When your Lawyer gets arrested … rule of law is dead.


All-Big Ten
Sep 20, 2021
Russian authorities arrested four lawyers who represent prominent opposition figures on extremism charges on October 13, likely to set conditions for the upcoming 2024 Russian presidential elections. Russian authorities arrested three of imprisoned Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny’s lawyers – Vadim Kobzev, Igor Sergunin, and Alexei Liptser – for allegedly participating in an extremist community.[18] Russian authorities also charged and fined Alexei Ladin, who represents many Crimean Tatars and Ukrainian citizens accused of terrorism, espionage, and participating in banned groups, for allegedly discrediting the Russian military and distributing extremist symbols.[19] Lawyer Alexander Molokhov, who represents imprisoned ardent nationalist and former Russian officer Igor Girkin, called on the Russian Federal Chamber of Lawyers to conduct a one-day strike in solidarity with Kobzev, Sergunin, and Liptser and criticized the Russian government for prosecuting these lawyers for “connecting Navalny with the outside world.”[20]

If your lawyer cannot put forward earnest efforts to prepare evidence for a defense and investigate exculpatory evidence … without committing ‘crimes‘ himself … banishment to the Gulag is most certain.

Aren’t Trumps lawyers being accused of crimes … when their communications with their client are deemed cooperation in a criminal enterprise.
Spencer Tracy saved his greatest disdain for Burt Lancaster in Judgement at Nuremberg … as the 1st Judge to make a political decision instead of one based on the rule of law.
Aren’t Trumps lawyers being accused of crimes … when their communications with their client are deemed cooperation in a criminal enterprise.

Trump's lawyers aren't being charged with anything relating to his defense.