Georgia trial on voting machines


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
Well, this is interesting. I didn't realize this trial was even going on. Certainly not covered by the media.

If you've got 20 minutes to spend, I recommend listening to the audio in the article.
Well, this is interesting. I didn't realize this trial was even going on. Certainly not covered by the media.

If you've got 20 minutes to spend, I recommend listening to the audio in the article.

I wish the search function went back to 2006 or so. But it has been pointed out that many of the machines are not safe, and what is needed is a system like Bloomington uses where votes are recorded on paper then scanned and the paper ballots kept to audit. We had that debate several times over years.

It was a member of the dream team that opposed the feds requiring such, or funding such. All voting systems need to leave a paper trail. I believe that is a generally accepted accounting practice. It should be required, and immediately.
Well, this is interesting. I didn't realize this trial was even going on. Certainly not covered by the media.

If you've got 20 minutes to spend, I recommend listening to the audio in the article.

Thank God you are scanning TGP for us though
The voting machines are definitely a potential problem but that's not what caused 2020 to end the way it did.

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I wish the search function went back to 2006 or so. But it has been pointed out that many of the machines are not safe, and what is needed is a system like Bloomington uses where votes are recorded on paper then scanned and the paper ballots kept to audit. We had that debate several times over years.

It was a member of the dream team that opposed the feds requiring such, or funding such. All voting systems need to leave a paper trail. I believe that is a generally accepted accounting practice. It should be required, and immediately.
You and Republicans are in sync on this subject.

I remember the debates. I also remember hearing how there's no way those voting machines could have been compromised.
Someone needs to break through your ignorance on the matter.

I find it hilarious you think the fkn Gateway Pundit is breaking any news on Federal election laws. Says a lot about your intelligence, or lack thereof.

Even more sad is that you are even reading it in the first place. It's not a site that is even taken seriously by far right media. It's sitting next to basically Alex Jones.
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I wish the search function went back to 2006 or so. But it has been pointed out that many of the machines are not safe, and what is needed is a system like Bloomington uses where votes are recorded on paper then scanned and the paper ballots kept to audit. We had that debate several times over years.

It was a member of the dream team that opposed the feds requiring such, or funding such. All voting systems need to leave a paper trail. I believe that is a generally accepted accounting practice. It should be required, and immediately.
The system you describe is used in a lot of places and seems to work.

The Scream Team keeps telling us that election security should be accomplished by signature checks, but they won't answer as to what specific kinds of signature checking they think would work.
I find it hilarious you think the fkn Gateway Pundit is breaking any news on Federal election laws. Says a lot about your intelligence, or lack thereof.

Even more sad is that you are even reading it in the first place. It's not a site that is even taken seriously by far right media. It's sitting next to basically Alex Jones.
So is what he posted false then?
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I find it hilarious you think the fkn Gateway Pundit is breaking any news on Federal election laws. Says a lot about your intelligence, or lack thereof.

Even more sad is that you are even reading it in the first place. It's not a site that is even taken seriously by far right media. It's sitting next to basically Alex Jones.
It was an interview with a reporter at the trial.

What did they have wrong?

I don't read it regularly. I saw the article in a tweet and read the article and took the time to listen to the interview. Did you?
It was an interview with a reporter at the trial.

What did they have wrong?

I don't read it regularly. I saw the article in a tweet and read the article and took the time to listen to the interview. Did you?

And who is the 'reporter'?

And no, I would never waste a single minute of my life listening to an interview conducted by Jim Hoft. He is a full scale lunatic.

Might as well link an interview from the Onion or Babylon Bee
And who is the 'reporter'?

And no, I would never waste a single minute of my life listening to an interview conducted by Jim Hoft. He is a full scale lunatic.

Might as well link an interview from the Onion or Babylon Bee
Her name's in the article.

Don't listen to it. Doesn't matter to me. Remain an ignorant **** if you want to.
I find it hilarious you think the fkn Gateway Pundit is breaking any news on Federal election laws. Says a lot about your intelligence, or lack thereof.

