While considering the Game Day ambiance...

It looks like the Red Steppers now have some serious competition for hottest dancers in the Big Ten:

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My solution: footwear upgrade...
Get them into something with less of a heel that allows for even more athletic moves than they're already known for (if that's physically possible 😉😎)...

Had a high school friend who was once with the Dance Team up at Ball State back in the really early "70's" and they wore some type of red, tight to the calf, semi-boot with a low heel that they could safely hop around in... She looked great too... The stuff they have our women wearing these days looks like a real boot that appears to be a sprained ankle waiting to happen...

*Yes, I'm even attempting to polish our dance teams presention. What can I say, it's an extraordinarily slow day at this end...

With the women of west coast now in the mix the RS will need to up their game accordingly, fortunately our talent pool is deep...

This is sad and very sudden...RIP Alice Stewart

I disagreed with practically everything Alice Stewart said. She was a long time GOP Political strategist wotked with some real doozies like Huckabee, Cruz and Bachman and listening to her I would characterize her as "Maga-lite". But she always did a decent job of expressing her opinions whenever I saw her in a CNN segment.

Here she is just 2 or 3 days ago commenting on the red tie brigade flocking to Trump's trial...

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She wasn't sick and was relatively young (58) so it's a shock to discover that she passed apparently late this morning. They found her in her garden and the most likely cause is a medical emergency, like a heart attack or stroke. Always a shock when someone dies unexpectedly and you can tell her CNN coleagues are devastated..

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lol @ MAGA

Take a step back and appreciate what you're doing: you're asking Americans to turn their arms on their fellow Americans, and abandon our legal system, all over a guy who was too stupid to just pay Stormy Daniels himself. Does it not bother you, MAGA, that Trump's defense to all these things is always "I never knew the crazy broad!"?

Sure, Don. You never knew any of these women. dws

Let's set the country on fire, though. That's the most important thing.

Equating Trump's self-inflicted "struggles" to the cause of liberty is obscene.

All you staunch intellectual conservatives sure love spending time in bed w sub 90 IQ types. Of course, you trick them with promises of eternal life, money they never get, etc. But show them a cross and a flag! Hooked for life!

Hunter Biden on trial

So the Biden admin appointed Special Counsel is moving ahead with felony charges against Hunter for lying on the checkoff form when he bought a gun, claiming he wasn't a drug user.

Have at it.

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