Tom Allen has to go

Nebraska has real fans that support them thick and thin and boost their program.

Indiana has fake posers that abandon ship as soon as possible and empty Memorial Stadium at halftime even when things are going well.
I wouldn't leave a game to tailgate, but I'm not buying tickets for games we won't be remotely competitive in.
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Success doesn't matter, and shouldn't f*cking matter, for fan support. You should want your team to win, and you shouldn't tolerate failure, but you also shouldn't look for the first ****ing excuse to throw the team and coaching staff under the bus every single week and in every single situation like our does.

No recruit would choose to play in front of our half-empty stadium full of fans that are just looking for reasons to hate them and decide they suck over the chance to play in front of a roaring crowd of fans that are pulling for their success.
What are you drinking tonight and how much of it?
I ask because plenty of us have followed the program much longer than you claim to have, and we’d like to see a winning program. You may be happy with where we are, but not everyone is.
So he’s saying he’s 23 and hasn’t actually seen enough heartache to understand we have been masochists for much longer than he.
Football Tom crean has to go. Actually Tom cream had a lot more experience

there will be zero fan support the rest of this year and none next year either. Just wasting time.
There never has been fan support for football. Thirty thousand fans is not fan support. Leaving at halftime of games is not fan support. Constantly criticizing every aspect of the program is not fan support.
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I don't watch the football team as much as I once did. Allen was just an abysmal hire with Chuck Pagano/Tom Crean vibes flying everywhere from right when he was hired. And probably not nearly as good of a coach as those 2. I just don't understand our completely inept administration and it's continued hiring fiascos. The fans absolutely should not reward the administration until they get serious about the program.
They are 1 millimeter from being 1-4 right now. Poor in every phase. The game management is absolutely head scratching.
That's the scary part. We are lucky as hell to be 3-2. It's a minor miracle. The frustrating part is the team has enough talent and experience to be 5-0. If Allen wasn't taking his players out of position with his own stunts, blitzes and general gambling on defense and you had an offensive line that could block like most offensive lines can, and receivers that don't drop six passes a game the team is 5-0. It's not like there is nothing there. The plays are there to be made on both sides of the line, but penalties, drops (on both sides), missed tackles, sacks, blocked kicks and every other mistake a football can make get in the way. Coaching.
Wanting a different coach is wanting better things For the players, not being against them. Sure, some players might be shown they don’t cut it on a real B10 team but these days transferring is easy. And a real OL coach, followed by a real OL would give our backs and ends a chance to show what they can do. And save the QB’s health. But it’s gone higher than just the OL coach; CTA has shown that keeping Hillier is, for whatever reason, more important to him than IU’s being even mediocre.
And you’ll get football fans into IU’s stadium by winning, not by browbeating.
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Nebraska football fandom has a lot comparable to IU basketball. It's a lot of nostalgia and a social existence for fans that supersedes the success/ failure on the field/ court.

IUFB has none of those things, they are one of the worst P5 programs in the country, historically. None of this will change until they start consistently winning 7-8 games a year.

Except Nebraska fills Memorial Stadium in good times and bad. Unfortunately, even Assembly Hall has been far from full the last decade or so. The student body seems to be totally detached from the athletic department.
Except Nebraska fills Memorial Stadium in good times and bad. Unfortunately, even Assembly Hall has been far from full the last decade or so. The student body seems to be totally detached from the athletic department.
You have to win.

Nebraska is still in the Mike Davis era of suckage. They need a scandal, Tom Crean, and Archie Miller to get them to where the IU fanbase is.
Except Nebraska fills Memorial Stadium in good times and bad. Unfortunately, even Assembly Hall has been far from full the last decade or so. The student body seems to be totally detached from the athletic department.

I wouldn’t say totally detached but they have a lot of options in Btown and prioritize on a weekly basis. 8K student seats in TAH is crazy. Sell some of those seat Scott.
Other programs are making fun of Tom Allen. This is embarrasing.
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IU went cheap on the football coach search last time. And this is where they are now. You get what you pay for. Cause and Effect. IU needs to get serious about investing in a winning head football coach.
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Except Nebraska fills Memorial Stadium in good times and bad. Unfortunately, even Assembly Hall has been far from full the last decade or so. The student body seems to be totally detached from the athletic department.
That’s not a great analogy. There is not a pro team in the state. This is kind of the only game in town in the whole state, and they were former national champions who have a tradition too.
Each conference team is to get 80-100 million from the new tv contract.
I think they can afford Allen’s buyout lol
But you never owe the entire buyout. It’s doubtful he goes back to FL and retires. We’ll end up paying maybe 1/3 of it though.
He's not getting another job. We'll pay whatever buyout we owe him when that day comes. Won't be for a few years though.
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Except Nebraska fills Memorial Stadium in good times and bad. Unfortunately, even Assembly Hall has been far from full the last decade or so. The student body seems to be totally detached from the athletic department.
Have you ever been to Lincoln? Not much there. Nebraska football is the highlight event in the middle of nowhere. Of course, people are going to attend. It's like IU Basketball. Everyone comes hoping that it's the mid-80's again. Nebraska basketball pulls them in like IU football. It's a choice.
Far far longer than you will ever be even if you start today.

win big game run to IU board to pile on.

congrats on your win and our loss. Need more lotion?
You’re obviously lost. We’re here talking IU football. You know nothing about that, especially compared to those of us who have been IU fans / grads for decades. Take your troll act somewhere else.