Next IU football coach should be……

What's Allen making now?

If we decided to go out and find the top OC, DC, and OLine and DLine coaches in the country, and pay them...slightly less than what Allen competitive would that be to Bama assistants?

Here's my thinking on that...

If we're in a spot where we're considering firing Allen after this season...and I think they'd have to consider it if we end up finishing 3-9. The buyout will limit how thoroughly they'd consider it, but the thought would obviously cross Dolson's mind..."man, he's been really bad the last couple years, I'd probably move on him if his buyout wasn't 25 million."

Anyways...if that's the climate...would two years worth of TOP, TOP level assistants be more or less expensive than the buyout? At the end of the two years, you hire one of these hot shot assistants, and can LEO. Or, the team succeeds, one or more of the hot shots will have earned a HC job somewhere else, and you reap the benefits of winning, and keep Allen for another year or two.

If Allen's the competitor he's sold everyone that he is, he'd welcome having the best of the best on his staff.
Deion is interesting, for all his showboating he was a helluva player and still has cred from playing days. He could pay Allens buyout and take the job. There was some article about him telling players he didnt want to be seeing armpit hair on campus (meaning no sleeveless tees and wife beaters ) and a some other interesting things about having some discipline?
Not "on campus." In class only.

And an incoming coach paying the departing coach's buyout? Classic!

Post of the week!
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Not "on campus." In class only.

And an incoming coach paying the departing coach's buyout? Classic!

Post of the week!
You are an asshole everywhere you go aren't you? I keep politics off the sports boards for everyone but you break it.
Every dumb ass post you make is a classic dumb ass post of the week. Lets see an IU football fan names himself bowlmania already shows a huge lack of intelligence from the start. GFY

You do realize this whole thread was mostly TIC right? No you are just that ****ing stupid.
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Deion is interesting, for all his showboating he was a helluva player and still has cred from playing days. He could pay Allens buyout and take the job. There was some article about him telling players he didnt want to be seeing armpit hair on campus (meaning no sleeveless tees and wife beaters ) and a some other interesting things about having some discipline?
My brother was an athlete at FSU when Deion was there...he said that Deion was a super nice, approachable guy (he and my brother were friendly and spoke very often...though I don't think they were "buddies" by any stretch). He said that Deion was reserved in a small group...but a big personality when he was in a crowd.

Not really relevant to the discussion...but I offer it up FWIW.
My brother was an athlete at FSU when Deion was there...he said that Deion was a super nice, approachable guy (he and my brother were friendly and spoke very often...though I don't think they were "buddies" by any stretch). He said that Deion was reserved in a small group...but a big personality when he was in a crowd.

Not really relevant to the discussion...but I offer it up FWIW.

Always seemed for all his preening that #1 he backed it up and he was more celebration that trying to really show people up or get in there face. It is interesting, the whole discussion is just that he isnt coaching at IU but we could always hope.
Here are some names.

Joe Rudolph- Was Offensive Line Coach at Wisconsin after playing there, coached Offense some as Offensive Coordinator at Pitt, and is now at another School. Understands the Big Ten.

Dave Doeren - Head Coach at NCState for almost 10 years, Head Coach at Northern Illinois previously.

Dave Clawson- Head Coach at Wake Forest for a number of years. Coached Wake when they beat IU in Bloomington 5 0r 6 years ago. Coached at Bowling green before that.

Jim Leonhard - Assuming Wisconsin doesn't hire Him. great Defensive Coach, understands the Big Ten, after his experience this year, would be smart enough to hire good Offensive coordinator and Coaches and stay out of their way.
Here are some names.

Joe Rudolph- Was Offensive Line Coach at Wisconsin after playing there, coached Offense some as Offensive Coordinator at Pitt, and is now at another School. Understands the Big Ten.

Dave Doeren - Head Coach at NCState for almost 10 years, Head Coach at Northern Illinois previously.

Dave Clawson- Head Coach at Wake Forest for a number of years. Coached Wake when they beat IU in Bloomington 5 0r 6 years ago. Coached at Bowling green before that.

