SIAP: Steve Kerr on the Texas shooting

I said we have no gun control laws. When the ATF can’t even have computers, there is a serious problem. The Parkland shooter was deemed mentally I’ll and was still able to legally buy an AR-15.

The fact that we can’t even have the most BASIC gun control laws is absurd.
The fact that you support any maniac out there to own any type of weapon they want is what’s disturbing.

You going to tow this line when your children are gunned down in their classroom?
You and I are in agreement on the mentally ill getting guns. It should not be allowed. But gun control of the law abiding is not the answer. If you magically removed all guns from America criminals would still find a way to illegally bring guns into the country like they do drugs. Then all you have is criminals who have guns. It's a fact that this is how it would turn out. What we have to do is 1. make sure the mentally ill do not have access to weapons. 2. make sure convicted felons have no access to weapons. The rest of the U.S. should be free to have weapons if they choose.
It's a fact that this is how it would turn out.
Was that what happened when gun restrictions were enacted in the U.K. or Japan or Australia or South Africa or Norway or the multitude of other places where there are significantly more restrictions on gun ownership and possession?

You have plenty of opportunity to support this "fact" with some data given the many countries that have enacted stronger restrictions than we have in the U.S., so I'm looking forward to your analysis and presentation of the data.
Several posters invaded this thread, which was started to highlight Kerr’s heartfelt statement, and called him all kinds of names. Is this priest exempt when he did the exact same thing?
Just wondering.
Your comment is/was worthless. Just as worthless as the comments denigrating Kerr for his performance.

Just more lazy gotcha nonsense. Catholics come in all shapes and stripes.
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7 shot at a festival in Oklahoma. 6 shot in downtown Chattanooga. 25 shot and 5 dead in Chicago already this weekend. On Meet the Press this morning the guys said random violence, mass shootings, it's young men. And it's out of control. My prediction is that we MAY get something out of Congress with Republicans on board; but regardless many states will act independently and enact legislation. People are done with it. Gun violence is a hot button and this feels different
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7 shot at a festival in Oklahoma. 6 shot in downtown Chattanooga. On Meet the Press this morning the guys said random violence, mass shootings, it's young men. And it's out of control. My prediction is that we MAY get something out Congress with Republicans on board; regardless many states will act independently and enact legislation
Lol. Check the race on that Oklahoma shooter. It doesn’t rate.
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Lol. Check the race on that Oklahoma shooter. It doesn’t rate.
And that was the thrust of the objections in this thread that were imputed to Kerr. At this point I think we are going to see more bipartisan efforts, and/or state efforts, to enact legislation and to tamp down on crimes/shootings of all types. Again it's getting out of hand. The NRA is going to induce gag reflex for more people than ever before. Their raffle of the same gun used in the school shooting is disgusting.
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You and I are in agreement on the mentally ill getting guns. It should not be allowed. But gun control of the law abiding is not the answer. If you magically removed all guns from America criminals would still find a way to illegally bring guns into the country like they do drugs. Then all you have is criminals who have guns. It's a fact that this is how it would turn out. What we have to do is 1. make sure the mentally ill do not have access to weapons. 2. make sure convicted felons have no access to weapons. The rest of the U.S. should be free to have weapons if they choose.
Why doesn’t that happen in other countries, then?
Lol. Check the race on that Oklahoma shooter. It doesn’t rate.
Shit, there are what are considered mass shootings nearly every weekend in Charlotte, NC on the weekends in the summer. House and block parties be gettin' crazy after midnight. Bullets start flying. Doesn't seem to be as many deaths, but a lot of wounded.
And that was the thrust of the objections in this thread that were imputed to Kerr. At this point I think we are going to see more bipartisan efforts, and/or state efforts, to enact legislation and to tamp down on crimes/shootings of all types. Again it's getting out of hand. The NRA is going to induce gag reflex for more people than ever before. Their raffle of the same gun used in the school shooting is disgusting.
Basically, violence in the US is tolerated if it's blacks killing blacks. If we would concentrate on stopping that, it would cure a lot of our society's ills.

It's so obvious that these crazy shooters are young males who want to commit suicide by cop and want to gain some notoriety by taking out as many innocents as they can, yet the Leftist solution is just to ban all guns. Period.

As suggested on this forum, if the age limit was raised for buying and possessing a gun, ito would greatly discourage these types of mass shootings.
Shit, there are what are considered mass shootings nearly every weekend in Charlotte, NC on the weekends in the summer. House and block parties be gettin' crazy after midnight. Bullets start flying. Doesn't seem to be as many deaths, but a lot of wounded.
Which ones were the good guys with the guns?
Basically, violence in the US is tolerated if it's blacks killing blacks. If we would concentrate on stopping that, it would cure a lot of our society's ills.

It's so obvious that these crazy shooters are young males who want to commit suicide by cop and want to gain some notoriety by taking out as many innocents as they can, yet the Leftist solution is just to ban all guns. Period.

As suggested on this forum, if the age limit was raised for buying and possessing a gun, ito would greatly discourage these types of mass shootings.
Raise the age limit, require permits/background checks, ban high capacity mags, make bond on gun charges super high, and any gun conviction carry a hefty sentence
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Trump supported that move. The NRA said no.

I'll tell ya another thing I'd do if I were king for a day. Commute every single drug sentence that didn't involve distribution. Even if it's a thousandth offense. Clear those prisons out to fill with any and everyone convicted of ANY weapons charge
Steve Kerr lives in a bubble. He has no idea. The far left is lost on policing. Yes it's crazy how much it has changed
The bottom line here IMO is that we need to stop listening to and especially catering to; the fringes from both the left and the right. Too much time and resources are used pandering to 30% of the population at the expense of 70%.

