January 6 Coo Hilarity


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 5, 2001
CSPAN covering the 3rd Annual Press Conference about the ”attack” and signs saying “Democracy Is On The Line” are in the background.

The DC Rep (Elenor Holmes) trying to talk about how Trump didn’t send in the DC National Guard and how it took hours and how it would have saved “lives” etc. and how the people of DC are mostly “black and brown” and deserved better protection (remember EVERYTHING happens or doesn’t happen BECAUSE OF race).

But some protester is screaming about Israel nearby. Hard to if it’s pro or con, but they aren’t concerned with January 6. I hear “genocide”

Second speaker says “sorry if I repeat anything, but I couldn’t hear what they said.” He says there were 5 police officers deaths. Says “the truth about January 6 must be told,” then talks about all the trials and convictions. (Was the truth used to get them?) Then devolves into talking about Trump’s lawsuits and indictments.

Seems like they are all “winging it.” Really getting thrown off by the other protestors. No notes.
"The FBI continues to seek the public’s help to identify those who committed assaults on federal officers or other violence at the Capitol on January 6. If you have any information about the individuals depicted in the videos or photos at, please call 1-800-CALL-FBI (225-5324) or submit a tip online at Please reference the photo number when calling or submitting information online."
"Imagine the most traumatic, or a traumatic event in your life, that reaches the level of attention that January 6 garnered,” he said. “I mean, it was an international story. And spending three years trying to convince people that it actually f*cking happened."

"Ultimately, you, the American voter, will be the last line of defense when it comes to preserving democracy as we know it and ensuring the peaceful transfer of power. And it’s that serious . . . I'm telling you that this [2024] election is like no other. The future of our democracy is at stake."

-Michael Fanone, former DC Metropolitan Police Officer, who suffered a heart attack and sustained a traumatic brain injury after being beaten and electroshocked by Trump supporters on January 6
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"Imagine the most traumatic, or a traumatic event in your life, that reaches the level of attention that January 6 garnered,” he said. “I mean, it was an international story. And spending three years trying to convince people that it actually f*cking happened."

"Ultimately, you, the American voter, will be the last line of defense when it comes to preserving democracy as we know it and ensuring the peaceful transfer of power. And it’s that serious . . . I'm telling you that this [2024] election is like no other. The future of our democracy is at stake."

-Michael Fanone, former DC Metropolitan Police Officer, who suffered a heart attack and sustained a traumatic brain injury after being beaten and electroshocked by Trump supporters on January 6
He spoke at this one. Twice. Third speaker and last speaker.

I think they made the Israel protestors move. They couldn’t be heard as loud. (Do you think they should have been arrested? I only ask because you - and the Democrat party - seem completely unconcerned about the rights of all the peaceful protestors there on January 6 three years ago. All you guys talk about is the “coup”. These folks today were also trying to oppose Democrat free speech, right? Demanding silence is violence!)

Should we make January 6 a National holiday of mourning? Where does it rank among our tragedies? Above Pearl Harbor? Below 9/11? When will the Dems stop using it to vote whore?

Here is something I learned yesterday - the Kentucky State Police cannot enter the Chamber of the Senate of Kentucky, unless specifically invited, and yet citizens of Kentucky can carry both handguns and long rifles into the Senate Chamber. You looking to preserve THAT kind of democracy too? Where are your lines drawn?

Carry on. I’m watching Governor Beshear’s State of the Commonweath speech. (He does not look armed, but he did not welcome the new GOP Attorney General to the speech, despite welcoming zillions of others, so I expect fisticuffs at least.)
He spoke at this one. Twice. Third speaker and last speaker.

I think they made the Israel protestors move. They couldn’t be heard as loud. (Do you think they should have been arrested? I only ask because you - and the Democrat party - seem completely unconcerned about the rights of all the peaceful protestors there on January 6 three years ago. All you guys talk about is the “coup”. These folks today were also trying to oppose Democrat free speech, right? Demanding silence is violence!)

