Who are your ideal 2024 candidates, and why?

Why did you pick these two?

  • They are moderates who will help slow the pull of our country toward one extreme or the other.

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • They are both smart and competent.

    Votes: 27 84.4%
  • They are the kinds of people I could see actually unifying the country.

    Votes: 9 28.1%
  • They are younger, and the country needs to move to a new generation of leaders.

    Votes: 12 37.5%
  • Other (specify in your post).

    Votes: 3 9.4%

  • Total voters
Pete was unsuccessful managing crime in South Bend. He also was not able to increase solid jobs in the city.
Pete was a much better candidate than he is Transportation Secretary. His profound executive shortcomings are obvious. He constantly talks about transportation in the future instead of the here and now. Significant pieces of public transportation are crime and drug infested disasters. People aren’t using it and financial trouble looms. All we get from the federal department of transportation is crickets. Buttigieg’s highest and best use is some kind of policy adviser, not the boss.
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Desantis. Hands down the best R candidate. I don’t expect midwestern liberals or Rino’s to get this. He’s been attacked and ridiculed by mainstream media, mis-portrayed to an extent, so you’ve probably only been fed soundbites taken out of context and certainly against a liberal narrative. The Dems and media rip him, because they know he’s good. The man is good. Real good.
Pro business
Pro police
Pro parents
Pro military
Pro healthcare for low income
Pro elder respect and rights.
He’s too direct and unafraid for most to understand. He calls it like it is (like today’s sound bite “Florida is were woke goes to die”). He’s smart, savvy, and has zero time for political correctness or phony woke agendas. He’s also polarizing, as his direct and frank talk scare many. His work in Florida has been strategic, and has made it a prosperous state during challenging times.

I’m a fan Nikki too, as well as Tom Cotton in Arkansas. But Governor Desantis is a step ahead of them. And compared to Pete? Are you kidding?
Yeah, but can he act?
How moderate would trump be if he wasn’t being attacked 24/7/365/2463?
He lives to make the deal and accomplished many while even being politically water boarded (still).
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How moderate would trump be if he wasn’t being attacked 24/7/365/2463?
He lives to make the deal and accomplished many while even being politically water boarded (still).

C'mon, Joe. You mean Trump wouldn't be such a dick if people weren't so mean to him?
C'mon, Joe. You mean Trump wouldn't be such a dick if people weren't so mean to him?
No, he’d still be a dick. A dick that had a team helping him pulling towards the finish line, instead of fragging him.
I still don’t think his being a dick hurt 1% as much as those who were just infatuated with fighting against a dick, and their own best interests.
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No, he’d still be a dick. A dick that had a team helping him pulling towards the finish line, instead of fragging him.
I still don’t think his being a dick hurt 1% as much as those who were just infatuated with fighting against a dick, and their own best interests.

None of the reason choices Goat gave us mentioned honor and character. Those things mean something to me. I could never support Donald Trump for anything, no matter how much I liked his policies or performance. YMMV.
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None of the reason choices Goat gave us mentioned honor and character. Those things mean something to me. I could never support Donald Trump for anything, no matter how much I liked his policies or performance. YMMV.
So even if his policies really helped you personally, if you were in Nam with him, in the bush, you’d frag his ass. Is that what you’re saying?
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While a guy like Crenshaw or Sasse might better mirror my vision of a perfect GOP politician. A guy like DeSantis is actually needed to get stuff done. Sasse would start apologizing the second he got accused of being a high school billy or putting a dog on the roof. GOP executives need to punch back, and need to fight against D’s degrading the culture.
C'mon, Joe. You mean Trump wouldn't be such a dick if people weren't so mean to him?
What makes a dick? Is trading Bergdal for 5 high level terrorist a dick? did you frag Obama?
Is lying about WMD’s and committing war against Iraq being a dick? Did you frag GWB and Liz’s dad?
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What makes a dick? Is trading Bergdal for 5 high level terrorist a dick? did you frag Obama?
Is lying about WMD’s and committing war against Iraq being a dick? Did you frag GWB and Liz’s dad?
Damn, I not only derailed this, I canceled it all together.
Oh, my dream team; Trump with VP desantis vrs…… Tulsi with VP Harris Faulkner.
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What makes a dick? Is trading Bergdal for 5 high level terrorist a dick? did you frag Obama?
Is lying about WMD’s and committing war against Iraq being a dick? Did you frag GWB and Liz’s dad?
W didnt “lie” about Iraq. He was likely egged on by Cheney/ Rumsfeld who deliberately acted on weak intelligence.

At the time, Hussein was still posturing as if he had WMD’s.

So the distortion put out by Trumpets and moronic progressives alike needs to stop.

Stop making us dumber.
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To return to the original topic (just to screw with people 😉):

My choice for President would be Pompeo and I'd go for Retired Gen. James Mattis as the VP...

Both are "smart and competent" and have a solid resume of service to the country... My other reason being that I believe that the current administration will have set the stage for a conflict with China which could rapidly devolve into World War 3... Hopefully it won't have already happened prior to their inauguration...

The best people to keep us out of a war are those who have experienced one...
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My choice for President would be Pompeo and I'd go for Retired Gen. James Mattis as the VP...

Both are "smart and competent" and have a solid resume of service to the country... My other reason being that I believe that the current administration with have set the stage for a conflict with China which could rapidly devolve into World War 3...