Be a religious nut...cuddle with your pronouns and your bibles...we don't care, and don't need to talk nonstop about you. You be you and STFU.

We have real work to do.
I'll tell ya another thing I'd do if I were king for a day. Commute every single drug sentence that didn't involve distribution. Even if it's a thousandth offense. Clear those prisons out to fill with any and everyone convicted of ANY weapons charge
I doubt there are many in jail for possession or use. Even if that is listed as the crime you can bet your bippy that it was a plea bargain from a more serious offense.
The NRA is ridiculous. More and more people are recognizing that fact
I think Trump could get the NRA to move on that. Biden poisoned the well with his post-Uvalde rant. Other Democrat leaders did the same. Reasonable discussions and compromise is once again unlikely.
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I doubt there are many in jail for possession or use. Even if that is listed as the crime you can bet your bippy that it was a plea bargain from a more serious offense.
So what happens to people arrested for possession? The Pew article below says that probation has virtually disappeared for drug crimes. So if there is no jail and no probation ...?

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I think Trump could get the NRA to move on that. Biden poisoned the well with his post-Uvalde rant. Other Democrat leaders did the same. Reasonable discussions and compromise is once again unlikely.
Trump did not in 2018 when he said he could. Read the article, the NRA quickly said no way.
I doubt there are many in jail for possession or use. Even if that is listed as the crime you can bet your bippy that it was a plea bargain from a more serious offense.
Way more than you think. It all depends on the county and in Fed min sentencing
Trump did not in 2018 when he said he could. Read the article, the NRA quickly said no way.
The Democrats and media never gave Trump a chance to be president. Its a wonder he got anything done as it was. The Russia hoax perpetrated by the Hillary campaign and resulting special counsel investigation together with Pelosi/Scchiff/Nadler bullshit dominated the government in 2017 and 2018. What a country.!
So what happens to people arrested for possession? The Pew article below says that probation has virtually disappeared for drug crimes. So if there is no jail and no probation ...?

Federal probation is not available for most federal crimes. That is contrasted with state court where probation is usually allowed for a first time offender.
Federal probation is not available for most federal crimes. That is contrasted with state court where probation is usually allowed for a first time offender.
Possession alone can reach a felony in Mo. With priors for anything that can be prison in republican counties
Voters should vote against ANY politician that receives money from the NRA and any lobbyists from companies who manufacture and sell the types of weapons used in these horrible crimes!!! Vote the bastards out. They're NEVER going to pass any legislation to stop this crap.
Possession alone can reach a felony in Mo. With priors for anything that can be prison in republican counties
We need to look at why people with prior felonies commit more felonies. I betcha a crappy home life is the root cause and a crappy home life is usually because the parents are junkies. Statistics tell us the lack of family support is a significant cause of failed probation. I don’t think legal recreational drug use is the answer. We got to stop the use some way some how. It hurts the economy too. The shortages of skilled labor in so many sectors is because people can’t pass drug tests, or don’t bother to get a job because they know they can’t pass the drug test.
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Federal probation is not available for most federal crimes. That is contrasted with state court where probation is usually allowed for a first time offender.
From the Pew article:

Probation has all but disappeared as a sanction for drug offenders. In 1980, federal courts sentenced 26 percent of convicted drug offenders to probation. By 2014, the proportion had fallen to 6 percent, with judges sending nearly all drug offenders to prison.​

So at least in 1980, probation was an option in at least 26% of drug crimes. So I ask again, if we are not sending them to probation, what is happening to people arrested for possession? You said specifically they are not going to jail.
From the Pew article:

Probation has all but disappeared as a sanction for drug offenders. In 1980, federal courts sentenced 26 percent of convicted drug offenders to probation. By 2014, the proportion had fallen to 6 percent, with judges sending nearly all drug offenders to prison.​

So at least in 1980, probation was an option in at least 26% of drug crimes. So I ask again, if we are not sending them to probation, what is happening to people arrested for possession? You said specifically they are not going to jail.
Biden championed the bill that largely ended federal probation saying racist comments along the way.. Trump promised reform and did it. He expanded the exceptions and alternatives, but of course you wouldn’t know that.
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We need to look at why people with prior felonies commit more felonies. I betcha a crappy home life is the root cause and a crappy home life is usually because the parents are junkies. Statistics tell us the lack of family support is a significant cause of failed probation. I don’t think legal recreational drug use is the answer. We got to stop the use some way some how. It hurts the economy too. The shortages of skilled labor in so many sectors is because people can’t pass drug tests, or don’t bother to get a job because they know they can’t pass the drug test.
A study was done in Chicago that I believe 70 people move out of the city for every murder. I believe in Stl the total annual cost of our murders is 1.5 billion and crime is directly responsible for the massive exodus here. The tentacles of gun crimes are far reaching
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Biden championed the bill that largely ended federal probation saying racist comments along the way.. Trump promised reform and did it. He expanded the exceptions and alternatives, but of course you wouldn’t know that.
So to be clear, you said basically no one goes to jail for possession. I have asked what happens to possession since you said they do not go to jail. You still have not answered. It appears we do send people to prison for possession, especially in NY.

Raise the age limit, require permits/background checks, ban high capacity mags, make bond on gun charges super high, and any gun conviction carry a hefty sentence
I could get behind that.

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