"Hitler did a lot of good things"- Donald Trump, to his Chief of Staff

outside shooter

Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Oct 23, 2001

Sure, HuffPo is not the most objective news site, but they are reporting on passages from a book by a Wall Street Journal reporter, based on a first-hand account by John Kelly.

“Well, Hitler did a lot of good things,” the then-president told White House chief of staff John Kelly, according to passages from Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender’s “‘Frankly, We Did Win This Election’: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost” that were published by The Guardian on Wednesday.

Trump reportedly made the observation while Kelly was reminding him “which countries were on which side during the conflict” and connecting “the dots from the first world war to the second world war and all of Hitler’s atrocities,” said Bender.

Kelly was “stunned” by Trump’s remark, told the then-president he “was wrong,” argued “the German people would have been better off poor than subjected to the Nazi genocide” and said “you cannot ever say anything supportive of Adolf Hitler. You just can’t.”
But Trump was “undeterred,” said Bender, and pointed to the recovery of Germany’s economy under Hitler in the 1930s as proof.

Trump later denied making the comment, per Bender.

On the same trip, Trump reportedly called U.S. troops who died in World War I “losers” and “suckers.”

Elsewhere in Bender’s book, he said Trump wanted troops to “beat the ****” out of, shoot and crack the skulls of civil rights protesters who assembled following the police killing of George Floyd.

Sure, HuffPo is not the most objective news site, but they are reporting on passages from a book by a Wall Street Journal reporter, based on a first-hand account by John Kelly.

“Well, Hitler did a lot of good things,” the then-president told White House chief of staff John Kelly, according to passages from Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender’s “‘Frankly, We Did Win This Election’: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost” that were published by The Guardian on Wednesday.

Trump reportedly made the observation while Kelly was reminding him “which countries were on which side during the conflict” and connecting “the dots from the first world war to the second world war and all of Hitler’s atrocities,” said Bender.

Kelly was “stunned” by Trump’s remark, told the then-president he “was wrong,” argued “the German people would have been better off poor than subjected to the Nazi genocide” and said “you cannot ever say anything supportive of Adolf Hitler. You just can’t.”
But Trump was “undeterred,” said Bender, and pointed to the recovery of Germany’s economy under Hitler in the 1930s as proof.

Trump later denied making the comment, per Bender.

On the same trip, Trump reportedly called U.S. troops who died in World War I “losers” and “suckers.”

Elsewhere in Bender’s book, he said Trump wanted troops to “beat the ****” out of, shoot and crack the skulls of civil rights protesters who assembled following the police killing of George Floyd.
You are like a 12 year old.

Sure, HuffPo is not the most objective news site, but they are reporting on passages from a book by a Wall Street Journal reporter, based on a first-hand account by John Kelly.

“Well, Hitler did a lot of good things,” the then-president told White House chief of staff John Kelly, according to passages from Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender’s “‘Frankly, We Did Win This Election’: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost” that were published by The Guardian on Wednesday.

Trump reportedly made the observation while Kelly was reminding him “which countries were on which side during the conflict” and connecting “the dots from the first world war to the second world war and all of Hitler’s atrocities,” said Bender.

Kelly was “stunned” by Trump’s remark, told the then-president he “was wrong,” argued “the German people would have been better off poor than subjected to the Nazi genocide” and said “you cannot ever say anything supportive of Adolf Hitler. You just can’t.”
But Trump was “undeterred,” said Bender, and pointed to the recovery of Germany’s economy under Hitler in the 1930s as proof.

Trump later denied making the comment, per Bender.

On the same trip, Trump reportedly called U.S. troops who died in World War I “losers” and “suckers.”

Elsewhere in Bender’s book, he said Trump wanted troops to “beat the ****” out of, shoot and crack the skulls of civil rights protesters who assembled following the police killing of George Floyd.
Doesn't matter how credible (or not) Huff Post is. They're simply citing excerpts from Bender's book.

This latest Trump quote isn't surprising, really, given his history. And, like the "losers and suckers" comment about dead American soldiers we heard about a couple of years ago, all it would take - - if it was bullshit - - would be for Kelly to say, "Trump never said that." But it's been radio silence from Kelly, for a reason.

Trump is a repulsive POS. And yet loyalty to Trump remains the litmus test imposed by McConnell, McCarthy and GOP leadership. What a shitshow.
I certainly would never trust unsourced left wing attack articles criticizing DJT.

