A poll question which would be simple for kids to answer . . .

A registered Republican votes for Republicans for every race on the ballot except President is a

  • Republican

    Votes: 23 88.5%
  • Democrat

    Votes: 3 11.5%

  • Total voters
There is only one correct answer.
Politics aren’t that simple. As I said in this election a write in vote is a de facto vote for a progressive agenda. What’s more I don’t see the morality in same for those conservatives who believe those policies are harmful to the country and it’s citizens. Practice not theory
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Politics aren’t that simple. As I said in this election a write in vote is a de facto vote for a progressive agenda. What’s more I don’t see the morality in same for those conservatives who believe those policies are harmful to the country and it’s citizens. Practice not theory
There's still only one answer to that very fair question.
My guess is that most won't answer. One is the correct answer, but they don't like it, and the other is the wrong answer and they'd look stupid for choosing it. Then again, some have proved countless times that looking stupid isn't a concern for them. ;)
Who cares. You’re so worried about how you’re labeled you’re losing the forest for the trees
I'm not worried by how I'm labeled. It's the other way around. Some just can't stand the fact that I'm a Republican and not voting for Trump. They're extremely butthurt about that fact. I find it fascinating - sort of like watching interviews of stupid people on the street about politics (I could have said most people, unfortunately). I linked one in 2008 where the interviewer asked which candidate each person preferred. He then told the self-proclaimed the policy stances of Obama and said they were McCain's. The loony libs immediately said they'd never vote for any candidate with those policies. Hilarious!
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I'm not worried by how I'm labeled. It's the other way around. Some just can't stand the fact that I'm a Republican and not voting for Trump. They're extremely butthurt about that fact. I find it fascinating sort of like watching interviews of stupid people on the street about politics (I could have said most people, unfortunately). I linked one in 2008 where the interviewer asked which candidate who their preferred candidates were. He then told the self-proclaimed the policy stances of Obama and said they were McCain's. The loony libs immediately said they'd never vote for any candidate with those policies. Hilarious!
Read the posts from myself crazy and ranger at the end of the coup thread. Then read my Harris policies. By not voting for trump it’s a de facto vote for that. As the kids say don’t get it twisted

No one gives a shit what you call yourself.
The answer is dumbass. It makes you a dumbass. This presidential race is an important one. Any registered republican that doesn’t understand that is a dumbass.
It’s the Republican nominee. The other is a progressive. This is indeed simple
They would be an independent. I’ll use an analogy to prove the point. If a guy sleeps with 10 girls and 1 dude is he straight? Nope. He’s bisexual. I don’t make the rules, just try to enforce them 😁
Just a minor correction. He's gay. The number of girls is immaterial. Bang a dude, gay.

Also, not voting for a republican for president when a commie is the other option? Gay.

How many times has camela repeated "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"?
I guess I need to pull my vote back and do a write in.
There’s another national poll that only has one possible answer for the safety of the country, but some folks won’t answer it and will do a write in, in Nov. so I guess I’ll follow their lead on this poll.
The answer is dumbass. It makes you a dumbass. This presidential race is an important one. Any registered republican that doesn’t understand that is a dumbass.
Ironic projection. You really aren’t very smart. I find you deeply embarrassing.
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Just a minor correction. He's gay. The number of girls is immaterial. Bang a dude, gay.

Also, not voting for a republican for president when a commie is the other option? Gay.

How many times has camela repeated "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"?
I get it, you’re gay. Not interested. I like women.
I guess I need to pull my vote back and do a write in.
There’s another national poll that only has one possible answer for the safety of the country, but some folks won’t answer it and will do a write in, in Nov. so I guess I’ll follow their lead on this poll.
Vote however you want. I don’t get butthurt because of who you vote for. Others do.
Vote however you want. I don’t get butthurt because of who you vote for. Others do.
Your poll changes nothing for anyone’s lives.
The national poll I speak of could further erode the lives of millions.
You took an oath, to protect from domestic threats. That oath was supposed to mean something and carry on to your expiration date.
You don’t like trumpy, but you admit Harris (dems) are a real threat.
As I’ve said all along, there is simply no way to square your thought process, other than pure emotion.
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Your poll changes nothing for anyone’s lives.
The national poll I speak of could further erode the lives of millions.
You took an oath, to protect from domestic threats. That oath was supposed to mean something and carry on to your expiration date.
You don’t like trumpy, but you admit Harris (dems) are a real threat.
As I’ve said all along, there is simply no way to square your thought process, other than pure emotion.
I swore an oath to support and defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. I’ve always lived up to that oath and always will.

