Wilco: A Ghost is Born.

I'm in more of a eat a handful of shrooms, throw on Frank Zappa, and

forget I ever liked or knew anything about Indiana basketball mood.

Jesus... this sucks. Another year down the drain.

This post was edited on 3/20 7:16 PM by FL33
I have to be honest......

I love Uncle Tupelo and saw them every time I could. I love AM and Being There, but Wilco went in a direction after that, that I didn't like at all. Tweedy and Farrar need each other.

Farrar kept Tweedy from being to weird and Tweedy kept Farrar from being to boring. They are both great in their own right, but they are far better together.

No Depression is better then anything either has done since.
I saw a clip on Youtube where Tweedy tells the story about taking......

a vacation somewhere, and taking a walk on the beach.

As he walking along, he runs into Farrar, who is walking in the opposite direction.

They look at each other, say - hey, how you doing, and keep walking.

Tweedy said that was the only time he's seen Farrar since Tupelo broke up.

I smite thee every time you talk about seeing Tupelo, you commie bastage. Closest I came was Wilco when they had just released AM.

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