The best people to keep us out of a war are those who have experienced one...
I'd sure consider Pompeo or Mattis ahead of DeSantis.

It's odd to catch myself thinking a general is less of an autocrat than DeSantis.
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How moderate would trump be if he wasn’t being attacked 24/7/365/2463?
He lives to make the deal and accomplished many while even being politically water boarded (still).
Trump had a Republican Congress for his first two years and still couldn't accomplish the one big "deal" he campaigned on -- "repeal and replace Obamacare" and "I'll improve our healthcare system. In fact, I'm the only guy who can do it." Remember Trump saying that?

It was at the end of 2017 that Trump's gutting of the ACA failed by one vote (the famous John McCain vote), but Trump never even tried again, even though he still had one remaining year of Republican control of Congress. He tucked his tail and whimpered all the way home.

What a deal maker! Trump 2024 !! (and maybe 2 to 5, also).
Trump had a Republican Congress for his first two years and still couldn't accomplish the one big "deal" he campaigned on -- "repeal and replace Obamacare" and "I'll improve our healthcare system. In fact, I'm the only guy who can do it." Remember Trump saying that?

It was at the end of 2017 that Trump's gutting of the ACA failed by one vote (the famous John McCain vote), but Trump never even tried again, even though he still had one remaining year of Republican control of Congress. He tucked his tail and whimpered all the way home.

What a deal maker! Trump 2024 !! (and maybe 2 to 5, also).
yep, I will agree. He failed on that one for sure. Came within one vote, while fighting the entire power of the US gov. at every friggin step. The mountain to climb was insurmountable so he picked up his ball and went on to something else. It was a fail, but it probably wasn't worth continuing on with. ... Well on second thought, he should have just renamed his attempt, maybe called it the "Keep the ACA" bill, then just put it straight to a vote again. DC would have rammed that through site unseen!
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yep, I will agree. He failed on that one for sure. Came within one vote, while fighting the entire power of the US gov. at every friggin step. The mountain to climb was insurmountable so he picked up his ball and went on to something else. It was a fail, but it probably wasn't worth continuing on with. ... Well on second thought, he should have just renamed his attempt, maybe called it the "Keep the ACA" bill, then just put it straight to a vote again. DC would have rammed that through site unseen!
But he didn't have to fail 100%.

Trump could have adjusted his next ACA
proposal any number of ways that would have made it better, gained him one vote so it would have passed and that would have made him a hero.

But Trump has this defective view of his importance that prevents him from compromising on anything, Just a slight adjustment was all it would have taken but Trump's ego was hurt so he just walked away from his campaign promise to fix healthcare.

What a guy!!
You’ve been called everything under the sun on this board lately, depending on the poster. Trumper! RINO! Liberal! You have no chance to be a Mod. 😂
Don't want to be a mod. Peegs asked me to be a mod back when the WC first started and I turned it down. I didn't have the time then, and I don't have the time now. Maybe when I retire-retire in two years or so, but probably not even then. I'm expecting to do a whole lot of golfing and traveling (pleasure vice business - there's a difference) then.
Don't want to be a mod. Peegs asked me to be a mod back when the WC first started and I turned it down. I didn't have the time then, and I don't have the time now. Maybe when I retire-retire in two years or so, but probably not even then. I'm expecting to do a whole lot of golfing and traveling (pleasure vice business - there's a difference) then.

By that time Cray and McM will have taken over for me and Goat, and NPT will have thrown in the towel. Might be fun.
I'm going to pick up on some comments in this thread about Mayor Pete and his ideas. Yang has a lot of interesting ideas, too. They intrigue me. But when I stop and think about it, I'd prefer people like that to be in the Congress.

I want the President to be an executive. Read the Fifth Risk and you are reminded how enormous our bureaucracies are, and just how important it is to manage them. I don't want someone doing that with the new, bold ideas (ever been part of an organization where every 4 years you have to implement some new ,big idea about how the office is to be run? Very wasteful, and never pans out. See America to Me about a school system doing that with the racial achievement gap.) I also don't like the ever increasing Presidential power grabs from both parties and people with Big Ideas who get frustrated by our system, I feel, would be more likely to just find other, norm-breaking or bending ways to implement their ideas, thereby eroding public trust even more.

So on the seasoned executive route, I'll throw Jamie Dimon out. I HATE billionaires dominating politcs but Dimon is a REAL executive. By all accounts, he's a great team builder and he's done a wonderful job with JPMorgan Chase. He's clearly smart; I'm guessing he's socially pretty liberal, but definitely not woke (see this is why the word is useful. "Progressive" isn't the right word, nor is social justice minded because he can be that but still not think the current excesses of that movement-which is what woke encapsulates--make any sense at all); and he would know more about how the economy works than maybe any President we've ever had. He could never win, though. Hes' too gruff and doesn't tolerate fools.

That Dimon probably couldn't get above 5% in today's politics, shows how stupid and broken our system is. Or maybe its a feature not a bug: maybe in a nation wanting a continuing Democratic Republic, you can't have too good of a leader, or else a human impulse to give that person too much power comes about--safety over freedom impulse--and the Democratic Republic turns into something else (I'm reminded of Octavius--although the Roman Republic was already in grave danger by the time he came about. FDR also might fit this bill).
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