Ukraine and NATO(US) Are Done.

Sad. I haven't made a single personal attack on anyone but both of you go right to it, as normal.
What's sad is you ignoring the fact that Trump was able to control illegal immigration much more than Biden - because Biden doesn't even try.

If you can't admit that, then the term 'hack' does apply to you. Sorry if it hurts your feelings.
Well I'd argue the problem IS existing immigration legislation.

It's very lenient with a giant asylum loophole. Trump admin struggled with this for 3 years.
True, dems and the dempiblicans, uniparty!!!! Want this. **** their constituents . Trump proved there are ways to stop it, IF you want. They don’t, and never have wanted it stopped!! Never!
Or the aloha pub’s would have fixed this shit the right way DECADEs ago..
but no they didn’t.
Uni party, share all wealth, let everyone in at my tax dollar expense. The golden garden for all, until the concept makes everyone beg for crumbs.
Mega people know this story and are trying to save you…
Meanwhile, you are well dressed, stepping into the cattle car, doing your democratic duty.
The acid bath doesn’t hurt, for very long.
He implemented a remain in Mexico policy, which was very effective. He also made it known illegal immigration was not welcome. His PR campaign against illegal immigration was effective.

No government is going to stop 100% of the illegals coming through. But, as has been noted here, even Obama exported more illegals than even Trump did, without the type of legislations wanted by Democrats - the 'Dream Bill' as Goat called it. lmao

The Remain in Mexico policy was very legally questionable. It never made it's way through the court system so we don't know how it would have played out. But there was at least a decent argument that it violated current asylum law. That's why I want to see the current law improved.

I'm coming from a position that I want immigration greatly curtailed. I strongly disagree with Biden's immigration policy. RIMX policy was something I fully support, but it was on tenuous legal footing and would always be at the whim of whatever admin is in office.

The way to fix bad policy is legislation and you can only move the ball very incrementally, but you can't fumble the ball
True, dems and the dempiblicans, uniparty!!!! Want this. **** their constituents . Trump proved there are ways to stop it, IF you want. They don’t, and never have wanted it stopped!! Never!
Or the aloha pub’s would have fixed this shit the right way DECADEs ago..
but no they didn’t.
Uni party, share all wealth, let everyone in at my tax dollar expense. The golden garden for all, until the concept makes everyone beg for crumbs.
Mega people know this story and are trying to save you…
Meanwhile, you are well dressed, stepping into the cattle car, doing your democratic duty.
The acid bath doesn’t hurt, for very long.

Trump tried things and had policies that worked.... Policies that could either be overturned by the next President or more likely were going be shot down in the courts, long term.

He relied heavily on Title 42 / emergency health executive action via Covid. Something that definitely wasn't going to hold for long.
The Remain in Mexico policy was very legally questionable. It never made it's way through the court system so we don't know how it would have played out. But there was at least a decent argument that it violated current asylum law. That's why I want to see the current law improved.

I'm coming from a position that I want the immigration greatly curtailed. I strongly disagree with Biden's immigration policy. RIMX policy was something I fully support, but it was on tenuous legal footing and would always be at the whim of whatever admin is in office.

The way to fix bad policy is legislation and you can only move the ball very incrementally, but you can't fumble the ball
It hadn't been though the courts yet, so you are making a judgement you're not qualified to make. It was in effect and it was effective. You should let the courts decide what is 'legal footing'.

You think Biden would enforce any new legislation when he doesn't enforce existing laws and policies? Trump did it and was effective, but Joe won't because..... well, Trump did it.

Republicans wanted some sign from Biden that he'd actually enforce laws before they sign off on any new legislation. Nothing wrong with that. And the levels of illegals coming into the US before Biden would be required to act was ridiculous - a joke.

I have no confidence Biden would enforce any legislation that tries to reduce illegal immigration.
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Trump tried things and had policies that worked.... Policies that could either be overturned by the next President or more likely were going be shot down in the courts, long term.

