Harvard's Case Study for Problems in Broader Colleges and Universities

Bill Ackman has an agenda, no doubt. But, the data doesn't lie.

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Enrollment is flat, Faculty is flat, Administration up significantly. Translation? Astronomical costs and ineffective education.

Schools like IU have enjoyed a bit more growth, but the premise likely holds true.

This is something different

Virginia GOP House candidate is single and childless, so he borrowed a friend's wife and kids for his campaign ads.

While we’re at it, it appears Sen. Mike Braun has faked an ad and put McCormick amongst signs that read “No Gas Stoves” when in fact the original picture was supporters holding “McCormick for Governor” campaign signs.

Scorecard: Who's Coming and Going

Hopefully no one else is leaving because no one is coming (right now) unless we hold some late walk-on try outs in the west parking lot...😉

The good news is: that's four more open scholarships available for the next class... 😎🍺

Perfect example why Trump won't win...

Check out the reporting from today's appearance at the National Association of Black Journalists convention. It's a total train wreck. His staffers ended the questioning because he was doing so poorly. So many videos will be lifted from this appearance that will damage Trump's campaign and down-ballot efforts. Trump said that Harris only turned black a few years ago. Before then she identified as Indian. He repeated his line that illegal immigrants were taking black jobs. He was asked if he would pardon those convicted of assaulting police officers on January 6 and he replied, Yes, absolutely.
