
Low round of the day and tied for low of the tournament, 65.

That's two this year. He's only 30, so he's got a chance to put together a really really special career.
On to the Olympics where he’ll have to carry a slumping Scottie and a terribleshouldvebeenBryson Clark.
On to the Olympics where he’ll have to carry a slumping Scottie and a terribleshouldvebeenBryson Clark.
Scottie’s last 4 starts: win, T30 something, win, T7. I wouldn’t call that a slump. He didn’t play well at the US Open but played pretty well at The Open. Just didn’t make anything on the greens. I would still bet on him to win in Memphis. I have no idea about the Olympics.

As much as I hate to say it…Bryson should be on the team
Scottie’s last 4 starts: win, T30 something, win, T7. I wouldn’t call that a slump. He didn’t play well at the US Open but played pretty well at The Open. Just didn’t make anything on the greens. I would still bet on him to win in Memphis. I have no idea about the Olympics.

As much as I hate to say it…Bryson should be on the team

I don't understand the hate Bryson gets.

I watch his YouTube channel, and he's quite likeable. He's always doing these crazy golf things with other golfers and gives a good look into what he's thinking.
I don't understand the hate Bryson gets.

I watch his YouTube channel, and he's quite likeable. He's always doing these crazy golf things with other golfers and gives a good look into what he's thinking.
IMO…he’s a whiny fake.

Since we don’t see him as much he comes off a little better.

Obviously…just my opinion
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He seems to have mellowed out significantly. Nothing that I can quite point to, but when I see him on tv now I’m not overcome with disgust.
Yeah...he's getting better. I pull for him now. He's just a weird dude.

SMU would practice at our club in Dallas (DAC), so he'd be out there all the time. We'd hook the college kids into money games here and were generally all likeable...just funny, quick-witted, shit-talking college kids. All could bomb it.

Bryson would rarely come along, and when he did, just kinda had a weird vibe. Was always wearing the Payne hat, and was pretty quiet compared to the other guys. Think that carried over to the Tour. Was just such a obsessed technician, he's out there spending 5 mins looking at every putt, just focused on his own brain, and just came off as a tool. No thing malicious, but just a weird guy.

Now, seems like he's kinda coming out of his shell...learning if he actually just let's it flow, and interact with people...he may still be kinda clunky, but people will dig him.

Amazing what $100MM guaranteed will do to your personality. 😄
I don't understand the hate Bryson gets.

I watch his YouTube channel, and he's quite likeable. He's always doing these crazy golf things with other golfers and gives a good look into what he's thinking.
Now-Good Bryson is fine but we had too long of a dose of I’m Better Than You All Bryson who is also the slowest player on the tour.