Should we make January 6 a National holiday of mourning? Where does it rank among our tragedies? Above Pearl Harbor? Below 9/11? When will the Dems stop using it to vote whore?

Here is something I learned yesterday - the Kentucky State Police cannot enter the Chamber of the Senate of Kentucky, unless specifically invited, and yet citizens of Kentucky can carry both handguns and long rifles into the Senate Chamber. You looking to preserve THAT kind of democracy too? Where are your lines drawn?

Carry on. I’m watching Governor Beshear’s State of the Commonweath speech. (He does not look armed, but he did not welcome the new GOP Attorney General to the speech, despite welcoming zillions of others, so I expect fisticuffs at least.)
I'm not a Democrat and never have been. I do love American democracy, though, and the time-honored tradition in my country of the peaceful transfer of power. I want my kids and future descendants to be able to enjoy it long after I'm gone.

Your efforts to whitewash January 6 are shameful.
He spoke at this one. Twice. Third speaker and last speaker.

I think they made the Israel protestors move. They couldn’t be heard as loud. (Do you think they should have been arrested? I only ask because you - and the Democrat party - seem completely unconcerned about the rights of all the peaceful protestors there on January 6 three years ago. All you guys talk about is the “coup”. These folks today were also trying to oppose Democrat free speech, right? Demanding silence is violence!)

Should we make January 6 a National holiday of mourning? Where does it rank among our tragedies? Above Pearl Harbor? Below 9/11? When will the Dems stop using it to vote whore?

Here is something I learned yesterday - the Kentucky State Police cannot enter the Chamber of the Senate of Kentucky, unless specifically invited, and yet citizens of Kentucky can carry both handguns and long rifles into the Senate Chamber. You looking to preserve THAT kind of democracy too? Where are your lines drawn?

Carry on. I’m watching Governor Beshear’s State of the Commonweath speech. (He does not look armed, but he did not welcome the new GOP Attorney General to the speech, despite welcoming zillions of others, so I expect fisticuffs at least.)
"the rights of all the peaceful protestors there on January 6 three years ago."

What rights and "peacefup protestors" are you referencing here? Most of the people charged with Jan 6 offenses were either uncovered by internet sleuths tracking them down afetr seeing vidoe of them comitting violent/unlawful acts, or else people who posted self incriminating social media posts showing themselves doing unlawful activities.

There has never been as great a degree of self-ownage than some of the (not the sharpest tool in the shed) individuals who filmed themselves committing crimes on Jan 6. And isn't it almost a self repudiation of all the claims of unaired "exonerating video" when the fact is that people were tracked down/arrested on the basis of what others saw and turned in? If nobody saw the unaired video previously, then clearly the people charged were recognizable on other media that others saw and reported.

Nobody was charged based on their actions shown in the video the Pubs released. People who appeared "innocent" on the previously unaired video were arrested because despite what the unaired video showed there was other video/media video viewed by possibly millions which showed them committing crimes.

"Here is something I learned yesterday - the Kentucky State Police cannot enter the Chamber of the Senate of Kentucky, unless specifically invited, and yet citizens of Kentucky can carry both handguns and long rifles into the Senate Chamber. You looking to preserve THAT kind of democracy too? Where are your lines drawn?"

The bolded would seem to be a Kentucky/NRA problem, so not sure why you're acting like that is something reasonable people support?
He spoke at this one. Twice. Third speaker and last speaker.

I think they made the Israel protestors move. They couldn’t be heard as loud. (Do you think they should have been arrested? I only ask because you - and the Democrat party - seem completely unconcerned about the rights of all the peaceful protestors there on January 6 three years ago. All you guys talk about is the “coup”. These folks today were also trying to oppose Democrat free speech, right? Demanding silence is violence!)

