Ukraine and NATO(US) Are Done.

How do lawyers read this:

If an alien subject to the expedited removal provisions indicates an intention to apply for asylum, or expresses a fear of persecution or torture, or a fear of return to his or her country, the inspecting officer shall not proceed further with removal of the alien until the alien has been referred for an interview by an asylum officer in accordance with 8 CFR 208.30. The examining immigration officer shall record sufficient information..
That’s not a hearing marv. It’s part of the screening process before a hearing is scheduled.
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Everyone is in degrees of danger across the world. We need to have a point that says, "That is enough danger to warrant asylum". Pretty much anyone in Central America is at risk from Narco gangs. Pretty much anyone in Venezuela is in danger from an unstable leadership. Basically, what causes one case to rise to a clear and present danger.
Pretty much everyone in the US is in danger from the millions of unvetted military aged men strolling across it's borders.
How many Iranian, Chinese, Russian, Venezuelan and others are here now?
Don't make me laugh!
That’s not a hearing marv. It’s part of the screening process before a hearing is scheduled.

They need a meeting with an asylum officer and then the officer's supervisor has to sign off on it. That doesn't happen in 5 seconds. Then there is this:

If an alien is found not to have a credible fear of persecution or torture, the asylum officer shall provide the alien with a written notice of decision and issue the alien a record of the credible fear determination, including copies of the asylum officer's notes, the summary of the material facts, and other materials upon which the determination was based. The asylum officer shall inquire whether the alien wishes to have an immigration judge review the negative decision, which shall include an opportunity for the alien to be heard and questioned by the immigration judge as provided for under section 235(b)(1)(B)(iii)(III) of the Act, using Form I–869, Record of Negative Credible Fear Finding and Request for Review by Immigration Judge. The alien shall indicate whether the alien desires such review on Form I–869. A refusal or failure by the alien to make such indication shall be considered a request for review.​
So now there is an asylum officer who has to take down the information and write up their response. Then the documentation is sent to a supervisor for review. Then, if denied, they are told it can go to a judge. How quickly do you think this happens?

But it all goes to the bigger point, if they ask for asylum this all kicks in and it doesn't matter if they are from Mexico or Venezuela. You have yet to find a section of code suggesting a difference. There are 2500 asylum officers in the US, if filled all the way which they aren't. You aren't capturing a person and having a hearing and a supervisor review and a judge hearing all in 5 minutes. Also, they are allowed to speak to anyone they wish, including a lawyer, before speaking with the asylum officer. That also delays things.

By the way, if your example was a person crossing from Canada you would have a point, it appears we do have exceptions in the law for people coming in from Canada.
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Pretty much everyone in the US is in danger from the millions of unvetted military aged men strolling across it's borders.
How many Iranian, Chinese, Russian, Venezuelan and others are here now?
Don't make me laugh!
How many faux militia members do we have ready to start a civil war at the drop of a hat? We should be able to count them as dangers.
Pointing out the abject failure of the NATO(US) misadventures in Ukraine over the past two decades does not constitute any form of defense of Rus or it's leadership. Not a difficult concept to grasp, but you seem to have swallowed the neocon propaganda in it's entirety.
What misadventure? We supported a Western aligned movement that ended up taking power in the country? Horrors! Are you arguing the Russians don't do that all over the world? Are you arguing that aligning with Russian ideas on governance and commerce is more beneficial than with US/NATO/G7 ideas on same? The Ukrainians did not want to be under the Russian yoke and they came to us and said, "Hey, we would like to pursue closer ties with you all because that is more beneficial to us than it is to remain under Russian dominance." Why should we turn that down? Now, I wouldn't integrate them into NATO but we aren't obligated to take Russia's butthurt feelings on military and economic ties into any more consideration than they have when it comes to a country like Venezuela. Ukraine is a separate entity from Russia that is ripe for development. Is it corrupt? Heck yes. You know why? Because of the aforementioned shitty Russian influence they have been under for centuries.
Keep in mind; Zsky has canceled the election to stay in power, has jailed Christian clergy, has closed Christian churches, $Billions of American taxpayer dollars (borrowed/stolen) are missing, print and broadcast media have been censored
None of that is great and the finance side in particular is why I have argued here in the past that just dumping money and arms into Ukraine doesn't appear to be the best strategy. You can disagree with how things are being approached without appearing giddy over Russia doing well. You have been shilling for Russia since this started. You predicted the Russians would roll over the Ukrainians and they very much have not. With all the things you mentioned though, Russia. All of this points back to Russia and its failures.
and the Azov neo-nazi organization is flourishing.
You will have to expand on that one. Given some positions you take, why is this a problem for you? Furthermore, see the article linked below. Russia has the same issue.
This is who what you are supporting.