Jim Leonhard - Assuming Wisconsin doesn't hire Him. great Defensive Coach, understands the Big Ten, after his experience this year, would be smart enough to hire good Offensive coordinator and Coaches and stay out of their way.
I'm beginning to really like Arthur Smith, the Atlanta Falcons HC. OC at Tennessee, prior to that was tight ends coach for Tennessee, and prior to that was defensive quality control coach, then offensive control coach . . . and prior to that was an OL for UNC.

The Falcons have no stars other than maybe Grady Jarrett . . . and are developing into a physical run-oriented team.

Hmmmmm . . . parts of this sound a bit familiar.

Whatever it takes to get guys to be physical on the line of scrimmage . . . .
That would bring more of the same, bc they would not be able to overcome IU loser culture, which would consume them.

You need someone who will is much bigger than IU’s sucky culture…. And who won’t let it dominate. And who will strangle the life out of it.
Dolson and the athletic department are part of the continuation of the rinky dink environment that IU promotes. As long as you have that, IU will be MAC level.
This is why the department hated guys like Dinardo and Wilson. They were very vocal about IUs amateur hour operating things down there.
You are an asshole everywhere you go aren't you? I keep politics off the sports boards for everyone but you break it.
Every dumb ass post you make is a classic dumb ass post of the week. Lets see an IU football fan names himself bowlmania already shows a huge lack of intelligence from the start. GFY

You do realize this whole thread was mostly TIC right? No you are just that ****ing stupid.
I "break" what?

Yeah, imagine that. "Bowl" as part of a user name on an IU football board. I'm an IU alum and attended both of IU's recent bowl games. It's likely that you, on the other hand, a self-proclaimed bottom feeder (crayfish), never set foot inside an IU classroom and probably not inside MS. Why are you here?

Your inane "buyout" comment was almost as inexplicable as your rant now. Get a grip, dude. You're out of control.
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Here are some names.

Joe Rudolph- Was Offensive Line Coach at Wisconsin after playing there, coached Offense some as Offensive Coordinator at Pitt, and is now at another School. Understands the Big Ten.

Dave Doeren - Head Coach at NCState for almost 10 years, Head Coach at Northern Illinois previously.

Dave Clawson- Head Coach at Wake Forest for a number of years. Coached Wake when they beat IU in Bloomington 5 0r 6 years ago. Coached at Bowling green before that.

Jim Leonhard - Assuming Wisconsin doesn't hire Him. great Defensive Coach, understands the Big Ten, after his experience this year, would be smart enough to hire good Offensive coordinator and Coaches and stay out of their way.
Neither Doeren nor Clawson is coming here.

Why would they leave what they've built for IU?

Rudolph maybe . . . if he's not attached to VA Tech at the end of the season . . . same with Leonhard but at Wiscy. Something tells me Leonhard might get the Wiscy job or slot back in as Wiscy's DC . . . .
That would bring more of the same, bc they would not be able to overcome IU loser culture, which would consume them.

You need someone who will is much bigger than IU’s sucky culture…. And who won’t let it dominate. And who will strangle the life out of it.
Frankly, that is why Woodson was the right choice to try to right the ship in basketball. He has the chutzpah to handle the bigness of historic IU while overcoming the mediocrity of the present IU. We need a personality … time to write the check.
Frankly, that is why Woodson was the right choice to try to right the ship in basketball. He has the chutzpah to handle the bigness of historic IU while overcoming the mediocrity of the present IU. We need a personality … time to write the check.
Jury still out on that one. Compared to Mr. No Personality, the little guy, it’s night and day.
Not convinced about his coaching but we’ll see. His one year honeymoon is over. This is the year he has to take it up exponentially.
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Personally, I think indiana would ****ing love him. He's our kinda guy. Work hard and don't be a ****ing cry baby
Disclosure - born and raised Hoosier.

do Hoosiers really want a work hard and don't be a cry baby kinda person? Translation - piss and vinegar, no sh!t from anyone toughness. Be the bully?

outside of indiana, a lot fans see indiana sports fans just the opposite as winey b@tches. Hell watch the "man inside the arena" documentary and see what the patriots say about the colts players....soft.

I plead for IU to hire someone that doesn't give a damn about peoples feelings and demands excellence and will pay the price necessary. I just don't believe the admin really wants it
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What's Allen making now?