Inre Jan .6:
Which rights of peaceful protesters were violated?
Which peaceful protesters were prosecuted?
How many people who stayed behind the barricades were arrested?
I'm not a Democrat and never have been. I do love American democracy, though, and the time-honored tradition in my country of the peaceful transfer of power. I want my kids and future descendants to be able to enjoy it long after I'm gone.

Your efforts to whitewash January 6 are shameful.
I didn’t whitewash anything. I didn’t deny anything. You are brainwashed an out it. Anybody in Dc was a criminal according to you “coup” sellers.
I'm not a Democrat and never have been. I do love American democracy, though, and the time-honored tradition in my country of the peaceful transfer of power. I want my kids and future descendants to be able to enjoy it long after I'm gone.

Your efforts to whitewash January 6 are shameful.
Did you cry about it or were you able to remain strong this year? I’ll give you a hug if you need one.

I Love You Hug GIF
"the rights of all the peaceful protestors there on January 6 three years ago."

What rights and "peacefup protestors" are you referencing here?
The right to peaceably assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances

The right to protest without being defamed and branded an insurrectionist or coup attempter.

According to your side, everyone who was there is a criminal. That is a lie. That was todays message - again - even 3 years after the "coo" - even to this day, y'all refuse to discern the ddiffeerence between violence and non-violence on January 6, all the while defending the lotting and burning of BLM addicts.

I was walked through the Kentucky Capital yesterday. The second day of the first legislagtive session since the election. I wanted to see a guy I praticed law with who has been elected Attorney General, and another colleague who was elected to the Supreme Court.

If the protestors outside went too far, and charged the gates, or whatever - by your standards, and the way this January 6 thing has been portrayed - I would be a criminal just for being there. Just to score political points against Trump, you people would prosecute a nun for praying in the Senate Chapel. You think Biden will honor the non-violent January 6 protestors in his Valley Forge speech today? Ever? Anywhere?

You're all a bunch of McCarthy's bitching about McCarthyism! "Are you now or have you ever been a Trumper? Off to the dungeon!"

He spoke at this one. Twice. Third speaker and last speaker.

I think they made the Israel protestors move. They couldn’t be heard as loud. (Do you think they should have been arrested? I only ask because you - and the Democrat party - seem completely unconcerned about the rights of all the peaceful protestors there on January 6 three years ago. All you guys talk about is the “coup”. These folks today were also trying to oppose Democrat free speech, right? Demanding silence is violence!)

Should we make January 6 a National holiday of mourning? Where does it rank among our tragedies? Above Pearl Harbor? Below 9/11? When will the Dems stop using it to vote whore?

Here is something I learned yesterday - the Kentucky State Police cannot enter the Chamber of the Senate of Kentucky, unless specifically invited, and yet citizens of Kentucky can carry both handguns and long rifles into the Senate Chamber. You looking to preserve THAT kind of democracy too? Where are your lines drawn?

Carry on. I’m watching Governor Beshear’s State of the Commonweath speech. (He does not look armed, but he did not welcome the new GOP Attorney General to the speech, despite welcoming zillions of others, so I expect fisticuffs at least.)
peaceful protestors? The ones that were actually peaceful and didn't break any laws weren't arrested.

Captain America Lol GIF by mtv
Season 1 Lol GIF by NBC
That 70S Show Lol GIF by Peacock
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I'm not giving up. Many Republicans are the same as me. We can't go to the current Democratic Party, third parties can't win, so we need to purge these Trumpsters and take our party back.