But when one of his closest administration members goes on the record as to what he himself heard the POTUS say, it ought to get noticed.

Sure, HuffPo is not the most objective news site, but they are reporting on passages from a book by a Wall Street Journal reporter, based on a first-hand account by John Kelly.

“Well, Hitler did a lot of good things,” the then-president told White House chief of staff John Kelly, according to passages from Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender’s “‘Frankly, We Did Win This Election’: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost” that were published by The Guardian on Wednesday.

Trump reportedly made the observation while Kelly was reminding him “which countries were on which side during the conflict” and connecting “the dots from the first world war to the second world war and all of Hitler’s atrocities,” said Bender.

Kelly was “stunned” by Trump’s remark, told the then-president he “was wrong,” argued “the German people would have been better off poor than subjected to the Nazi genocide” and said “you cannot ever say anything supportive of Adolf Hitler. You just can’t.”
But Trump was “undeterred,” said Bender, and pointed to the recovery of Germany’s economy under Hitler in the 1930s as proof.

Trump later denied making the comment, per Bender.

On the same trip, Trump reportedly called U.S. troops who died in World War I “losers” and “suckers.”

Elsewhere in Bender’s book, he said Trump wanted troops to “beat the ****” out of, shoot and crack the skulls of civil rights protesters who assembled following the police killing of George Floyd.
Hitler did do some good things. Some of those things progressives would be proud of.
Hitler did do some good things. Some of those things progressives would be proud of.
I don't identify as a "progressive", but I'd be interested in what good you think Hitler did?...
Maybe the autobahn system?

I lived in Germany for about 6 1/2 yrs, and when dealing with elderly folks would often find someone who would secretly celebrate Hitler's Birthday or whisper that he "did a lot for Germany". One of my friends actually married an older German woman, and her mother had been a Hitler Jurgend school teacher who rode around on her bicycle and fell in love with an SS Captain...

The MIL and I never really discussed politics and she was pleasant enough. But it was pretty obvious the Oma had been a Nazi, and even with my broken German, I could occasionally catch a whiff of comments she made. Her daughter taught school and many of her pupils were Turkish immigrants, and the old woman made no secret of how she felt about Gastarbeiters in her beloved Fatherland...
In another nutbob update, I guess the reinstatement date is August 13th

I'd like to think that when August 13 comes and goes, Mike Lindell will be disgraced and forgotten. Given that anyone who takes him seriously at this point is also absolutely crazy, my guess is that they'll swallow any excuse he trots out for Biden still being president on August 14.
And the rest...the conservatives are proud of.
Lol. Last I checked it’s not the conservatives who want to prohibit those they disagree with from even having a job. If you weren’t a Nazi in the late 30.s, you had about as much chance of landing a good job at, say, a university in Germany as a white male conservative does today in America.

Sure, HuffPo is not the most objective news site, but they are reporting on passages from a book by a Wall Street Journal reporter, based on a first-hand account by John Kelly.

“Well, Hitler did a lot of good things,” the then-president told White House chief of staff John Kelly, according to passages from Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender’s “‘Frankly, We Did Win This Election’: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost” that were published by The Guardian on Wednesday.

Trump reportedly made the observation while Kelly was reminding him “which countries were on which side during the conflict” and connecting “the dots from the first world war to the second world war and all of Hitler’s atrocities,” said Bender.

Kelly was “stunned” by Trump’s remark, told the then-president he “was wrong,” argued “the German people would have been better off poor than subjected to the Nazi genocide” and said “you cannot ever say anything supportive of Adolf Hitler. You just can’t.”
But Trump was “undeterred,” said Bender, and pointed to the recovery of Germany’s economy under Hitler in the 1930s as proof.

Trump later denied making the comment, per Bender.

On the same trip, Trump reportedly called U.S. troops who died in World War I “losers” and “suckers.”

Elsewhere in Bender’s book, he said Trump wanted troops to “beat the ****” out of, shoot and crack the skulls of civil rights protesters who assembled following the police killing of George Floyd.
The statement by itself is true. Germany's economy and spirit were crushed after WW1. Hitler came in and got things going again. Ok stop! Put yourself in Germany during those days. Would you consider that to be a good thing? I have no idea if Trump really said it but just the statement by itself if you never knew who said it is factually true historically. It's what Hitler did after his reforms got going that is the problem.
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I don't identify as a "progressive", but I'd be interested in what good you think Hitler did?...
Maybe the autobahn system?