If we decided to go out and find the top OC, DC, and OLine and DLine coaches in the country, and pay them...slightly less than what Allen competitive would that be to Bama assistants?

Here's my thinking on that...

If we're in a spot where we're considering firing Allen after this season...and I think they'd have to consider it if we end up finishing 3-9. The buyout will limit how thoroughly they'd consider it, but the thought would obviously cross Dolson's mind..."man, he's been really bad the last couple years, I'd probably move on him if his buyout wasn't 25 million."

Anyways...if that's the climate...would two years worth of TOP, TOP level assistants be more or less expensive than the buyout? At the end of the two years, you hire one of these hot shot assistants, and can LEO. Or, the team succeeds, one or more of the hot shots will have earned a HC job somewhere else, and you reap the benefits of winning, and keep Allen for another year or two.

If Allen's the competitor he's sold everyone that he is, he'd welcome having the best of the best on his staff.
should be…someone with prior, successful college.head coaching experience.

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should be…someone with prior, successful college.head coaching experience.

Yup. Allen stays with what I wrote. If he has good, knowledgeable coordinators, that can teach solid principals, below him…he’s proven he can be successful. Absent that, he’s proven he can’t be successful.
Deion doesnt like Indiana! I think hes still butthurt about losing to the Colts one year! I believe it was the game Marvin juked him outa his shoes for a td! Besides, the only way he comes here is if IU pays CTA his $25mil, which wont happen!
That is shortsighted. What IU needs is success. Not fools gold no fans in the stands COVID crap. Real success. The kind that makes other programs want your coach.

when he leaves (and you need to let him leave…. No big buyouts) you have a more attractive program to sell to a better pool of coaching talent.

The opposite isn't great - IU gets the IU/Indiana guy, experiences some short-term success, the admin over-reacts and pays him too much, and we're stuck for a few years longer than ideal.
What's Allen making now?

If we decided to go out and find the top OC, DC, and OLine and DLine coaches in the country, and pay them...slightly less than what Allen competitive would that be to Bama assistants?

Here's my thinking on that...

If we're in a spot where we're considering firing Allen after this season...and I think they'd have to consider it if we end up finishing 3-9. The buyout will limit how thoroughly they'd consider it, but the thought would obviously cross Dolson's mind..."man, he's been really bad the last couple years, I'd probably move on him if his buyout wasn't 25 million."

Anyways...if that's the climate...would two years worth of TOP, TOP level assistants be more or less expensive than the buyout? At the end of the two years, you hire one of these hot shot assistants, and can LEO. Or, the team succeeds, one or more of the hot shots will have earned a HC job somewhere else, and you reap the benefits of winning, and keep Allen for another year or two.

If Allen's the competitor he's sold everyone that he is, he'd welcome having the best of the best on his staff.
Great idea, but. . . guys like that working for Allen? Besides the money, Allen would still be their boss. Yes it would be a lot cheaper than the buyout after this season or even after next season. But who would hire them? Dolson isn't a football guy. Allen himself doesn't hire anyone he doesn't seem to already know and his hirings have been spotty. It could be just a lot of money spent on people who can't really make the changes necessary with Allen at the helm, he could hold them back. Think of the DC, would Allen really let him coach the defense and call the defensive plays? Chad wilt didn't get that authority. I'd be happy if they did a really comprehensive search for the very best OL coach and be willing to pay him a lot of money. That would entice better OL recruits, not to mention better RB and QB recruits with the thought that they would be playing behind a successful line that could do its job.
Yup. Allen stays with what I wrote. If he has good, knowledgeable coordinators, that can teach solid principals, below him…he’s proven he can be successful. Absent that, he’s proven he can’t be successful.
Allen might be willing to discuss with Dolson the prospect of being given more money for assistant coaches but TA would ultimately still make the hiring decisions. His past decisions have been hit-or-miss and I don’t expect that to change going forward but they’ll be his choices, good or bad.
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Allen might be willing to discuss with Dolson the prospect of being given more money for assistant coaches but TA would ultimately still make the hiring decisions. His past decisions have been hit-or-miss and I don’t expect that to change going forward but they’ll be his choices, good or bad.
At some point Dolson could make that decision for him.

