Did Trump just lose AZ?

The timing of this is just ridiculously bad for AZ repubs, too.
Yeah I saw a bunch of idiots commenting on various right wing youtube videos about "suspicious timing" and blaming the Dems on the SC in both AZ and FL for these rulings. Which demonstrates how uneducated in a political sense some of these newly converted "Trump/MAGA voters" are.

For the record ALL of the AZ SC justices in AZ were appointed by either Brewer or Ducey (both pretty MAGA) and 5 of the 7 FL SC justices were appointed by DeSantis. The closest thing to a "Dem" appointee on either the AZ or FL SC is the longest serving justice on the FL Court Carlos Muniz who was appointed in 2009 by (then) GOP Governor Crist. The only other non-Desantis appointee in FL was Bush appointee Charles Canady.

And just a word on Canady, his wife was a legislative co-sponsor of the 6 week abortion ban itself...So no conflict of interest there... :rolleyes:

At any rate two SCs of exclusively GOP appointees. I'd say the Pubs made their own bed and now they get to lie in it...
The politics of abortion will soon be moot. Remember 1996 when the Democrats chose cigarettes as the cudgel of the moment? Abortion is the same thing. You guys have had your fun with exploiting abortion. It’s over.
It is funny you think that, all those years that overturning Roe as the raison d'etre for the GOP are over too.

It's going to play out more locally. Overturning Florida's law will gather 55-56% of the vote and it will lose since it will take 60. That will move the fight to statehouse elections, which will hurt Republicans up and down the ticket since it will be obvious the GOP ignored public sentiment.
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And thus we have uncovered, yet again, how the District of Corruption has fvcked this up to create this confusion of powers to begin with. It was all the long play by the uniparty. DC has no place in this state squabble. Other then they found a way, years ago to create chaos against the founding fathers.

Of purest evil, I am the light Born in the abyss of ancient time Beyond the mountains of knowledge by magic You find me and summoned my name Of eternal fire, I am the flame and my name is chaos.
The reality is that the GOP doesn't want this decided at the ballot box. Their idea of "states rights" when it comes to the issue of abortion is to have it legislated by GOP_controlled heavily gerrymandered Legislators or state SC justices who were appointed by GOP Governors...

Hey when all you Red states secede are you just going to cancel medicare and social security payments for the millions of seniors "fortunate" enough to live there? Since you're opposed to DC "interfering" in state issues...
No. Her positions are all very reasonable. Nothing extreme about her platform at all. Go to her website and read.

Not exactly the tune she was singing just 2 yrs ago in her first failure to run for statewide office.

She got less votes for Gov than the winning candidate for Sec of State got in his race. Basically Fontes got 1,321,000 votes for Sec of State and Lake got only 1,271,000 votes for Gov. Now that's a sign of popularity and electoral support...

Just screams "hey let's nominate this clown for Senator"...
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The problem I think is that the Republican party is interested in winning elections, but the pro life lobby doesn't care. To them, elections are just a means to an end. They got the judges they want. Roe is gone. They will keep sending you money until every candidate state has some kind of fetal personhood amendment, but after that, they don't care what kind of state they leave the GOP in. The future of the party after they get what they want is irrelevant.
The stalwart pro-Lifers (aka the religious right) is the right’s version of the Woke on the Left. The problem is that the perception of the damage that the RR can cause moves large chunks of the population to vote against them. Whereas the Woke does not have that kind of effect…yet. But here and now the RR hurts the GOP more than the Woke hurt the Dems.
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The stalwart pro-Lifers (aka the religious right) is the right’s version of the Woke on the Left. The problem is that the perception of the damage that the RR can cause moves large chunks of the population to vote against them. Whereas the Woke does not have that kind of effect…yet. But here and now the RR hurts the GOP more than the Woke hurt the Dems.
Are they, though? It seems to me that the pro-life movement worked within the democratic system, for the most part, to persuade and strategize politically. They debate in good faith on issues if you let them. I don't see them automatically labeling those against them as ant -ist or a -phobe, but maybe I've missed it. That is, pro-lifers seem to fit into the liberal democratic mode.

Remember that quote you put up from Megan McArdle? I think that was both true and a key differentiating factor. It shows the identitarian social-justice movement (woke, if you like) has an illiberal mindset. They think democracy is a ruse, and that power is all there is.