I lived in Germany for about 6 1/2 yrs, and when dealing with elderly folks would often find someone who would secretly celebrate Hitler's Birthday or whisper that he "did a lot for Germany". One of my friends actually married an older German woman, and her mother had been a Hitler Jurgend school teacher who rode around on her bicycle and fell in love with an SS Captain...

The MIL and I never really discussed politics and she was pleasant enough. But it was pretty obvious the Oma had been a Nazi, and even with my broken German, I could occasionally catch a whiff of comments she made. Her daughter taught school and many of her pupils were Turkish immigrants, and the old woman made no secret of how she felt about Gastarbeiters in her beloved Fatherland...
Nazism is not just about killing Jews and racial superiority. It’s also about the merging of finance, industry, press, and government into a common purpose. Kinda like big tech, big media, and big government is building here. Nazism is also heavily bureaucratic and rigid. That is also the path we are following.

Hitler did some things for the common folks, the most notable being the “People’s Auto“.
I'd like to think that when August 13 comes and goes, Mike Lindell will be disgraced and forgotten. Given that anyone who takes him seriously at this point is also absolutely crazy, my guess is that they'll swallow any excuse he trots out for Biden still being president on August 14.

Qanon still has people eating up conspiracies despite none of them coming true so i'm sure lindell can kick the ball down the road.
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Doesn't matter how credible (or not) Huff Post is. They're simply citing excerpts from Bender's book.

This latest Trump quote isn't surprising, really, given his history. And, like the "losers and suckers" comment about dead American soldiers we heard about a couple of years ago, all it would take - - if it was bullshit - - would be for Kelly to say, "Trump never said that." But it's been radio silence from Kelly, for a reason.

Trump is a repulsive POS. And yet loyalty to Trump remains the litmus test imposed by McConnell, McCarthy and GOP leadership. What a shitshow.
Lol. And believing Trump is a “repulsive POS” is not a litmus test? You are a riot.

Trunp was correct about the Wuhan Lab and hydroxy yet that litmus test thingy prohibited any consideration of either.
The statement by itself is true. Germany's economy and spirit were crushed after WW1. Hitler came in and got things going again. Ok stop! Put yourself in Germany during those days. Would you consider that to be a good thing? I have no idea if Trump really said it but just the statement by itself if you never knew who said it is factually true historically. It's what Hitler did after his reforms got going that is the problem.

Nothing is black and white but we have a tendency to try to make it so. Hitler did so much bad stuff that it definitely outweighs anything good he did.

If Hitler never existed and someone else ended up being Germany's leader, how would the economy have compared? Would it still have rebounded under someone else?

Leaders like to take credit when things improve under them but there are often more influences than just themselves.
Hitler privatized state run industries, progressives love privatization. He greatly increased defense spending, progressives riot when defense spending drops. And he had huge tariffs, something well known progressive Donald Trump backed. So it is clear, Hitler was a progressive.
Nothing is black and white but we have a tendency to try to make it so. Hitler did so much bad stuff that it definitely outweighs anything good he did.

If Hitler never existed and someone else ended up being Germany's leader, how would the economy have compared? Would it still have rebounded under someone else?

Leaders like to take credit when things improve under them but there are often more influences than just themselves.
I agree with you completely from a one time reading of your comment. What we have to wrestle with is what happens when human beings have too much power over the individuals they are leading. Hitler by doing some good did so for a reason, to gain power. Once he had the power he used it to the detriment of the world.
Lol. And believing Trump is a “repulsive POS” is not a litmus test? You are a riot.

Trunp was correct about the Wuhan Lab and hydroxy yet that litmus test thingy prohibited any consideration of either.
What the hell are you even talking about? What does the Wuhan Lab or hydroxychloroquine have to do with anything I said? Do you even know what a "litmus test" is? Was my statement incorrect about the litmus test that Republican leadership is using? How is it wrong?

J.D. Vance knows all about the litmus test. Now that Vance is vying for the Senate as a Republican, he recently commented that Trump was a good president and he "regrets" his earlier criticism of him. Here's a sample of that prior criticism: "Trump makes people I care about afraid. Immigrants, Muslims, etc. Because of this I find him reprehensible. God wants better of us." And this: "Fellow Christians, everyone is watching us when we apologize for this man. Lord help us."

