Mike Johnson is a Problem.....

Pro-life has lost in WY, KS,KY, and OH. I am not sure where they expect to be win, maybe AL, SC, MS? If I were a Republican, I would stick with the federalism argument and avoid nationalizing this issue at all costs. In what has happened in the last year, I cannot see how it is a winning issue nationally.
Yes, a prospective Senator or Representative should state clearly there is no plan to create Federal legislation to create a Federal legal standard, what so ever.

A prospective Governor has to walk the tightrope, under the sword of Damocles.
About the best s/he can do is say the state legislature will define the legal standard for their state, and I will support the will of the people in choosing to sign or veto any measure passed. This won’t be good enough for ardent pro-choice or pro-life proponents.
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I don’t get it.
It’s a depiction of fear mongering, Aloha. When Christian values get written into law the social Apple cart will be wrecked. Then, again maybe some of the more ‘antisocietal’ social polices need to be reformed. Disincentives against work and marriage do not create freedom … but dependence on the Government.
Yes, I watched it.

I’ve got some news. The United States has been governed by Christian values since the day it was founded. We feed and clothe the poor. We provide or offer shelter for those don't have it. We punish murder and theft. We strive to see all people as the same. And more. All of these are in the Sermon on the Mount. They are all Christian principles.

But here is the important part. Christians are not the only group that holds these values. These are universal values of good that many hold.

We now have an overwhelming need to not think about important issues for their own merits. We can only think about values in relation to what other individuals or groups advocate for those values. If the wrong people agree with an idea, the idea doesn’t have merit. Yeah, Johnson has a strong Christian faith and it guides him. You act as though it is a bad thing. It isn’t.

Our country is in the midst of surrogate thinking. We think in terms of surrogate groups or individuals to determine how we should think. The Germans went though this with “Jewish Physics” in the 30’s. We go though it now and we are doing it on a wider and deeper level than the Nazis ever did. Christian nationalism, white nationalism, Black Lives Matter, TRUMPISM! Islamophobia etc. etc. etc. are all techniques used for either advocating for or dismissing ideas based upon some silly surrogate or extrinsic, factor. We have lost the ability to think about stuff based on the stuff. I blame education. Education has taken a sledge hammer to thinking and instead focuses on what groups think and say.

Remember, the Volkswagen was Hitlers idea and it was a good idea.
A masterpiece here, CoH. I think most logicians call your "surrogate thinking" the fallacy of guilt by association. At least that's how I learned it.

Check out An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments: Learn the Lost Art of Making Sense. It's a cute and useful little book.
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A masterpiece here, CoH. I think most logicians call your "surrogate thinking" the fallacy of guilt by association. At least that's how I learned it.

Check out An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments: Learn the Lost Art of Making Sense. It's a cute and useful little book.
Thanks. Here is a website you might be interested in. I’ve linked it a time or two over the years.

Just stop it. There is zero chance of the US having a state religion . 200-300 year old ecclesiastical history doesn’t cut it. “Christian nationalism” is nothing but a liberal construct to dismiss a POV you want to disagree with but don’t know how to make the argument other than saying “Christian nationalism” as if that means anything.
You stop it. How exactly is using the term they apply to themselves some sort of "liberal construct"?

You stop it. How exactly is using the term they apply to themselves some sort of "liberal construct"?

Christian nationalism, white nationalism, white supremacy, white logic, islamaphobia, extreme MAGA, colonist, and more are all lazy rhetorical gimmicks to enhance your POV while diminishing others with emotional nonsense. The point is not that such characteristics don’t exist in society, the point is that they are overstated and manipulated to diminish large groups of people. This is the real point point if Hitler and the Nazis. Not a particular word like vermin.
Christian nationalism, white nationalism, white supremacy, white logic, islamaphobia, extreme MAGA, colonist, and more are all lazy rhetorical gimmicks to enhance your POV while diminishing others with emotional nonsense. The point is not that such characteristics don’t exist in society, the point is that they are overstated and manipulated to diminish large groups of people. This is the real point point if Hitler and the Nazis. Not a particular word like vermin.
How come all of your examples refer to terms applied to right wing bigots when there are just as many code words used to attack people who are in the center or the left as well? If one accepts the validity of your argument, one has to realize it is at the very least equally applicable to those you purportedly agree with, No?

Are you seriously going to argue that people like DANC,ftw, Mas, dbm, etc don't epitomize lazy rhetoric espousing people who diminish others "with emotional nonsense"? Not to mention the right wing echosphere at large, using terms like Groomer, anti-family, pedo,Socialist/commie (they're too ignorant to distinguish the difference), RINO and so on? If so, you're full of BS...

You're defending Trump's use of the term "vermin" when his whole diatribe was filled with the exact type of language you claim to rail about. Trump continues to conflate anti- Trump/Maga with being un American and since people that listen to him as some sort of messianic presence have a toolbox full of screws loose in the first place, they are remarkably amenable to an argument designed to appeal to such lemmings.

Trump and his minions are every bit as guilty of the type of "Nazi mind games" you ascribe to the subjects of your post. Since you're sort of intelligent I have to believe you know how true and accurate that is. You're just too dishonest to admit it...
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For Democrats.

Just went for the jugular on the pro-abortion Democrats on Capitol Hill. An Ultra sound for every woman who wants an abortion. Feel the heart beat, then make the decision. Great law.
I can't wait till you guys wake up following the 2024 election and realize that (despite these early polls) the Dems once again control the WH and the House. If you haven't figured it out yet people like Donald Trump and Mike Johnson are out of step with the majority of US voters.

If you don't believe that, then I challenge the various swing state GOP election Committees to proudly run and pay for the various sound bites of Johnson advocating for a nationwide anti-abortion ban and the anti LGBTQ statments he contributed to this book...

I know the Dems will run them ad nauseum. I just think if the GOP endorses those positions then they should pay for the ads which will obviously get more Pubs elected...

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So I thought some might find this interesting. Liz Cheney pulls no punches in her new book, which I've only heard excerpts from. In this interview on the Bulwark, she has no mercy on McCarthy and his lack of leadership...

But she is particularly brutal when assesing Maga Mike, and his role in the bogus attempt to subvert the votes of millions with his phoney lawsuit She characterizes his approach to get other gullible House Pubs to sign on as "bait and switch"...

But what really struck me as noteworthy was that she shred Johnson and his duplicity BEFORE he became House speaker, at a time when he was basically unknown to the public at large. It's as if she knew on Sept 1 (nearly 2 months before any of us ever heard the name Mike Johnson)) what many of us have only discovered subsequently as part of the vetting process...

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