And you this. Furthermore, you are more supportive of the invading army. Russia did not have to invade. They chose to. There would be no need for NATO if not for Russia's belief that it is entitled to exert influence on Europe by way of domination. The Europeans disagree and it is beneficial to us to have relationships with one of the more developed areas on the planet and to extend the benefits of Western integration to those who labored under Russian barbarism for so long.

I guess at the end of the day, yeah, we have issues and we make mistakes but we aren't the Russians. Screw them in a geopolitical sense (although I am sure most Russian people are perfectly lovely).
They need a meeting with an asylum officer and then the officer's supervisor has to sign off on it. That doesn't happen in 5 seconds. Then there is this:

If an alien is found not to have a credible fear of persecution or torture, the asylum officer shall provide the alien with a written notice of decision and issue the alien a record of the credible fear determination, including copies of the asylum officer's notes, the summary of the material facts, and other materials upon which the determination was based. The asylum officer shall inquire whether the alien wishes to have an immigration judge review the negative decision, which shall include an opportunity for the alien to be heard and questioned by the immigration judge as provided for under section 235(b)(1)(B)(iii)(III) of the Act, using Form I–869, Record of Negative Credible Fear Finding and Request for Review by Immigration Judge. The alien shall indicate whether the alien desires such review on Form I–869. A refusal or failure by the alien to make such indication shall be considered a request for review.​
So now there is an asylum officer who has to take down the information and write up their response. Then the documentation is sent to a supervisor for review. Then, if denied, they are told it can go to a judge. How quickly do you think this happens?

But it all goes to the bigger point, if they ask for asylum this all kicks in and it doesn't matter if they are from Mexico or Venezuela. You have yet to find a section of code suggesting a difference. There are 2500 asylum officers in the US, if filled all the way which they aren't. You aren't capturing a person and having a hearing and a supervisor review and a judge hearing all in 5 minutes. Also, they are allowed to speak to anyone they wish, including a lawyer, before speaking with the asylum officer. That also delays things.

By the way, if your example was a person crossing from Canada you would have a point, it appears we do have exceptions in the law for people coming in from Canada.
I believe you are quoting a regulation, probably written by an immigration activist, and put through the rule making process without fanfare.
Pretty much everyone in the US is in danger from the millions of unvetted military aged men strolling across it's borders.
How many Iranian, Chinese, Russian, Venezuelan and others are here now?
Don't make me laugh!
This is somewhat fair criticism. There is a vested interest in both parties in opening the doors to all these people because of the power that can be accrued on their backs. Both economic and political. However, I think a massive influx of uneducated workers ends up being a net negative for every day joes.
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I believe you are quoting a regulation, probably written by an immigration activist, and put through the rule making process without fanfare.

Good point, here is US Code

8 U.S. Code § 1158

Any alien who is physically present in the United States or who arrives in the United States (whether or not at a designated port of arrival and including an alien who is brought to the United States after having been interdicted in international or United States waters), irrespective of such alien’s status, may apply for asylum in accordance with this section or, where applicable, section 1225(b) of this title.​

If you read the next paragraph, it mentions 3rd countries. But it says the US may return people to 3rd countries we have agreements with if that country doesn't create danger:

Paragraph (1) shall not apply to an alien if the Attorney General determines that the alien may be removed, pursuant to a bilateral or multilateral agreement, to a country (other than the country of the alien’s nationality or, in the case of an alien having no nationality, the country of the alien’s last habitual residence) in which the alien’s life or freedom would not be threatened on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion, and where the alien would have access to a full and fair procedure for determining a claim to asylum or equivalent temporary protection, unless the Attorney General finds that it is in the public interest for the alien to receive asylum in the United States.
So there is the actual code, "Any alien who is physically present in the United States ...". It doesn't make exceptions for Venzuelans not stopping in Mexico. You haven't heard me disagree with the idea, I am saying no one has even tried to change this code. Republicans want the issue, Democrats don't want to.
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Good point, here is US Code

8 U.S. Code § 1158

Any alien who is physically present in the United States or who arrives in the United States (whether or not at a designated port of arrival and including an alien who is brought to the United States after having been interdicted in international or United States waters), irrespective of such alien’s status, may apply for asylum in accordance with this section or, where applicable, section 1225(b) of this title.​

If you read the next paragraph, it mentions 3rd countries. But it says the US may return people to 3rd countries we have agreements with if that country doesn't create danger:

