Wacky Waco


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2001
Man.. just when you thought things couldn't get crazier in Texas (You know with the whole Jade Helm fiasco) we have ourselves an old fashioned biker gang brawl-shootout. The best part? This shoot-out didn't happen at some roadhouse style hole in the wall biker bar, oh no, this happened at your local Hooters-meets-Northern Exposure Twin Peaks. 9 dead, 170+ arrested, all kinds of weapons siezed, and said Twin Peaks has been shutdown by the TABC (aka Indiana Excise) for 7 days while the whole mess is sorted out. Never a dull moment down here, I tell ya!
Man.. just when you thought things couldn't get crazier in Texas (You know with the whole Jade Helm fiasco) we have ourselves an old fashioned biker gang brawl-shootout. The best part? This shoot-out didn't happen at some roadhouse style hole in the wall biker bar, oh no, this happened at your local Hooters-meets-Northern Exposure Twin Peaks. 9 dead, 170+ arrested, all kinds of weapons siezed, and said Twin Peaks has been shutdown by the TABC (aka Indiana Excise) for 7 days while the whole mess is sorted out. Never a dull moment down here, I tell ya!

So a bunch of 50 year old leather clad phags pathetically living their worthless lives around a poorly made POS machine are killing each other off? That's great. Give them better weapons. There is nothing in American society as pathetic as old biker phags.
So a bunch of 50 year old leather clad phags pathetically living their worthless lives around a poorly made POS machine are killing each other off? That's great. Give them better weapons. There is nothing in American society as pathetic as old biker phags.
Sounds like the Ron Burgundy fight...
Man.. just when you thought things couldn't get crazier in Texas (You know with the whole Jade Helm fiasco) we have ourselves an old fashioned biker gang brawl-shootout. The best part? This shoot-out didn't happen at some roadhouse style hole in the wall biker bar, oh no, this happened at your local Hooters-meets-Northern Exposure Twin Peaks. 9 dead, 170+ arrested, all kinds of weapons siezed, and said Twin Peaks has been shutdown by the TABC (aka Indiana Excise) for 7 days while the whole mess is sorted out. Never a dull moment down here, I tell ya!

At least they only shot each other.
Sounds like good citizenry.
Did the CVS survive?
Probably arguing over Scott Drew recruiting tactics.
Man.. just when you thought things couldn't get crazier in Texas (You know with the whole Jade Helm fiasco) we have ourselves an old fashioned biker gang brawl-shootout. The best part? This shoot-out didn't happen at some roadhouse style hole in the wall biker bar, oh no, this happened at your local Hooters-meets-Northern Exposure Twin Peaks. 9 dead, 170+ arrested, all kinds of weapons siezed, and said Twin Peaks has been shutdown by the TABC (aka Indiana Excise) for 7 days while the whole mess is sorted out. Never a dull moment down here, I tell ya!
Wild Hogs don't belong here!