Mar-a-Lago is Under Siege

This is a good resemblance of Stoll.
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We have had this discussion with other people and some were convinced I was wrong. No way Trump faces charges for classified information. Prosecutors have to prove he knowingly took classified info. It seldom happens they try because it is so hard. If there are documents, they will retrieve them and end of story.
We have had this discussion with other people and some were convinced I was wrong. No way Trump faces charges for classified information. Prosecutors have to prove he knowingly took classified info. It seldom happens they try because it is so hard. If there are documents, they will retrieve them and end of story.
Buzz kill
We have had this discussion with other people and some were convinced I was wrong. No way Trump faces charges for classified information. Prosecutors have to prove he knowingly took classified info. It seldom happens they try because it is so hard. If there are documents, they will retrieve them and end of story.
If this is really about confidential documents, then getting them out of Mar-A-Lago is probably the important result, anyway.
Trump supporters are gathering at Mar-a-Lago. Has Pelosi called for an August 8 special committee?
We have had this discussion with other people and some were convinced I was wrong. No way Trump faces charges for classified information. Prosecutors have to prove he knowingly took classified info. It seldom happens they try because it is so hard. If there are documents, they will retrieve them and end of story.
Aren't you being too restrictive in discussing only charges relating to "knowingly took classified info"?

The reporters are saying tonight that the government has been in communication for several weeks with Trump and his lawyers about the location of documents Trump took with him. This search warrant wasn't a bolt from the sky. Sounds like the offense may be more like "knowingly kept classified info" rather than "knowingly took."

And, even if the documents he took were not classified, it is likely those are still government property that he should not have taken. Trump has had 18 months after leaving office to sort through his belongings and return government property. No one should feel sorry for him.
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Getting them out of Mar-A-Logo is a, civil action. The DOJ made this a criminal case.
The DOJ didn't make mishandling classified information a criminal case. Federal statutes make it a criminal case. All I'm saying in response to Marvin's note that such a charge is difficult to make stick is that protecting said classified info is probably far more important than actually locking someone up over it, anyway.
The DOJ didn't make mishandling classified information a criminal case. Federal statutes make it a criminal case. All I'm saying in response to Marvin's note that such a charge is difficult to make stick is that protecting said classified info is probably far more important than actually locking someone up over it, anyway.
Right. Before this Trump investigation the only known prosecution was a sailor who took pictures of his work place on a sub.
McCarthy is threatening Garland. Ingraham is arguing that the raid on Mar-A-Lago is "something all Americans should be concerned about." Trump is whining this has never happened to an American president before.

Of course it hasn't. There's never before been a president who has pulled the shit that this guy has.

Since the criminal process is now underway, he's of course innocent until proven guilty. That said, only a fool like Ingraham, with little to no knowledge of the underlying facts, would suggest that this search signals the end of the Fourth Amendment.

The information establishing probable cause, the affidavit(s) in support of the application for the warrant, and the warrant itself were meticulously reviewed and green-lighted at the highest levels of Justice, and then carefully reviewed and approved by a federal judge. The agents who executed the warrant are highly trained and, given the subject, likely among the cream of the crop. The subject is a former president of the United States. No one touching any of this has taken anything lightly, the review has been exhaustive, and anyone betting that the search will ultimately be found illegal should be prepared to open their wallet.
Click on someone's name. Their little profile card pops up. Click the gear on the top right, and select "Shared IPs."
Is it possible the gear icon and the dropdown for "shared IPs" is only available/visible to mods?

Edit- well duh... I thought your reply was to OS, but I see now you were answering Mark. So Obviously you were schooling him on mod duties... I didn't see the gear, and was afraid I was losing what little mind I have left...
Aren't you being too restrictive in discussing only charges relating to "knowingly took classified info"?

The reporters are saying tonight that the government has been in communication for several weeks with Trump and his lawyers about the location of documents Trump took with him. This search warrant wasn't a bolt from the sky. Sounds like the offense may be more like "knowingly kept classified info" rather than "knowingly took."

And, even if the documents he took were not classified, it is likely those are still government property that he should not have taken. Trump has had 18 months after leaving office to sort through his belongings and return government property. No one should feel sorry for him.
He needs them for his picture book... Always thinking of the next grift...
Trump shouldve consulted with the Clinton's and he could have found out how to prevent it.
They've already retrieved 13 or so boxes, so you think he'd realize if he had more he needs to turn them over? I don't even understand why he'd refuse to return them, but obviously that's what happened. Somebody ratted him out, because no way a judge signs off on a search warrant without some fairly reliable indication of criminal activity...

So there was no reason to consult the Clintons, or any former POTUS from either party. Just turn the material back in- it's not that hard. Unless you don't want the contents of the material revealed to law enforcement...
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They've already retrieved 13 or so boxes, so you think he'd realize if he had more he needs to turn them over? I don't even understand why he'd refuse to return them, but obviously that's what happened. Somebody ratted him out, because no way a judge signs off on a search warrant without some fairly reliable indication of criminal activity...

So there was no reason to consult the Clintons, or any former POTUS from either party. Just turn the material back in- it's not that hard. Unless you don't want the contents of the material revealed to law enforcement...
''Unless you don't want the contents of the material revealed to law enforcement...''

Hence the reason to consult the Clinton's
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One affidavit and a friendly judge. And the FBI already has a record of falsifying affidavits for warrants.
So the FBI Director who Trump appointed in 2017, and has served less time under the current Admin than what he served under Trump, "falsified" a warrant to retrieve documents that should have never left the WH, and definitely should have been returned over the past 2 years?

And why exactly would Wray want to do that?

For a non-Trumper you sure do fall over yourself promoting conspiracy theories designed to defend him...
McCarthy is threatening Garland. Ingraham is arguing that the raid on Mar-A-Lago is "something all Americans should be concerned about." Trump is whining this has never happened to an American president before.

Of course it hasn't. There's never before been a president who has pulled the shit that this guy has.

Since the criminal process is now underway, he's of course innocent until proven guilty. That said, only a fool like Ingraham, with little to no knowledge of the underlying facts, would suggest that this search signals the end of the Fourth Amendment.

The information establishing probable cause, the affidavit(s) in support of the application for the warrant, and the warrant itself were meticulously reviewed and green-lighted at the highest levels of Justice, and then carefully reviewed and approved by a federal judge. The agents who executed the warrant are highly trained and, given the subject, likely among the cream of the crop. The subject is a former president of the United States. No one touching any of this has taken anything lightly, the review has been exhaustive, and anyone betting that the search will ultimately be found illegal should be prepared to open their wallet.
Oh bullshit. An FBI agent has admitted falsifying warrant affidavits. . Others admit signing an affidavit without the required first-hand knowledge. Judges have admitted to not being tough enough on reviewing warrants. The FBI has a reputation built by the likes of J Edgar and Bobby Kennedy of playing fast and loose with the 4th Amendment. And the FBI was neck deep in the Russia hoax.

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