"This is the plan. Buy into it, heck lead it...but its happening. 2019 and 2020 are happening again. You've proven that with high quality Coordinators, that you can be successful. Your LEO culture is something we value here at Indiana, but it only works when there's room full of highly qualified and highly effective coaches. So, we're going to find some of the very best coordinators and position coaches, and pay them to come here. On the flip side of all this, you've proven that when given complete control, and allowed to build your own staff, that you aren't successful. We are going to win, and very soon, again here at Indiana. Get on board with the plan, quit, or we'll fire you for insubordination."

I'm saying all of this very much tongue in cheek. It won't happen.

I think Champs1976 might be on to something that might be more realistic. Up the budget for coordinators and position coaches, overall. Figure out what it would take to go get a couple of the best line coaches that money could buy. Bump the OC and DC pay to be more than those line coaches, if necessary. Then throw some crazy bonus based incentives for bowl games, Bucket wins, etc... for all the coaching staff.

And for Gods sake...get working on football NIL money.

And again...force Allen to be on board with it.
At some point Dolson could make that decision for him.

"This is the plan. Buy into it, heck lead it...but its happening. 2019 and 2020 are happening again. You've proven that with high quality Coordinators, that you can be successful. Your LEO culture is something we value here at Indiana, but it only works when there's room full of highly qualified and highly effective coaches. So, we're going to find some of the very best coordinators and position coaches, and pay them to come here. On the flip side of all this, you've proven that when given complete control, and allowed to build your own staff, that you aren't successful. We are going to win, and very soon, again here at Indiana. Get on board with the plan, quit, or we'll fire you for insubordination."

I'm saying all of this very much tongue in cheek. It won't happen.

I think Champs1976 might be on to something that might be more realistic. Up the budget for coordinators and position coaches, overall. Figure out what it would take to go get a couple of the best line coaches that money could buy. Bump the OC and DC pay to be more than those line coaches, if necessary. Then throw some crazy bonus based incentives for bowl games, Bucket wins, etc... for all the coaching staff.

And for Gods sake...get working on football NIL money.

And again...force Allen to be on board with it.
Was it Dolson's idea to hire Ron Carey? Or was it CTA's?
We probably need to hire some highly qualified assistant ADs for Dolson himself. He needs a bunch of help to help himself.
At some point Dolson could make that decision for him.

"This is the plan. Buy into it, heck lead it...but its happening. 2019 and 2020 are happening again. You've proven that with high quality Coordinators, that you can be successful. Your LEO culture is something we value here at Indiana, but it only works when there's room full of highly qualified and highly effective coaches. So, we're going to find some of the very best coordinators and position coaches, and pay them to come here. On the flip side of all this, you've proven that when given complete control, and allowed to build your own staff, that you aren't successful. We are going to win, and very soon, again here at Indiana. Get on board with the plan, quit, or we'll fire you for insubordination."

I'm saying all of this very much tongue in cheek. It won't happen.

I think Champs1976 might be on to something that might be more realistic. Up the budget for coordinators and position coaches, overall. Figure out what it would take to go get a couple of the best line coaches that money could buy. Bump the OC and DC pay to be more than those line coaches, if necessary. Then throw some crazy bonus based incentives for bowl games, Bucket wins, etc... for all the coaching staff.

And for Gods sake...get working on football NIL money.

And again...force Allen to be on board with it.
No self-respecting head coach would stand aside and let an AD pick his coordinators for him unless that coach is absolutely desperate to keep his job, even at the cost of a public humiliation.

Far more likely Allen would tell Dolson “thanks for the support and extra cash and I’ll take it from here.”

And it’s not as if anyone else in that Ath Dept has a track record of hiring good football coaches.
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Too early to throw the towel in on this season; but, the clock is ticking loudly. As much as I like CTA ( and I'm all in on away if you want) if we crash and burn to 3-9 a change MUST be made. We all saw the stands last Saturday, that will only get worse unless things change.

That said, if it does happen my first call is to Kalen DeBoer. PAC 12 is dying and it is possible UDub is left hanging.

