Andy Beshear on Vance

We’re all sinners.

Fortunately, though, far fewer of us are wholly unprincipled (per his sister), racist (per his niece and nephew), rapists (per a judge), con men, thieves and rip-off artists (e.g. Trump University, the Trump Foundation and the Trump Organization) and felons.

I doubt Trump believes in God. In his mind, how could anyone or anything possibly be greater than he?
I don’t think Joe, Don, or Kamala are legit Christians beyond what they act like for political reasons.

I take exception to the idea that x isn’t really a Christian if he or she votes for y.
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I don’t think Joe, Don, or Kamala are legit Christians beyond what they act like for political reasons.

I take exception to the idea that x isn’t really a Christian if he or she votes for y.
Now you’re creating straw men.
Sadly, there’s widespread anti-Semitism in both parties.
You talking about that group of a dozen or so guys in khakis that pop up once in a while? Nashville, Charlottesville, etc?

Yeah, doesn’t much compare to the thousands maybe millions of rabid progressives who have been terrorizing campuses and cities since October.
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I saw portions of it. Jokes that fell flat. Awkward pauses. Frequent monotone delivery. Wonder if Trump has buyer's remorse
Then there’s Shapiro, governor of a battleground state:
Shapiro signed his second state budget this month and for the second straight year failed to keep his signature promise to enact scholarships for low income students in failing schools. 87% of black families in Pennsylvania supported and expected this. The guy has shown almost no ability to get anything done and unable to even work with fellow democrats in the legislature. He’s one of 10 governors who face a legislature controlled in part by the other party and all other 9 have all signed more laws through bipartisan efforts since 2023 than Shapiro.
I like Beshear but I’m not sure he helps the ticket significantly. Shapiro could help deliver PA. However, given the Gaza situation and the continuing fallout, might he end up costing KH in Michigan and/or elsewhere? I don’t think anyone can predict how an all-female ticket would play, so I don’t think Whitmer will be picked.

I like Kelly. He’d cost the Dems a seat in the Senate, though, which might make a governor a preferred pick. Hobbs would replace Kelly with another Dem but there would be no guarantees in the special election that follows.
You’re an idiot. That’s why you like Beshear. I live in KY but I’m from Indiana and can’t stand that jackass. The only reason he’s in office is because of stupid ass teachers union and their corrupt bullshit.
An interesting euphemism for swath of ant-semites that make up our voting base.
This is how dumb leftist moron are? You want to talk about the right but let’s talk how the Dems talk Democracy but then don’t even vote on their nominee. They just stick in some stupid ass dumb bitch that was horrible as a DA, AG and VP. The only way she made it this far is by sleeping with anyone to advance her career. I bet the whore slept with HB so he would get daddy to drop out and let President whore get the nominee. She’s a dumb bitch that think anyone in the United States should get health care even if you’re an illegal and receive support. Yeah let’s take care of illegals when we have military veterans sleeping on streets and other citizens struggling with hunger and homelessness. She’s an idiot and anyone that votes for this Marxist, radical left bitch is clueless.
After the Pence debacle on Jan 6, Trump just needed to make sure he had a yes man as vp for round 2. Who better for the job than someone without a spine. Trump is Hitler one day, but Lincoln the next. Wonder what JD's opinion will be tomorrow? Whatever Trump tells him I am sure.
There is almost no way this ends well for Vance. If Trump loses in November Vance is toast. He can’t just flip on him again, which is what he’d have to do to continue his political career. He certainly won’t be able to defend him as Trump’s criminal trials progress.

And if Trump wins, how likely is it that Trump doesn’t eventually throw him under the bus? Look at all the people from his first administration who hate him and say he’s unfit for office.

I suppose the only thing left for him will be to write another book about the shitshow.
I like Beshear but I’m not sure he helps the ticket significantly. Shapiro could help deliver PA. However, given the Gaza situation and the continuing fallout, might he end up costing KH in Michigan and/or elsewhere? I don’t think anyone can predict how an all-female ticket would play, so I don’t think Whitmer will be picked.

I like Kelly. He’d cost the Dems a seat in the Senate, though, which might make a governor a preferred pick. Hobbs would replace Kelly with another Dem but there would be no guarantees in the special election that follows.
I prefer Kelly. Retired Navy O6 and astronaut with some leadership experience, and a conservative leaning Democrat. He adds to the ticket.
There is almost no way this ends well for Vance. If Trump loses in November Vance is toast. He can’t just flip on him again, which is what he’d have to do to continue his political career. He certainly won’t be able to defend him as Trump’s criminal trials progress.

And if Trump wins, how likely is it that Trump doesn’t eventually throw him under the bus? Look at all the people from his first administration who hate him and say he’s unfit for office.

I suppose the only thing left for him will be to write another book about the shitshow.
Trump loses and the Trump stank will end Vance’s political career. He’d be toast.
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I prefer Kelly. Retired Navy O6 and astronaut with some leadership experience, and a conservative leaning Democrat. He adds to the ticket.
Look beneath the hood on these supposed moderate democrats (Kelly/Beshear/ Shapiro) and you might not like what you find.

Persona, demeanor and a carefully crafted public image is one thing. What they actually believe? What they’re willing to put pen to paper on? Well that’s quite another…
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Look beneath the hood on these supposed moderate democrats (Kelly/Beshear/ Shapiro) and you might not like what you find.

Persona, demeanor and a carefully crafted public image is one thing. What they actually believe? What they’re willing to put pen to paper on? Well that’s quite another…
When your candidates move so far right that everyone else looks progressive lol
Look beneath the hood on these supposed moderate democrats (Kelly/Beshear/ Shapiro) and you might not like what you find.

Persona, demeanor and a carefully crafted public image is one thing. What they actually believe? What they’re willing to put pen to paper on? Well that’s quite another…
When your candidates move so far right that everyone else looks progressive lol
That’s not to say there are no moderate Democrats. There is of course Sinema who was forced to change party affiliation and Manchin who was forced into retirement.

Your party can be quite hostile to those who do not toe the line.
Obama-lite ran as a vehement supporter of school choice, when his Republican legislature put a school choice bill on his desk, he vetoed it. Teachers unions got to him.

Fancy boy southern gentry doesn’t do anything. At all. Every important piece of legislation is an override of his veto by a super majority legislature.

Moon man is a down the line progressive who will sometimes talk tough on the border. Of course he was a Nay on HR2. And he wants to take your semi-auto rifle because of the tragic incident with his wife.
That’s not to say there are no moderate Democrats. There is of course Sinema who was forced to change party affiliation and Manchin who was forced into retirement.

Your party can be quite hostile to those who do not toe the line.
Are you referring to all those Dinos?