Paragraph (1) shall not apply to an alien if the Attorney General determines that the alien may be removed, pursuant to a bilateral or multilateral agreement, to a country (other than the country of the alien’s nationality or, in the case of an alien having no nationality, the country of the alien’s last habitual residence) in which the alien’s life or freedom would not be threatened on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion, and where the alien would have access to a full and fair procedure for determining a claim to asylum or equivalent temporary protection, unless the Attorney General finds that it is in the public interest for the alien to receive asylum in the United States.
So there is the actual code, "Any alien who is physically present in the United States ...". It doesn't make exceptions for Venzuelans not stopping in Mexico. You haven't heard me disagree with the idea, I am saying no one has even tried to change this code. Republicans want the issue, Democrats don't want to.
Trump had a remain in Mexico policy that worked. It also was a disincentive for all the migrant movement.
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Trump had a remain in Mexico policy that worked. It also was a disincentive for all the migrant movement.
He did, was it legal? The Supremes never got to hear the case. We both know presidents are quite willing to push the law past its boundaries. I linked the actual US Code this time, I don't see "remain in Mexico" listed. Do you?
So 90-180 day decisions on asylum cases isn't a meaningful change when current policy is more like 2 to 3 years
They were obviously meaningful changes and we both know the reason it didn't pass - and it wasn't because the changes weren't meaningful.
I think that's what people think. But the reality is you cannot move immigration legislation through the Senate without 60 votes to overcome a cloture motion

Unless you think the GOP is going to get 60 Senate seats anytime soon.... Zero immigration legislation will ever pass the Senate in a Trump admin.
The Democrats were willing to give Republicans some of they wanted for border enforcement and MAGA Republicans decided they'd rather have nothing at all. This is what they do and it's why they can't be taken seriously.
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The Democrats were willing to give Republicans some of they wanted for border enforcement and MAGA Republicans decided they'd rather have nothing at all. This is what they do and it's why they can't be taken seriously.
The legislation included more than one poison pill. The Dems knew that. They wanted talking points, not a solution.
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If you don't want to come across as a Russian shill, you need to change your communicative approach. The only thing your original post was missing was Khrushchev banging his shoe.

I question the blank check and even the approach of adding Ukraine to NATO. There are questions there about the nature of the NATO relationship in general, but Russia sucks. This is all their fault. All of it. They have no redeemable qualities as a partner (other than being a pain in the ass to the West and a cheap resource provider for the asshole aligned countries of the world) and they are a bully. The reason the majority of Europe and many of their former satellite states want under the NATO umbrella is, despite some faults, we are better than them in almost every conceivable fashion. You rail against the "globalist war mongers" yet run to the defense of the aggressor in this case who is seeking, by force, to reconstitute as much of their former empire as possible. An empire partially built on the idea of global communism. It is nonsensical.

If the Russians were so great, people would be lining up to do business with them. We have all sorts of warts but the only alliances you tend to see against us are the ones pissed that we stand in their way of regional hegemony. The line to be true friends (not just partners of convenience) with countries like Russia is pretty short.
No need to add on to that. Agree 100 percent.
He did, was it legal? The Supremes never got to hear the case. We both know presidents are quite willing to push the law past its boundaries. I linked the actual US Code this time, I don't see "remain in Mexico" listed. Do you?
Well the policy included more than Trumps administrative enforcement. It included Mexico’s agreement to enforce its southern border and not assist the migrant caravans. Biden terminated those agreements.

The basic question is interesting. I believe Obama was the first to accept illegal border crossers as legitimate people in residence. The question is if we immediately return illegal crossers upon discovery, are they present under the meaning of the law? An affirmative answer makes no sense in my view.
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Pointing out the abject failure of the NATO(US) misadventures in Ukraine over the past two decades does not constitute any form of defense of Rus or it's leadership. Not a difficult concept to grasp, but you seem to have swallowed the neocon propaganda in it's entirety.
Keep in mind; Zsky has canceled the election to stay in power, has jailed Christian clergy, has closed Christian churches, $Billions of American taxpayer dollars (borrowed/stolen) are missing, print and broadcast media have been censored and the Azov neo-nazi organization is flourishing.
This is what you are supporting.
And there you go - you just repeated false Russian misinformation. You've bought into the Russian narrative 100 percent. How can anyone not consider you a Russian shill?
The legislation included more than one poison pill. The Dems knew that. They wanted talking points, not a solution.
Name the poison pill(s). I've read the summary and I didn't see anything that Republicans couldn't live with in exchange for several things we wanted.
Running On Empty
It's at 64% of what it was two years ago (before the sale to keep gas prices from skyrocketing) and it's being replenished to be about the same level it was by the end of this year.
His post is entirely factual, no? Spot the lie.
Are you kidding? Almost none of it was factual. Why don't you point out what you think is factual? Spot the truth. That would be far more interesting and amusing. Do you get your information from Russia as well?
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Ukraine is in no position to hold elections right now. Everyone knows this. It is not a nefarious Zelenskyy plot to maintain power - they're fighting a war for their existence. If they could hold an election Zelenskyy would easily win.

