If you understand irony, you should appreciate this.

Mine works, ...

Just in case, here is the URL:

This post was edited on 4/13 2:18 PM by Collett_Park

Try again.
I do understand irony and see none there.

You mean satire? Parody?

So the Nation, a left-lib. magazine, runs a comic strip in support of same-sex marriage and mocking religious objections to it (really mocking religion in general it seems to me).

You find that to be ironic? Ironic would be that strip showing up on Drudge or the National Review's site. But the nation? Really?
Re: Sarcasm, maybe . . .

If it offends you, I understand. But sophomoric? I think it hits several nails on their respective heads.
BTW, I don't see how you can say

he is mocking religion in general. He is certainly mocking a particular expression of it. That's why I appreciate the humor.

On the other hand, Bill Maher mocks all religions and all aspects of them. I don't appreciate his humor concerning religion.