Not quite true, Marv. Biden's lawyers reported they found classified information and reported.That analogy works for Biden. They found six pages at his home and they reported it. Hundreds of documents were at Trump's home, and he kept trying to hide them. The two cases aren't close to the same. A shoplifer with a $100 item and submits to arrest when caught vs a bank robber who fights the police trying to arrest him.
Clinton is closer to Trump. They found 60ish top secret documents. That was over time. She could/should have shut down the server after one, certainly after two. She was willing to let it keep happening. That is very problematic.
I get why they go more leniently on people who discover a document and call it in. That is the behavior they want, they don't want them burying the document in the backyard to stay out of prison. It is why Biden's case is so very different than Trump's. The bigwigs who have been caught and punished were actively covering up. That's the behavior they REALLY want to stop.
Create a group that does not report to the president. They monitor documents. After a meeting, no one, not even the president, leaves the room if 10 documents were handed out and 9 were returned. No documents in the private areas of the White House or US Naval Observatory. Documents cannot leave secure areas of House/Senate. The elected have to leave their offices and go to the documents. I know that will cut down on the time they have to call to gladhand for money, but that's just an extra benefit. The problem doesn't seem to be the people who can get fired for losing documents, it is the people who largely won't get fired.
Then, when the FBI was investigating, it was discovered there were other classified documents stored in different places.
That's quite different then 'Biden self-reported'. He only did it when it was about to be disclosed.