Even more sad is that you are even reading it in the first place. It's not a site that is even taken seriously by far right media. It's sitting next to basically Alex Jones.
And the Pundit certainly has no axe to grind in GA since they have been sued by Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss for their role in pushing the same "voter fraud claims"that ended up costing Rudy G dearly.

Rudy was fined $148 Million over his repeated claims that the two women were committing "voter fraud" when video surfaced of them handing a ginger mint between each other...The Pundit amplified the claims and their moronic readership contributed to the harrasment and threats against Ruby and Shaye.

The Pundit is headquartered in St Louis, so the two women were forced to file their suit in MO. The Pundit has continued to use Trumpian delay tactics since the suit was brought in 2022, and I think the latest I read was that it may go to trial in Aug 2024.

Not sure if Ruby and Shaye will ever see any of the money they've been awarded. Rudy is virtually broke and the Pundit grifted for months trying to get their "subscribers" to contribute to their defense fund.
And the Pundit certainly has no axe to grind in GA since they have been sued by Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss for their role in pushing the same "voter fraud claims"that ended up costing Rudy G dearly.

Rudy was fined $148 Million over his repeated claims that the two women were committing "voter fraud" when video surfaced of them handing a ginger mint between each other...The Pundit amplified the claims and their moronic readership contributed to the harrasment and threats against Ruby and Shaye.

The Pundit is headquartered in St Louis, so the two women were forced to file their suit in MO. The Pundit has continued to use Trumpian delay tactics since the suit was brought in 2022, and I think the latest I read was that it may go to trial in Aug 2024.

Not sure if Ruby and Shaye will ever see any of the money they've been awarded. Rudy is virtually broke and the Pundit grifted for months trying to get their "subscribers" to contribute to their defense fund.
All talk about the messenger and not the message. Typical.
Well, this is interesting. I didn't realize this trial was even going on. Certainly not covered by the media.

If you've got 20 minutes to spend, I recommend listening to the audio in the article.
But here is the question...

The new voting machines were purchased and implemented to replace antiquated machines in place up till 2017.
The first time a Dem has been elected statewide in GA is 2020, so who do you think is responsible for these machines?

If your claim is that Dems "cheated" by somehow hacking the machines implemented and controlled exclusively by Republicans, how exactly did that happen?

And as to the claims that ballots weren't certified properly in GA, how exactly do you explain the Trump loss of votes from 2016 to 2020 in RED counties? Counties that went heavily for Trump in 2016 are basically GOP Counties,with GOP county officers and GOP election officials. So how are you proposing those Republican officials cheated for Biden?

Yet it was the losses among the margins from 2016- 2020 in Trump counties that basically cost Trump GA...

Btw here's a youtube channel for you to check out. This guy is prime "dream team" material and is sort of what I imagine it would be like If you had a channel to air your views...

But here is the question...

The new voting machines were purchased and implemented to replace antiquated machines in place up till 2017.
The first time a Dem has been elected statewide in GA is 2020, so who do you think is responsible for these machines?

If your claim is that Dems "cheated" by somehow hacking the machines implemented and controlled exclusively by Republicans, how exactly did that happen?

And as to the claims that ballots weren't certified properly in GA, how exactly do you explain the Trump loss of votes from 2016 to 2020 in RED counties? Counties that went heavily for Trump in 2016 are basically GOP Counties,with GOP county officers and GOP election officials. So how are you proposing those Republican officials cheated for Biden?

Yet it was the losses among the margins from 2016- 2020 in Trump counties that basically cost Trump GA...

Btw here's a youtube channel for you to check out. This guy is prime "dream team" material and is sort of what I imagine it would be like If you had a channel to air your views...

I didn't 'claim' anything. Stop with strawmen.

I posted the article because all I've heard since 2020 is how the voting machines couldn't possibly be manipulated. Evidently this Michigan professor proved that's false.
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You're the one who tried to protray the Pundit as some sort of reputab;e source. My post spoke to their (lack of) credibility...
I didn't 'portray' anything, but they're certainly as reputable as MSNBC.

Your post spoke to nothing except making excuses. If you could refute the article, you would.