Vance is hardly alone. Nikki Haley, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham and many others have made it abundantly clear that they, too, understand the litmus test.

Now, as far as Trump being a POS, here's General Kelly's assessment of Trump:

"The depths of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. The dishonesty, the transactional nature of every relationship, though it's more pathetic than anything else. He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life." Or how about Trump's own sister's description: "He has no principles. I mean my God, if you were a religious person, you want to help people. Not do this. His goddamned tweet and lying, oh my God. I’m talking too freely, but you know. The change of stories. The lack of preparation. The lying. Holy shit."

Yeah, he's a POS.
Trunp was correct about the Wuhan Lab and hydroxy yet that litmus test thingy prohibited any consideration of either.
Documentation on Hydroxy? Here is what I have.

That last one I suspect is in reference to a study you have seen. But the first one is a randomized placebo-controlled study that found nothing. Those have long been considered far better than an observational study.
Lol. And believing Trump is a “repulsive POS” is not a litmus test? You are a riot.

Trunp was correct about the Wuhan Lab and hydroxy yet that litmus test thingy prohibited any consideration of either.
As outside shooter, who is a scientist, likes to point out, scientists are cautious and won't make that jump until the facts are in. A year ago there was just speculation that the Wuhan Lab was the cause of the virus (still not yet proven to be fact, by the way). As for hydroxychloroquine, it still doesn't help prevent the virus. There have been studies that when combined with large amounts of zinc it can help, but that was not known at the time Trump was making his pitch for the drug and taking just hydroxychloroquin doesn't work, anyway.
Doesn't matter how credible (or not) Huff Post is. They're simply citing excerpts from Bender's book.

This latest Trump quote isn't surprising, really, given his history. And, like the "losers and suckers" comment about dead American soldiers we heard about a couple of years ago, all it would take - - if it was bullshit - - would be for Kelly to say, "Trump never said that." But it's been radio silence from Kelly, for a reason.

Trump is a repulsive POS. And yet loyalty to Trump remains the litmus test imposed by McConnell, McCarthy and GOP leadership. What a shitshow.
You wrote, "if it was bullshit - - would be for Kelly to say, "Trump never said that."

If Kelly doesn't rebut this, would that mean Kelly is "like a 12 year old" too? 🤫

Sure, HuffPo is not the most objective news site, but they are reporting on passages from a book by a Wall Street Journal reporter, based on a first-hand account by John Kelly.

“Well, Hitler did a lot of good things,” the then-president told White House chief of staff John Kelly, according to passages from Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender’s “‘Frankly, We Did Win This Election’: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost” that were published by The Guardian on Wednesday.

Trump reportedly made the observation while Kelly was reminding him “which countries were on which side during the conflict” and connecting “the dots from the first world war to the second world war and all of Hitler’s atrocities,” said Bender.

Kelly was “stunned” by Trump’s remark, told the then-president he “was wrong,” argued “the German people would have been better off poor than subjected to the Nazi genocide” and said “you cannot ever say anything supportive of Adolf Hitler. You just can’t.”
But Trump was “undeterred,” said Bender, and pointed to the recovery of Germany’s economy under Hitler in the 1930s as proof.

Trump later denied making the comment, per Bender.

On the same trip, Trump reportedly called U.S. troops who died in World War I “losers” and “suckers.”

Elsewhere in Bender’s book, he said Trump wanted troops to “beat the ****” out of, shoot and crack the skulls of civil rights protesters who assembled following the police killing of George Floyd.
Professor Gill told Captain Kirk the same thing.
I don't identify as a "progressive", but I'd be interested in what good you think Hitler did?...
Maybe the autobahn system?

I lived in Germany for about 6 1/2 yrs, and when dealing with elderly folks would often find someone who would secretly celebrate Hitler's Birthday or whisper that he "did a lot for Germany". One of my friends actually married an older German woman, and her mother had been a Hitler Jurgend school teacher who rode around on her bicycle and fell in love with an SS Captain...

The MIL and I never really discussed politics and she was pleasant enough. But it was pretty obvious the Oma had been a Nazi, and even with my broken German, I could occasionally catch a whiff of comments she made. Her daughter taught school and many of her pupils were Turkish immigrants, and the old woman made no secret of how she felt about Gastarbeiters in her beloved Fatherland...
Well, crap, almost everyone in Germany thought the WWI reparations were unfair. Surely, Hitler's opposition to the reparations can't possibly make up for his crimes.