He relied heavily on Title 42 / emergency health executive action via Covid. Something that definitely wasn't going to hold for long.
Not at all likely they would be shot down by the courts.

The President, as CiC, has authority to defend the US against invasion. And make no mistake - the number of illegals crossing the border today constitutes an invasion.
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By any honest reckoning, this is the most restrictive migrant legislation in decades. Previous immigration talks have involved trading security measures for legalizing more immigration. There is little of the latter in this bill—nothing for nearly all of the Dreamers who were brought here illegally as children, no general pathway to citizenship or green cards for most illegal immigrants already in the U.S.....

The bill’s details are worth describing because they’re crucial to reducing the current incentives for migrants to come to the U.S. border. Most important, the bill rewrites the standard and process for granting asylum in the U.S.
Under current law and practice, migrants cross the border, turn themselves in to border patrol agents, and claim asylum. If they pass the deliberately low bar for claiming “credible fear” of persecution, they are given a date for a future asylum hearing and released into the U.S. The wait can take years, and many never show up. This is the policy that has become known as “catch and release.”

The new bill raises the bar for that initial border screening for credible fear to a “reasonable possibility” of persecution. Toughening the asylum standard was a priority of the Trump Administration, but a statutory change is needed to make it permanent. Migrants will have to show they couldn’t have moved elsewhere in their own country to avoid persecution before seeking refuge in the U.S.

The bill also includes an expedited review process for asylum with a stay-or-deport decision within 90-180 days.

A Border Security Bill Worth Passing
The Senate bill has reforms Trump never came close to getting.

That’s no meaningful change. Coyotes and NGO sympathizers tell the migrants what to say.

Real change would require enforcement of the public charge rules, would require entry only at authorized check points, would deny conditional entry to any asylum seeker who left the alleged dangerous circumstances for the safety of a third country before seeking US entry. That’s just for openers.
It hadn't been though the courts yet, so you are making a judgement you're not qualified to make. It was in effect and it was effective. You should let the courts decide what is 'legal footing'.

You think Biden would enforce any new legislation when he doesn't enforce existing laws and policies? Trump did it and was effective, but Joe won't because..... well, Trump did it.

Republicans wanted some sign from Biden that he'd actually enforce laws before they sign off on any new legislation. Nothing wrong with that. And the levels of illegals coming into the US before Biden would be required to act was ridiculous - a joke.

I have no confidence Biden would enforce any legislation that tries to reduce illegal immigration.

I've already stated I oppose Biden's immigration policy. So you have no argument from me.

But Republicans didn't oppose the legislation because they needed some sign from Biden. We all know why they opposed it, lets not be naive. And that's incredible short term thinking based upon who is President right now. Not 5 or 10 years from now. Again you fix problems with current legislation by passing fixes. You, by specific law, eliminate catch and release. If a future admin isn't following, there is at least legal standing to challenge them. Something that doesn't exist now when all you rely upon is exec action.

Sinema said the bill would end the policy of allowing migrants who are detained to live in U.S. communities while they await having their asylum cases heard by an immigration judge, known colloquially as “catch and release.”

Instead of that practice, Sinema said those migrants would be taken to a short-term detention center, where a quick asylum interview would determine whether that migrant meets the asylum requirements or should be swiftly removed.

Sinema said that those migrants who cannot be detained, such as families, would have a three-month asylum review.

“For folks that we can’t detain, like families, for instance, (we) will ensure that we’re supervising them over the course of just three months and conduct that interview with that new higher standard, requiring them to show more proof early on about whether or not they qualify for asylum and to return them to their country if they do not have the evidence or the proof that they qualify for asylum,” Sinema said.

Backlogs of asylum cases is a serious problem. Lack of immigration judges cause cases to be 2 years out. $500m for new immigration judges would have been nice.
That’s no meaningful change. Coyotes and NGO sympathizers tell the migrants what to say.

