They should BOTH keep their crap out of this.
so, what you think the liberal bias extends to the Rivals bball page? Snicker...
I’m sorry but Iowa st isn’t out bidding and buying their roster. They fill needs with portal and recruit and develop. Build a team. Woody doesn’t build a team..talent is here but I will bet money we are not top 3 in BIG this year.
Nice job rooting against IU.
I’m sorry but Iowa st isn’t out bidding and buying their roster. They fill needs with portal and recruit and develop. Build a team. Woody doesn’t build a team..talent is here but I will bet money we are not top 3 in BIG this year.
ISU rebuilds almost their entire team every year via the portal. But no, they aren't going to outbid IU or Duke... because they don't have as much money available. They would if they could. Awful examples on your part.

Purdue is probably the only viable example left, at this point. And that's really only because of the effects of Mt. Edey. Otherwise, they're Texas Tech. Actually probably worse than that, as TT relied on transfers to make their run a few years ago.
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No. What I'm saying is, keeping political crap off the Basketball Forum goes both ways. It ain't that hard of a concept. Snicker.
woulda been great if that's what you said... but you didn't. You specifically talked about "the other side". Agree it's simple: this ain't the place for political comments. See? that wasn't that hard!
woulda been great if that's what you said... but you didn't. You specifically talked about "the other side". Agree it's simple: this ain't the place for political comments. See? that wasn't that hard!
No. Let me lay it out for you, in even easier format, since my point is eluding you.

Poster #1 makes completely irrelevant comment injecting political comment about the BOT and their liberal bias.

Poster #2 replies with equally stupid comment involving Trump imprisoning people or just shooting them, because I guess Trump is just as relevant to the IU BOT as their supposed liberal bias.

Comment is then made about Poster #1, for injecting politics into the discussion. To which, I add both injected politics into it, and both should be pointed and laughed at. They're both doing it.

The "other side" reference was to both posters, clearly on opposite sides of the political spectrum, and the comment made about only the first poster. Frankly, I don't care about either, nor do I bloody care who said what first. Responding to unwanted political commentary with equally braindead political commentary is just as annoying. There's a Water Cooler forum for a reason. I'm beyond sick of politics working its way into the very things we use to get away from it, like sports. And, in particular, trashing every other thread in this forum. Clear enough for you?
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