Germany's economy sucked immensely even before it was apparent Germany was losing the war.

I can't think of anything Hitler did that was "good."
Hitler privatized state run industries, progressives love privatization. He greatly increased defense spending, progressives riot when defense spending drops. And he had huge tariffs, something well known progressive Donald Trump backed. So it is clear, Hitler was a progressive.

Boycott Israel, but don't criticize China for locking up Muslims in re-education camps

Sure, HuffPo is not the most objective news site, but they are reporting on passages from a book by a Wall Street Journal reporter, based on a first-hand account by John Kelly.

“Well, Hitler did a lot of good things,” the then-president told White House chief of staff John Kelly, according to passages from Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender’s “‘Frankly, We Did Win This Election’: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost” that were published by The Guardian on Wednesday.

Trump reportedly made the observation while Kelly was reminding him “which countries were on which side during the conflict” and connecting “the dots from the first world war to the second world war and all of Hitler’s atrocities,” said Bender.

Kelly was “stunned” by Trump’s remark, told the then-president he “was wrong,” argued “the German people would have been better off poor than subjected to the Nazi genocide” and said “you cannot ever say anything supportive of Adolf Hitler. You just can’t.”
But Trump was “undeterred,” said Bender, and pointed to the recovery of Germany’s economy under Hitler in the 1930s as proof.

Trump later denied making the comment, per Bender.

On the same trip, Trump reportedly called U.S. troops who died in World War I “losers” and “suckers.”

Elsewhere in Bender’s book, he said Trump wanted troops to “beat the ****” out of, shoot and crack the skulls of civil rights protesters who assembled following the police killing of George Floyd.
Liars reporting on other liars.

You'd think they'd have learned their lessons after Russia, Russia, Russia. But no.

You know, usually reporters have some actual evidence. You know, like tapes. More than one witness. But no, we're supposed to take the word of anti-Trumpers.

Cracks me up.
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Well, crap, almost everyone in Germany thought the WWI reparations were unfair. Surely, Hitler's opposition to the reparations can't possibly make up for his crimes.

Germany's economy sucked immensely even before it was apparent Germany was losing the war.

I can't think of anything Hitler did that was "good."
Made the trains run on time. Or was that Mussolini?
Nothing is black and white but we have a tendency to try to make it so. Hitler did so much bad stuff that it definitely outweighs anything good he did.

If Hitler never existed and someone else ended up being Germany's leader, how would the economy have compared? Would it still have rebounded under someone else?

Leaders like to take credit when things improve under them but there are often more influences than just themselves.
"Nothing is black and white but we have a tendency to try to make it so. Hitler did so much bad stuff that it definitely outweighs anything good he did."

Oustanding insight, in your own simple way! Good job, lil guy!
I certainly would never trust unsourced left wing attack articles criticizing DJT.

But when one of his closest administration members goes on the record as to what he himself heard the POTUS say, it ought to get noticed.
"I certainly would never trust unsourced left wing attack articles criticizing DJT."

Lol. Last I checked it’s not the conservatives who want to prohibit those they disagree with from even having a job. If you weren’t a Nazi in the late 30.s, you had about as much chance of landing a good job at, say, a university in Germany as a white male conservative does today in America.
Who among us wouldn't applaud the slaughter of a few million Jews if the alternative was a ding to his career?!
Anybody been over to Germany? Go to an antique store and try to find a Nazi flag or a bronze bust of Hitler? They’re not available. It’s illegal to have it. If that’s what the Germans think about Hitler that’s good enough for me.
Antisemitism is alive and well in Germany and is reappearing all over Europe.
The statement by itself is true. Germany's economy and spirit were crushed after WW1. Hitler came in and got things going again. Ok stop! Put yourself in Germany during those days. Would you consider that to be a good thing? I have no idea if Trump really said it but just the statement by itself if you never knew who said it is factually true historically. It's what Hitler did after his reforms got going that is the problem.
Yeah.....that's kind of a BIG problem, no?
The statement by itself is true. Germany's economy and spirit were crushed after WW1. Hitler came in and got things going again. Ok stop! Put yourself in Germany during those days. Would you consider that to be a good thing? I have no idea if Trump really said it but just the statement by itself if you never knew who said it is factually true historically. It's what Hitler did after his reforms got going that is the problem.
That's like saying, "Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?"