I hate these people trying so hard to benefit from Jan 6 politically bc they literally have nothing else to run on. Their policies have been an unmitigated disaster at every level. That said cop suicides are in the line of duty. In fact they are compensable claims under comp deemed under the course and scope of employment

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He's completely deranged. Stole the 2020 election through fraudulent ballot harvesting with no signature verification and a refusal to allow any audit. Is trying to throw his chief political opponent in jail for nothing and keep him off the ballots while he lectures us "peasants" over threats to Democracy. Meanwhile, he has completely destroyed our economy and the worst thing is opening up our border. Millions have come in unchecked and another 9/11 could be coming all because of Biden. This complete imbecile is probably the biggest threat to the USA we've ever seen and then lectures us about "decency". Go FY Joe!
He's completely deranged. Stole the 2020 election through fraudulent ballot harvesting with no signature verification and a refusal to allow any audit. Is trying to throw his chief political opponent in jail for nothing and keep him off the ballots while he lectures us "peasants" over threats to Democracy. Meanwhile, he has completely destroyed our economy and the worst thing is opening up our border. Millions have come in unchecked and another 9/11 could be coming all because of Biden. This complete imbecile is probably the biggest threat to the USA we've ever seen and then lectures us about "decency". Go FY Joe!
Believing Biden orchestrated massive voter fraud to defeat Trump is even more moronic than believing Trump lost due to voter fraud, whoever orchestrated it.
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It would be different if Trump wasn't talking and behaving like an authoritarian, but that's exactly what he's doing.

Dont want people comparing you to Hitler? Then don't papaphrase Mein Kampf and advocate for Nazi-tinged racial purity talking points. Don't brag about the fact that you're going to be "Dictator on the First Day" and get revenge on your enemies to placate and satiate the roughly 25% that form your most cultish base.

Normal people don't like the idea of people like Bannon,Steven Miller and Kash Patel being part of a new Trump Admin. We see that all of the guard rails to keep Trump sane, people like Wray, Barr, Milley and Kelley will be replaced with obscenely loyal syncophants bent on enforcing their positions on a majority that does NOT agree with them. We don't want a bunch of election deniers and insurrection apolgists to be in control and place loyalty to Trump above loyalty to the Constitution...

We can't trust you people who are outright hostile to the concept of Govt, to be charged with administering a Govt that is supposed to be receptive to the needs of all citizens, not just the MAGA cohort. We don't want your culture war BS. For example NOTHING gives you any more rights than a trans or other minority person- you're not special. You want to go back to a time when you made all the rules, but electorally we're not going to let that happen.
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He's completely deranged. Stole the 2020 election through fraudulent ballot harvesting with no signature verification and a refusal to allow any audit. Is trying to throw his chief political opponent in jail for nothing and keep him off the ballots while he lectures us "peasants" over threats to Democracy. Meanwhile, he has completely destroyed our economy and the worst thing is opening up our border. Millions have come in unchecked and another 9/11 could be coming all because of Biden. This complete imbecile is probably the biggest threat to the USA we've ever seen and then lectures us about "decency". Go FY Joe!
You’re a f’n loon if you believe half that shit. Quit looking at the fringe internet “news” which has made you into (easily) the most uninformed person here.
I didn’t whitewash anything. I didn’t deny anything. You are brainwashed an out it. Anybody in Dc was a criminal according to you “coup” sellers.
900 people have been convicted of Jan 6 crimes, and another 1000 or so have been targeted possibly identified, but have not been arrested/charged...

How in the world does that equate to "anybody in DC"?

We know via testimony that Trump ignored Secret Sevice advisements regarding supporters carrying weapons. Trump was upset because people who refused to surrender firearms were staying outside the main area because they did not want to go thru the security protectors. Ever the egomaniac, Trump wasn't happy with the size of people listening to him, for purposes of photo ops. So he ordered SS to cease searching/confiscating weapons, because that's what a normal person does...

His rationale? They were his supporters, didn't pose a threat to him and he didn't give a damn about danger posed to others. The man is scum and should never be allowed to stain the office of the POTUS ever again...
Loony? Says the guy who probably believes the FBI doesn't know who the pipe bomber is. 😂
You’re as loony as your sources of information. It’s understandable, but very disappointing. I enjoyed it when most of the serious loons seemed to be among the moonbats rather than the wingnuts.
January 6th is very sad and disgraceful day in American history. I don't see how anyone can see it otherwise. The whole world saw us look like a third world country,
I don’t understand why anyone gives a shit what the whole world thinks. The whole world who is a mess in its own right and uses us like an atm can kiss our maga asses. Is anyone from the whole world paying your kid’s braces?
January 6th is very sad and disgraceful day in American history. I don't see how anyone can see it otherwise. The whole world saw us look like a third world country,
For sure.

