And the hits just keep on coming. Iran launches ballistic missiles at Israel.

May you live in interesting times.

And a terrorist attack.

“Bracing for a wide scale attack.”
Yeah. All the idiots who don’t understand the world is a powder keg currently are clearly brilliant. This election is beyond important. May be too late though.
Hopefully their response will be muted. But quite a few of those missiles appear to be hitting their targets - or at least finding their way to the ground. And that gives them the pretext to strike directly in Iran (I hope they don’t do that, but Netanyahu isn’t exactly a dove).

And I agree that US involvement will be strictly defensive and in the form of other kinds of support - so long as this thing doesn’t escalate in a big way.
Israel’s response will not be muted. No chance.
Craze, hard for me not to believe Israel's response will be muted. As you say, Netanyahu is no dove.

It could be said the U.S./Biden attempt to prevent an all out war is failing if and when Israel unloads on Iran.

Am sure, especially in an election year, Biden will be blamed if and when the war escalates for not being tough enough.
As he should be.
Israel’s response will not be muted. No chance.

I don't reckon it will be either. But it will be calculated, on their schedule and on their terms. Iran just added another chit to the pile of retribution owed, to be collected with much interest at a later date.
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Taking out Khomeini?

I’m curious as to why you think so.
Because that's would result in all-out war. Israel can accomplish its goals with far less. This attack and the one in April show that Iran is either scared of Israel or entirely incapable of inflicting serious harm. Either way, trying to take out a head of state gains them nothing in security but costs everything in diplomacy.
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Because that's would result in all-out war. Israel can accomplish its goals with far less. This attack and the one in April show that Iran is either scared of Israel or entirely incapable of inflicting serious harm. Either way, trying to take out a head of state gains them nothing in security but costs everything in diplomacy.
Fair enough.

I think October 7th was Israel’s 9-11 and they have exactly zero ****s left to give at this point. I think they literally don’t care.

They can achieve their objectives and Iran can’t touch them either way.
Because that's would result in all-out war. Israel can accomplish its goals with far less. This attack and the one in April show that Iran is either scared of Israel or entirely incapable of inflicting serious harm. Either way, trying to take out a head of state gains them nothing in security but costs everything in diplomacy.
It wouldn't be my opening salvo if I were them, but it would very much be on the table should the Iranians continue to fire back. Round one would be destroying their oil fields to choke off funding. Round 2 would be their nuclear program. Round 3 I would hit at their power centers in and around Tehran (Basij HQ, IRGC HQ, etc.) If it went to Round 4 everyone in their leadership structure would be a target.