You misunderstand me as usual. It is a constant thing. I said they’re both threats in different ways. Of course that’s politically speaking. The constitution is in no danger. If either would be a threat to the constitution it would more likely be Trump since it means nothing to him. Only he means something to him. However, he’s not going to actually be a threat either.
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It’s the Republican nominee. The other is a progressive. This is indeed simple
Yes, any Republican that doesn't vote gor Trump is a RHINO. Get over personality and vote policy and security like s true thinker. People like Aloha will always make excuses for the Obama's, Bidens and Harris's of the world. The Opening ceremonies were probably good for Aloha along with October 7.
I swore an oath to support and defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. I’ve always lived up to that oath and always will.

You misunderstand me as usual. It is a constant thing. I said they’re both threats in different ways. Of course that’s politically speaking. The constitution is in no danger. If either would be a threat to the constitution it would more likely be Trump since it means nothing to him. Only he means something to him. However, he’s not going to actually be a threat either.
In the current day, with evidence, true hard core evidence. 4 yrs as Trump as pres and kamala (the dems), there’s only one that has shit on the constitution.
And don’t show any dem true collars saying that questioning an election was a threat to the constitution, that’s beyond stupid and EVERY dem has done it.
Don simply empowered the American spirit and worker. Dems promise to make life harder on everyone, so everyone is miserable.
Anything short of making sure dems are NOT elected, is against your oath. It’s quite simple. It’s not voting for trumpy, it’s protecting the country from the ultra left who are following a set of plans that are totally against America.
It’s that simple.
  • Haha
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Yes, any Republican that doesn't vote gor Trump is a RHINO. Get over personality and vote policy and security like s true thinker. People like Aloha will always make excuses for the Obama's, Bidens and Harris's of the world. The Opening ceremonies were probably good for Aloha along with October 7.
What’s a RHINO?

I don’t believe you think so how could you be a “true thinker?” Like many MAGAs, I suspect you don’t ever have an original thought and regurgitate what you’ve been told to believe.

Was the 2020 election stolen from Trump?

P.S. don’t disrespectfully mention me in a post to others. That’s cowardly ankle biting. Respond to me or STFU. I’d prefer the latter. Additionally, asshole, don’t ever imply I condone October 7th in any way. I honestly would bitch slap you if you said it to my face. It’s unacceptable and I’d make you cry like a little girl.
In the current day, with evidence, true hard core evidence. 4 yrs as Trump as pres and kamala (the dems), there’s only one that has shit on the constitution.
And don’t show any dem true collars saying that questioning an election was a threat to the constitution, that’s beyond stupid and EVERY dem has done it.
Don simply empowered the American spirit and worker. Dems promise to make life harder on everyone, so everyone is miserable.
Anything short of making sure dems are NOT elected, is against your oath. It’s quite simple. It’s not voting for trumpy, it’s protecting the country from the ultra left who are following a set of plans that are totally against America.
It’s that simple.
It’s simple that was an irrational and emotional post.
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Anyone who votes no is insisting that people like Liz Cheney are not Republicans. Liz C. is far more conservative than, for example, DJT.

A no vote also says the cult of Trump is NOW the sole definer of being a Republican. Which is pretty damn bizarre
Anyone who votes no is insisting that people like Liz Cheney are not Republicans. Liz C. is far more conservative than, for example, DJT.

