Fundamentals or lack thereof bothers me but the no calls for palming, traveling just drives me insane. You cannot tuck the ball into your arm and drive to the basket without dribbling without a traveling violation. They rarely make that move in two steps. I watched the 1976 championship game the other night on DVD and was surprised on two things ... (1) how good the passing into the post was (2) and how jam packed the lane was with almost 10 players all inside 15-17 feet of the basket. The sad part is, those parts of the game are not coming back ... fundamentals and official calls.And for Us older guys, don't forget the total lack of fundamentals. Maybe I'm an out of touch old fart, but I cringe everytime I see a Player dribble the ball with his hand on the side of the ball or almost underneath it. In my day that was an automatic palming violation. Same thing with traveling, double dribble and 3 Second Violations. Somewhere along the line Coaching became roll the balls out and full Court Scrimmage for 3 Hours with no designed drills to improve fundamentals and correct problems and technique.