Are you familiar with Officer Michael Fanone? He was on the ground telling his attackers that he had kids and begging for his life while they beat him and tased him. Guy suffered a heart attack and traumatic brain injury. How about Officer Daniel Hodges? He's the cop who the mob trapped in a door frame and struck in the face with his own baton.

140 cops were assaulted that day including 80 from the US Capitol Police and 60 from the Metropolitan Police Department. 123 thugs have been charged with using a deadly or dangerous weapon or causing serious bodily injury to an officer. The FBI continues to identify additional assailants.

Fanone says he has spent the past three years not just trying to convince people that what happened on January was serious, but that it "actually fvcking happened" at all. We see people here trying to whitewash it or pivot to something else with a whatabout. Pathetic.
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The right to peaceably assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances

The right to protest without being defamed and branded an insurrectionist or coup attempter.

According to your side, everyone who was there is a criminal. That is a lie. That was todays message - again - even 3 years after the "coo" - even to this day, y'all refuse to discern the ddiffeerence between violence and non-violence on January 6, all the while defending the lotting and burning of BLM addicts.
They assembled at both the White House and the Capitol.
Those who remained peaceable and stayed behind the barricades were not branded.
Well, OK, they were branded dumb @ss Trumpsters.
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The right to peaceably assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances

The right to protest without being defamed and branded an insurrectionist or coup attempter.

According to your side, everyone who was there is a criminal. That is a lie. That was todays message - again - even 3 years after the "coo" - even to this day, y'all refuse to discern the ddiffeerence between violence and non-violence on January 6, all the while defending the lotting and burning of BLM addicts.

I was walked through the Kentucky Capital yesterday. The second day of the first legislagtive session since the election. I wanted to see a guy I praticed law with who has been elected Attorney General, and another colleague who was elected to the Supreme Court.

If the protestors outside went too far, and charged the gates, or whatever - by your standards, and the way this January 6 thing has been portrayed - I would be a criminal just for being there. Just to score political points against Trump, you people would prosecute a nun for praying in the Senate Chapel. You think Biden will honor the non-violent January 6 protestors in his Valley Forge speech today? Ever? Anywhere?

You're all a bunch of McCarthy's bitching about McCarthyism! "Are you now or have you ever been a Trumper? Off to the dungeon!"

You mean like your side does about George Floyd protests?
He's completely deranged. Stole the 2020 election through fraudulent ballot harvesting with no signature verification and a refusal to allow any audit. Is trying to throw his chief political opponent in jail for nothing and keep him off the ballots while he lectures us "peasants" over threats to Democracy. Meanwhile, he has completely destroyed our economy and the worst thing is opening up our border. Millions have come in unchecked and another 9/11 could be coming all because of Biden. This complete imbecile is probably the biggest threat to the USA we've ever seen and then lectures us about "decency". Go FY Joe!
I read in another thread you aren’t even 40 yet. Why do you always sound like crazy 90 year old man who falls for Nigerian Prince scams? You’ve got time to learn, but you really need to learn how to get some reliable news sources. The stuff you believe and post here is beyond batshit crazy.
Well this lady isn't the most well spoken and sometimes doesn't express clearly what she's trying to say. But she was there and she went to jail- why doesn't Tucker parade her out and call her an expert?

You and some of the others are fond of detailing the poor MAGA grandmas, and claiming they were innocent and not guilty of the charges levied against them. Are you going to claim that this ex-MAGA grandma who went to prison and credits the police for saving her from being crushed by all those friendly tourists is an FBI plant?

This lady is proof that there's still hope. Even for you...