He jailed clergy and closed churches who were actively supporting the enemy who had invaded Ukraine. Who, besides Russian shills, would oppose that?

They've lost track of a fraction of the weapons sent to Ukraine to fight against the Russian invaders. This isn't cash and actually isn't even considered all that unusual in a war like this. Some of the fault for this lies with the US as well. We've been trying to transfer weapons to them as quickly as possible because Ukraine is desperately in need of them. Some of the records aren't complete or totally accurate. This is not ideal, but not something that surprises anyone that knows how the process has been exponentially expedited. I've attended briefings on this situation.

So everything in that post is Russian misinformation. Seems like you've bought it too.
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Ukraine is in no position to hold elections right now. Everyone knows this. It is not a nefarious Zelenskyy plot to maintain power - they're fighting a war for their existence. If they could hold an election Zelenskyy would easily win.
Churchill held elections during WW2, spare us the malarkey please. Democracies don’t hold elections only when it is convenient.
He jailed clergy and closed churches who were actively supporting the enemy who had invaded Ukraine. Who, besides Russian shills, would oppose that?
None of the jailed received due process rights
They've lost track of a fraction of the weapons sent to Ukraine to fight against the Russian invaders. This isn't cash and actually isn't even considered all that unusual in a war like this. Some of the fault for this lies with the US as well. We've been trying to transfer weapons to them as quickly as possible because Ukraine is desperately in need of them. Some of the records aren't complete or totally accurate. This is not ideal, but not something that surprises anyone that knows how the process has been exponentially expedited. I've attended briefings on this situation.
And the several Ukrainian military and government officials explicitly fired for corruption? What to make of them?
So everything in that post is Russian misinformation. Seems like you've bought it too.
We are not the ones swallowing propaganda. Take a look at your reflection.
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Churchill held elections during WW2, spare us the malarkey please. Democracies don’t hold elections only when it is convenient.

None of the jailed received due process rights

And the several Ukrainian military and government officials explicitly fired for corruption? What to make of them?

We are not the ones swallowing propaganda. Take a look at your reflection.
Great Britain didn't have Nazis fighting in it's country. All of Ukraine is essentially a war zone. It's martial law - not everyone got due process during the American Civil War either. Seems you care a lot more about these Russian activists and agents than loyal Ukrainians do. You probably care a little less than the Russians do. I'd hope so.

There's some corruption in Ukraine. As there has been in all of the old Soviet Union. There is no doubt about that. Russia is extremely corrupt. Speculation is that Putin may be the richest man in the world due to corruption. Russian corruption starts at the top. Zelenskyy has been fighting corruption since before the war and continues today. Why would you support Russia over Ukraine? Why do you?

I have you on the Russian sympathizer list along with Mas.
Churchill held elections during WW2, spare us the malarkey please. Democracies don’t hold elections only when it is convenient.

None of the jailed received due process rights

And the several Ukrainian military and government officials explicitly fired for corruption? What to make of them?

We are not the ones swallowing propaganda. Take a look at your reflection.

England went from 1935-1945 without an election.

I wonder what was happening during those years that had Britain not holding elections....
That you can’t delineate between criticism of Ukraine and “Russian sympathy” is your intellectual failing, not mine.
That you unfairly criticize Ukraine while totally overlooking worse faults in Russia (i.e. corruption and the fact that they're the invaders in this war) makes you very clearly sympathetic towards Russia.
I was. Churchill’s election defeat was prior to VE Day and much prior to VJ Day.
Yes, I knew his Conservative party was defeated before the war was over which meant the new Parliament removed him as PM. His party won again a few years later and reinstated him as PM.
Gas prices will skyrocket over the next months at least until after the elections. We may see $6.00/gallon. Big oil does not like Biden.
Conspiracy theories are typically stupid whether from the right or the left. This one from the left is dumb too. Big Oil is not going to conspire to artificially raise prices prior to the election. If prices rise it will be due to the usual causes.
That you unfairly criticize Ukraine while totally overlooking worse faults in Russia (i.e. corruption and the fact that they're the invaders in this war) makes you very clearly sympathetic towards Russia.
If you have ever spoken to anyone who has lived in Ukraine or Russia they will tell you that to get anything done you have to avoid tradition means. So if you have a break-in at your home you better be ready to pay the police directly. If you want a good grade in a class you better offer the professor something in return. The whole system breeds corruption.
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