A Golden Dome: can the US afford it and is it even needed?

DOGE savings? I keed, I keed.

The Dod can surely find a way to provide enough funds, since we're not longer sending arms to Ukraine.
I worry that your joke is exactly what the administration is thinking/going to justify this with.
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Air Defense testing:

Looks like this Administration isn't going to just sit out there and take it...

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Looks like this Administration isn't going to just sit out there and take it...

Good. We didn't "sit out there and take it" before he was President either. We did airstrikes then too. It's standard after the Houthis "misbehave" to slap them down some.
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Good. We didn't "sit out there and take it" before he was President either. We did airstrikes then too. It's standard after the Houthis "misbehave" to slap them down some.

We telegraphed nearly every Strike and blew up a bunch of empty warehouses under Biden...

This time our Administration is actually serious.

News Max is reporting on this in real time if you're interested...

(Well..., the News Max coverage has devolved into filler now so maybe the military guys will come back later in the evening when they re-loop it.)
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Good. We didn't "sit out there and take it" before he was President either. We did airstrikes then too. It's standard after the Houthis "misbehave" to slap them down some.
That's not my recollection. I remember Houthis firing off a lot of missiles before we ever did anything. Yes, we responded some, but more as a warning.
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We telegraphed every Strike and blew up a bunch of empty warehouses under Biden...

This time our Administration is actually serious.
I don't know where you got that idea. We planned the strikes and carried them out without warning. Same as this time. The same operators do the planning and carry out these attacks. The military is always serious.
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That's not my recollection. I remember Houthis firing off a lot of missiles before we ever did anything. Yes, we responded some, but more as a warning.
We, Israel and the UK carried out multiple strikes in retaliation for other attacks, just like this is retaliation for them vowing to renew their attacks. It's not significantly different in my view. I'm the guy that says we should tell Iran we'll sink their Navy if they or the Houthis shoot missiles at us.
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I don't know where you got that idea. We planned the strikes and carried them out without warning. Same as this time. The same operators do the planning and carry out these attacks. The military is always serious.


is the very Definition of sitting out there and just taking it, in my opinion...
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is the very Definition of sitting out there and just taking it, in my opinion...
I linked that article. I don't think it supports your assertion. Look, I'm happy with this strike. I was happy with our strikes previously too. However, I'd go further, but I don't think either President would go as far as I'd go, which is to tell Iran they'll get the retaliation for any strikes against the US or our allies and partner nations. Starting with sinking their Navy.
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I linked that article. I don't think it supports your assertion. Look, I'm happy with this strike. I was happy with our strikes previously too. However, I'd go further, but I don't think either President would go as far as I'd go, which is to tell Iran they'll get the retaliation for any strikes against the US or our allies and partner nations. Starting with sinking their Navy.

Evidently (per the News Max "experts") the Iranian Spy Ships that routinely help coordinate the sea lane attacks regularly run to the cover of the Chinese base at Djibouti when potentially threatened...

You'd think one our Attack subs could solve that problem in short order (with some semi-plausible deniability if desired)... We could always say it looks like they must have hit one of their old mines...
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Evidently (per the News Max "experts") the Iranian Spy Ships that routinely help coordinate the sea lane attacks regularly run to the cover of the Chinese base at Djibouti when potentially threatened...

You'd think one our Attack subs could solve that problem in short order (with some semi-plausible deniability if desired)... We could always say it looks like they must have hit one of their old mines...
We should sink them if they come out of the harbor again. Tell Iran it'll happen, and then do it if they dared to come out.
No, I'm saying that the focus on SDI and the combined effort spent on it quickly evolved into better weapons systems that may not have occurred with each service doing its own thing. In fact, it was probably also cheaper to have this combined effort than separate efforts.
There is no dome that will save us from 10k nukes coming our way. And if someone say well maybe Russia would only send a few. Well then we send a few then they send a few more and on and on. I’d rather we spend that money on taking care of our veterans, disabled, and retirees. I know a dumb idea.
As weird as it seems, I think having someone with the tech knowledge Musk possesses might be a good quality control component to war plans.

Generals are always fighting the last war. Might be interesting to get it from the horse's mouth what the latest trends in technology could be applied to war fighting.
No kidding. With the way musk set up Starlink, it wouldn’t be surprising if he knew how to shut down anybody’s communication lines or vice versa, Keep ours open.

Historically, geniuses have been the ones who invent new weapons, da Vinci invented all kinds of weapons, for example. Who knows what musk might come up with as needed.
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