No luck there? I go to successful coaches at G5 and FCS programs : North Dakota St., James Madison, Appalachian St., WKU, UTSA, etc. You're getting most of a staff that has proven successful together. You want an IU connection? Kane Wommack; almost beat undefeated, #9 UCLA in the Rose Bowl.

Or get a Bo Pellini or someone like him. Successful but run out of P5. I thought Illinois made a mistake with Bielema and he only had success because he followed Alvarez. Looks like I was wrong.

Like many on here, I'm not sold on hot shot coordinators as the answer. Look at Oklahoma this season after hiring Venables, who has been seen as the best available coordinator for years. Choose proven, head coaching success.
Too early to throw the towel in on this season; but, the clock is ticking loudly. As much as I like CTA ( and I'm all in on away if you want) if we crash and burn to 3-9 a change MUST be made. We all saw the stands last Saturday, that will only get worse unless things change.

That said, if it does happen my first call is to Kalen DeBoer. PAC 12 is dying and it is possible UDub is left hanging.

No luck there? I go to successful coaches at G5 and FCS programs : North Dakota St., James Madison, Appalachian St., WKU, UTSA, etc. You're getting most of a staff that has proven successful together. You want an IU connection? Kane Wommack; almost beat undefeated, #9 UCLA in the Rose Bowl.

Or get a Bo Pellini or someone like him. Successful but run out of P5. I thought Illinois made a mistake with Bielema and he only had success because he followed Alvarez. Looks like I was wrong.

Like many on here, I'm not sold on hot shot coordinators as the answer. Look at Oklahoma this season after hiring Venables, who has been seen as the best available coordinator for years. Choose proven, head coaching success.
I'd love to have Deboer, but no way can we pay Allen off and pay for Deboer's buyout.

I do agree that bringing in a successful coach, along with his staff, is the way to go.
Too early to throw the towel in on this season; but, the clock is ticking loudly. As much as I like CTA ( and I'm all in on away if you want) if we crash and burn to 3-9 a change MUST be made. We all saw the stands last Saturday, that will only get worse unless things change.

That said, if it does happen my first call is to Kalen DeBoer. PAC 12 is dying and it is possible UDub is left hanging.

No luck there? I go to successful coaches at G5 and FCS programs : North Dakota St., James Madison, Appalachian St., WKU, UTSA, etc. You're getting most of a staff that has proven successful together. You want an IU connection? Kane Wommack; almost beat undefeated, #9 UCLA in the Rose Bowl.

Or get a Bo Pellini or someone like him. Successful but run out of P5. I thought Illinois made a mistake with Bielema and he only had success because he followed Alvarez. Looks like I was wrong.

Like many on here, I'm not sold on hot shot coordinators as the answer. Look at Oklahoma this season after hiring Venables, who has been seen as the best available coordinator for years. Choose proven, head coaching success.
Absolutely no more coordinators. We should be done with that at this point. There are some great G5 guys out there (Chadwell is one with 4 head coaching stints).
I'd love to have Deboer, but no way can we pay Allen off and pay for Deboer's buyout.

I do agree that bringing in a successful coach, along with his staff, is the way to go.
I think the best plan, of the few that are in any way likely to happen...

Up the budget for coordinators and position coaches.

Push Allen, Wilt, and Bell to go after better position coaches, especially both of the line coaches.

And just hope having some continuity with the staff allows for some improvement. If there is improvement, we're likely a bowl level team the next couple years. I wouldn't give Allen another extension or anything because of that. But 6-6 is realistically where IU football should probably be right now, being that we're in one of the more difficult conference divisions in all of college football...and that means we'll routinely have one of the more difficult schedules. If in 2-3 years, the level hasn't improved, or we're still missing bowl games, then obviously its time to move on.

And at that point, yes, going after full staff options is preferred.

My coordinators idea was a pipe dream. And purely based off the notion that our admin would want to fire Allen, but couldn't because of the buyout. Again, not realistic, but bringing in higher cost, proven coordinators, would likely work on the field. We've seen what Allen coached IU teams can do when they have good coordinators.

Maybe Wilt and Bell are good too, and an offseason, transfer season, and just another year of continuity will allow them to prove it?
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