Note, I am broadly sympathetic to some of the ultimate goals of the anti-racists and trans-activists and conflicted about the goals of the pro-life movement. Here, I'm just talking about the means they used or tried to use to achieve their goals, and their mindset w/r/t debate, persuasion, and democracy. For me, I think the ISJ movement is harming the cause long-term, not helping it.
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And you won't be saving any lives if you lose every election and never have any power. Republicans should follow the Trump/Kari Lake position on abortion from now on.
They both change their position every time they speak.
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Pretty much, yeah. They will be as common as weed and Bud Light. Regardless, between the morning after pill, and the abortion pill, abortion as a political issue and planned parenthood are history.
You think so? It hasn’t really worked out that way yet, has it? And as I said, there are people going after those methods too. It’s not going away any time soon.
Are they, though? It seems to me that the pro-life movement worked within the democratic system, for the most part, to persuade and strategize politically. They debate in good faith on issues if you let them. I don't see them automatically labeling those against them as ant -ist or a -phobe, but maybe I've missed it. That is, pro-lifers seem to fit into the liberal democratic mode.

Remember that quote you put up from Megan McArdle? I think that was both true and a key differentiating factor. It shows the identitarian social-justice movement (woke, if you like) has an illiberal mindset. They think democracy is a ruse, and that power is all there is.

Note, I am broadly sympathetic to some of the ultimate goals of the anti-racists and trans-activists and conflicted about the goals of the pro-life movement. Here, I'm just talking about the means they used or tried to use to achieve their goals, and their mindset w/r/t debate, persuasion, and democracy. For me, I think the ISJ movement is harming the cause long-term, not helping it.
I think he means they are the same politically: exerting their power through an existing party while simultaneously being damaging to that party.
Are they, though? It seems to me that the pro-life movement worked within the democratic system, for the most part, to persuade and strategize politically. They debate in good faith on issues if you let them. I don't see them automatically labeling those against them as ant -ist or a -phobe, but maybe I've missed it. That is, pro-lifers seem to fit into the liberal democratic mode.

Remember that quote you put up from Megan McArdle? I think that was both true and a key differentiating factor. It shows the identitarian social-justice movement (woke, if you like) has an illiberal mindset. They think democracy is a ruse, and that power is all there is.

Note, I am broadly sympathetic to some of the ultimate goals of the anti-racists and trans-activists and conflicted about the goals of the pro-life movement. Here, I'm just talking about the means they used or tried to use to achieve their goals, and their mindset w/r/t debate, persuasion, and democracy. For me, I think the ISJ movement is harming the cause long-term, not helping it.
Yours is a logical take. It’s not reality.

Unfortunately we’re a dumb enough society that we believe there is a “Scourge on Women” and that men are “coming for their rights.” So people align with the Dems even though they know that the Woke nonsense is just nonsense - until it affects the them.

Discourse. Schmiscourse. We’re way past that.
You’re bad at trend analysis. Before Trump we used to win elections. Since Trump we won a single election.

It’s quite simple. Aloha ain’t the problem.
Not if you stretch that analysis out further and include Bush. He was an absolute disaster and lost more elections than Trump. Obamacare exists because of how bad Bush was in office. The GOP was in decline prior to Trump.
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You think so? It hasn’t really worked out that way yet, has it? And as I said, there are people going after those methods too. It’s not going away any time soon.
Yeah I do think so. You’ll need to find another reason to whine about Republicans.
The reality is that the GOP doesn't want this decided at the ballot box. Their idea of "states rights" when it comes to the issue of abortion is to have it legislated by GOP_controlled heavily gerrymandered Legislators or state SC justices who were appointed by GOP Governors...
You wish. Read Trumps statement. It’s perfect.
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Yeah I do think so. You’ll need to find another reason to whine about Republicans.
Good luck with that. We’ll discuss in a few years , ar GOP continues working to take away women’s rights. Notice you’ve ignored the zealots wanting to outlaw the abortion pill.
You wish. Read Trumps statement. It’s perfect.
Sure. Absolutely perfect. Particularly the part where he says, "I was proudly the person responsible for the ending of of something that all legal scholars, both sides, wanted and, in fact, demanded be ended: Roe v. Wade." This is perfect too: "My view is that now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint."

