Jan 6 hearings, serious thread

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Anyone know how they determined who actually got admitted to the chamber? I see a bunch of politicos, but there also appear to be some random civilians.
Let's see if we can do this, have a thread for serious discussion and commentary on the hearings as they transpire. Farva's thread is still there for the mudslinging.

@TheOriginalHappyGoat , @NPT , @IUJIM , @Cavanagh , can you help keep the shitposting and bomb throwing to a minimum?
If I say Caroline Edwards is seriously hot, does that count?
Let's see if we can do this, have a thread for serious discussion and commentary on the hearings as they transpire. Farva's thread is still there for the mudslinging.

@TheOriginalHappyGoat , @NPT , @IUJIM , @Cavanagh , can you help keep the shitposting and bomb throwing to a minimum?
It is totally dem controlled with no legitimate republican participation.
It’s amazing that I used to dislike Liz Cheney as much as any political figure out there. It’s also amazing that I can respect her more now because of her strength to stand up for democracy, even if she does look like she could be Hillary’s little sister.
Yep. She’s about the only one who is actually putting her job on the line. And it tells you everything you need to know about the GOP that she will now be voted out. Even though she consistently voted more conservative than many other Republicans.
Bitter pills who will be out of office in a few months
She voted with Trump 93%. Three of the differing votes were seating electors. Another was on the size of Trump's COVID stimulus, Trump wanted to change it from $600 to $2000. Many Republicans here did not want it raised.

Or Republicans who are not crazy or cowards.
Lol nah. Just her bitter personal animus coming out. She hates Trump. If she wasn't crazy she'd be focusing on stuff Americans care about and not cnn and it's 300,000 viewers who care about this silliness. Trump is already done. This is theatre. A Dem midterm promo that will have zero impact on midterms.
She voted with Trump 93%. Three of the differing votes were seating electors. Another was on the size of Trump's COVID stimulus, Trump wanted to change it from $600 to $2000. Many Republicans here did not want it raised.

So. Trump's policies were never the issue. It's personal with her
Lol nah. Just her bitter personal animus coming out. She hates Trump. If she wasn't crazy she'd be focusing on stuff Americans care about and not cnn and it's 300,000 viewers who care about this silliness. Trump is already done. This is theatre. A Dem midterm promo that will have zero impact on midterms.
It may not. But just like the impeachment, some people do still think it’s important to know that a president tried to overturn an election. Even if Trump is done, there are several who helped him who are still in office.
It may not. But just like the impeachment, some people do still think it’s important to know that a president tried to overturn an election. Even if Trump is done, there are several who helped him who are still in office.
DOJ already did this. This is a Dem show. They are cutting their noses off to spite their faces putting effort into stuff normal people don't care about. They already think the worst of politicians.
Lol nah. Just her bitter personal animus coming out. She hates Trump. If she wasn't crazy she'd be focusing on stuff Americans care about and not cnn and it's 300,000 viewers who care about this silliness. Trump is already done. This is theatre. A Dem midterm promo that will have zero impact on midterms.
Trump being done isn't enough.
One not motivated by bias or personal animus
So she cannot legitimately believe he acted improperly? I do not know, this ain't over. But there is a great record that day and the next day that much of the GOP felt Trump screwed up. What makes he different is she continues to believe it. We will not hear from Meadows what changed his mind. But there is a legitimate chance it was his desire to be speaker. I don't know that is morale courage.
So she cannot legitimately believe he acted improperly? I do not know, this ain't over. But there is a great record that day and the next day that much of the GOP felt Trump screwed up. What makes he different is she continues to believe it. We will not hear from Meadows what changed his mind. But there is a legitimate chance it was his desire to be speaker. I don't know that is morale courage.
I think you meant McCarthy, but Meadows had a similar reason to cower down.
You forgot that you wrote "or".

I don't need to include personal animus.
With respect to her it's personal animus. OR. She hates Trump. Iraq. Afghanistan. Her dad. She hates him.

That this is on primetime is as transparent as it gets. But it will be of no moment. Those who love Trump don't care. The rest of us wouldn't put anything past him. Any revelation here won't be a revelation. It'll be a "figures"
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Audio of Trump at the end of the video was a great punctuation mark.
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