Amy Robach

Also Amy Robach:

"As the Epstein story continued to unfold last summer, I was caught in a private moment of frustration. I was upset that an important interview I had conducted with Virginia Roberts [Giuffre] didn't air because we could not obtain sufficient corroborating evidence to meet ABC's editorial standards about her allegations. The interview itself, while I was disappointed it didn't air, didn't meet our standards. In the years since no one ever told me or the team to stop reporting on Jeffrey Epstein, and we have continued to aggressively pursue this important story."

Nice to have a little context, you know.
Also Amy Robach:

"As the Epstein story continued to unfold last summer, I was caught in a private moment of frustration. I was upset that an important interview I had conducted with Virginia Roberts [Giuffre] didn't air because we could not obtain sufficient corroborating evidence to meet ABC's editorial standards about her allegations. The interview itself, while I was disappointed it didn't air, didn't meet our standards. In the years since no one ever told me or the team to stop reporting on Jeffrey Epstein, and we have continued to aggressively pursue this important story."

Nice to have a little context, you know.

Didn't meet their standards? LMAO.

That's a total BS... corporate PR response. The reality is just what she said, they got pressured by powerful forces to squash it. If only it was the #metoo era way back then. :rolleyes:
Didn't meet their standards? LMAO.

That's a total BS... corporate PR response. The reality is just what she said, they got pressured by powerful forces to squash it. If only it was the #metoo era way back then. :rolleyes:
Maybe. But anytime someone is going to republish some James O'Keefe turd, at the very least, the other half of the story should be posted.
Maybe. But anytime someone is going to republish some James O'Keefe turd, at the very least, the other half of the story should be posted.

Damn that message boy! Typical.

Sometimes the story speaks for itself, and in this case that’s exactly what happened.

Don’t worry though, ABC has apparently hunted down the “whistleblower” at a rival network (CBS) and he/she has been appropriately fired.

Media Credibility just went up a notch. Ha!
Also Amy Robach:

"As the Epstein story continued to unfold last summer, I was caught in a private moment of frustration. I was upset that an important interview I had conducted with Virginia Roberts [Giuffre] didn't air because we could not obtain sufficient corroborating evidence to meet ABC's editorial standards about her allegations. The interview itself, while I was disappointed it didn't air, didn't meet our standards. In the years since no one ever told me or the team to stop reporting on Jeffrey Epstein, and we have continued to aggressively pursue this important story."

Nice to have a little context, you know.
ABC's 'editorial standards' = oxymoron.
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