A no vote also says the cult of Trump is NOW the sole definer of being a Republican. Which is pretty damn bizarre
If anyone is in a cult it’s your dumbass. The woke adherent at every turn who tries to impute the N word on posters. Your tiny little brain got brainwashed by social workers. Whatever woke monsense they contrive you’re all in. Trump was president. We saw the results of his tenure. We now have Biden’s policies and the results of same. This is the Republican Party today. Just as the woke far left is the Dem party today. Parties aren’t ideologically stagnant. They’re fluid
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Anyone who votes no is insisting that people like Liz Cheney are not Republicans. Liz C. is far more conservative than, for example, DJT.

A no vote also says the cult of Trump is NOW the sole definer of being a Republican. Which is pretty damn bizarre
So you voting for Harris or Write In Republican?
So you voting for Harris or Write In Republican?
Shitter would vote cori bush and be the first in line to do it. The cori bush AOC ticket he’d trade his old man bike for a regular one and race to the booth pumping his fist all the way.

In the current day, with evidence, true hard core evidence. 4 yrs as Trump as pres and kamala (the dems), there’s only one that has shit on the constitution.
And don’t show any dem true collars saying that questioning an election was a threat to the constitution, that’s beyond stupid and EVERY dem has done it.
Don simply empowered the American spirit and worker. Dems promise to make life harder on everyone, so everyone is miserable.
Anything short of making sure dems are NOT elected, is against your oath. It’s quite simple. It’s not voting for trumpy, it’s protecting the country from the ultra left who are following a set of plans that are totally against America.
It’s that simple.
Worst interpretive prose ever.
Your poll changes nothing for anyone’s lives.
The national poll I speak of could further erode the lives of millions.
You took an oath, to protect from domestic threats. That oath was supposed to mean something and carry on to your expiration date.
You don’t like trumpy, but you admit Harris (dems) are a real threat.
As I’ve said all along, there is simply no way to square your thought process, other than pure emotion.
Worst haiku ever..
If anyone is in a cult it’s your dumbass. The woke adherent at every turn who tries to impute the N word on posters. Your tiny little brain got brainwashed by social workers. Whatever woke monsense they contrive you’re all in. Trump was president. We saw the results of his tenure. We now have Biden’s policies and the results of same. This is the Republican Party today. Just as the woke far left is the Dem party today. Parties aren’t ideologically stagnant. They’re fluid
So when are we going to Florida and call "Class in now in session"? and then begin the aggressive education process, crash course?
I'll vote for Harris over Trump.

A write-in vote is no vote at all. Neither is a vote for RFK Jr. or the Green Party or Cornell West.

Trump vs. Jared from subway would be a tough call, but I might go for Trump, in a close call over a serial pedophile child rapist.
But a vote for Harris is a vote for Harris, Mr. Former Conservative Republican (or whatever you're calling yourself these days).

Nobody can believe anything you've ever said about your political affiliations in the past because of dumb stuff like this.
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You certainly can't believe stuff that you imagine that I said, but never did.

Conservative Republican? No, never was one. Though I supported Reagan over the abject disaster that was Jimmy Carter. Recall, I grew up on a farm. Was more of a Lugar guy. Worked on a couple of his campaigns, even. He was moderate then, and likely would be branded a Dem today.

Republican? Absolutely, I was. More aligned with the Bushes, McCain, and Romney. People you also want nothing to do with since they won't be in your cult.

But now I'm an independent. admittedly moving further left with the GOP war on science (e.g., antivaccine bunk, climate change denialism, a desire to use Bible as a biology textbook [hyperbole])
You’re a brainwashed cult cuck who lacks the balls to admit it and just say you’re a far lefty. Gross. You going to impute the N word bouncing around your tiny little head to anyone today?

If you had balls you’d own it and people would leave you alone.
There is only one correct answer.
Depends. If it's an America first candidate like Trump vs a California Commie you're definitely a Dem. If the Pubs are running a cuck like Mitt Romney vs Barack Obama or Bill Clinton then you're a Republican.

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