But the good news is there's really no downside for the family values legislators who are enacting the bans. They have the means to fly their knocked-up side chicks, or their pregnant teenage daughters, to California, New York or some other western or northern state for their abortions.
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, ar GOP continues working to take away women’s rights
This is how I know you are delusional. A moron can see abortion will soon be a moot issue while you desperately try to keep it viable. It will soon be over honey. The GOP is not taking away women’s rights. Who knows, maybe liberal women will be forced to focus on bigger policy issues.
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Not if you stretch that analysis out further and include Bush. He was an absolute disaster and lost more elections than Trump. Obamacare exists because of how bad Bush was in office. The GOP was in decline prior to Trump.
Those are peaks and valleys. We haven’t “won” an election since Trump. We won elections while Obama was president. We took back the house and kept them from controlling the government for 10 years - until Trump ruined the party.
Sure. Absolutely perfect. Particularly the part where he says, "I was proudly the person responsible for the ending of of something that all legal scholars, both sides, wanted and, in fact, demanded be ended: Roe v. Wade." This is perfect too: "My view is that now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint."

But the good news is there's really no downside for the family values legislators who are enacting the bans. They have the means to fly their knocked-up side chicks, or their pregnant teenage daughters, to California, New York or some other western or northern state for their abortions.
You are desperate to keep abortion an important part of the 2024 presidential election, I get that. Trump just castrated your argument. Voters don’t give a shit about constitutional intricacies you cited.
You are desperate to keep abortion an important part of the 2024 presidential election, I get that. Trump just castrated your argument. Voters don’t give a shit about constitutional intricacies you cited.
So you have no doubt whatsoever that the Supremes will not renew the Comstock Act? IF they do, abortion is back to being a federal issue.
They both change their position every time they speak.

Republicans just have to follow their latest position as it changes dependent on who they are currently lying to.

Pols from both sides do it all the time, Election is tight and now suddenly there will be an EO to limit border crossings. Why? Because it's a hot button amongst voters.

Compare these comments to his actions regarding student loan debt.
  • "Some are suggesting that I should just go ahead and try it," Biden said. "And if I get shut down by the court, I get shut down by the court."
  • Biden said there's "no guarantee" he has the power to take action on the border without legislation from Congress.
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Those are peaks and valleys. We haven’t “won” an election since Trump. We won elections while Obama was president. We took back the house and kept them from controlling the government for 10 years - until Trump ruined the party.
In that case the peaks were similar between Bush and Trump, however the valleys were worse with Bush. Also, the 2010 landslide was driven by Obamacare and in 2022 Roe vs Wade was headwind for the GOP.

I agree that Trump isn’t good, but Bush was worse. The party isn’t ruined, the GOP might control all 3 branches next year. High Inflation isn’t going away anytime soon.
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In that case the peaks were similar between Bush and Trump, however the valleys were worse with Bush. Also, the 2010 landslide was driven by Obamacare and in 2022 Roe vs Wade was headwind for the GOP.

I agree that Trump isn’t good, but Bush was worse. The party isn’t ruined, the GOP might control all 3 branches next year. High Inflation isn’t going away anytime soon.
Bitcoin son. that's the buster
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So have to go back over 30 years ago to find Biden making racist remarks compared to Trump's consistent racist remarks.

You can link all the idiots you want.
On Jan. 31, 2007, then-U.S. Sen. Biden filed paperwork to launch his campaign for president. On the same day, in remarks made that were audio-recorded by the New York Observer, Biden said of his fellow Democratic candidate, Obama, "I mean, you got the first sort of mainstream African-American." An unidentified reporter responded, "Yeah." Biden continued, "... who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

In 2010, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow replayed the sound of Biden's remark on "The Rachel Maddow Show." She also presented another gaffe in which Biden had once said, "You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."

On Jan. 31, 2007, then-U.S. Sen. Biden filed paperwork to launch his campaign for president. On the same day, in remarks made that were audio-recorded by the New York Observer, Biden said of his fellow Democratic candidate, Obama, "I mean, you got the first sort of mainstream African-American." An unidentified reporter responded, "Yeah." Biden continued, "... who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

In 2010, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow replayed the sound of Biden's remark on "The Rachel Maddow Show." She also presented another gaffe in which Biden had once said, "You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."

“Poor kids are just as bright as white kids”

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