Real change would require enforcement of the public charge rules, would require entry only at authorized check points, would deny conditional entry to any asylum seeker who left the alleged dangerous circumstances for the safety of a third country before seeking US entry. That’s just for openers.

So 90-180 day decisions on asylum cases isn't a meaningful change when current policy is more like 2 to 3 years
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I've already stated I oppose Biden's immigration policy. So you have no argument from me.

But Republicans didn't oppose the legislation because they needed some sign from Biden. We all know why they opposed it, lets not be naive. And that's incredible short term thinking based upon who is President right now. Not 5 or 10 years from now. Again you fix problems with current legislation by passing fixes. You, by specific law, eliminate catch and release. If a future admin isn't following, there is at least legal standing to challenge them. Something that doesn't exist now when all you rely upon is exec action.

Sinema said the bill would end the policy of allowing migrants who are detained to live in U.S. communities while they await having their asylum cases heard by an immigration judge, known colloquially as “catch and release.”

Instead of that practice, Sinema said those migrants would be taken to a short-term detention center, where a quick asylum interview would determine whether that migrant meets the asylum requirements or should be swiftly removed.

Sinema said that those migrants who cannot be detained, such as families, would have a three-month asylum review.

“For folks that we can’t detain, like families, for instance, (we) will ensure that we’re supervising them over the course of just three months and conduct that interview with that new higher standard, requiring them to show more proof early on about whether or not they qualify for asylum and to return them to their country if they do not have the evidence or the proof that they qualify for asylum,” Sinema said.

Backlogs of asylum cases is a serious problem. Lack of immigration judges cause cases to be 2 years out. $500m for new immigration judges would have been nice.
Again, there's no way Republicans should have passed a law, knowing it would never be enforced by Biden. And, the fact that it required a large number of illegals to cross before any action was required.

Challenging Biden after he's out of office does nothing. 'Challenging' anything after the fact is only a useless exercise. Ever hear of 'the horses are already out of the barn'?
So 90-180 day decisions on asylum cases isn't a meaningful change when current policy is more like 2 to 3 years
No, not when you can't track down the illegals after they're in the country. No effective change at all.
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Again, there's no way Republicans should have passed a law, knowing it would never be enforced by Biden. And, the fact that it required a large number of illegals to cross before any action was required.

Challenging Biden after he's out of office does nothing. 'Challenging' anything after the fact is only a useless exercise. Ever hear of 'the horses are already out of the barn'?

Biden is going to President for max of another 4 years. Congress hasn't passed any significant immigration bill since Reagan.

GOP could have used the very minimal leverage they had to move the ball in the right direction. Instead they passed the Ukraine spending and got nothing for the vote. So the status quo is better? It makes no sense. Other than just politics
Biden is going to President for max of another 4 years. Congress hasn't passed any significant immigration bill since Reagan.

GOP could have used the very minimal leverage they had to move the ball in the right direction. Instead they passed the Ukraine spending and got nothing for the vote. So the status quo is better? It makes no sense. Other than just politics
They'll have a chance at much better legislation when they win in November. Anything they pass now has to go through the Senate, so Republicans basically have no leverage in any legislation.

The status quo will remain as is, even with new legislation, which Biden will ignore as he does current legislation.
They'll have a chance at much better legislation when they win in November. Anything they pass now has to go through the Senate, so Republicans basically have no leverage in any legislation.

The status quo will remain as is, even with new legislation, which Biden will ignore as he does current legislation.

I think that's what people think. But the reality is you cannot move immigration legislation through the Senate without 60 votes to overcome a cloture motion

Unless you think the GOP is going to get 60 Senate seats anytime soon.... Zero immigration legislation will ever pass the Senate in a Trump admin.
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I think that's what people think. But the reality is you cannot move immigration legislation through the Senate without 60 votes to overcome a cloture motion

Unless you think the GOP is going to get 60 Senate seats anytime soon.... Zero immigration legislation will ever pass the Senate in a Trump admin.
LOL Do the Dems have 60 votes in the Senate now?

You have no idea what will happen in a Trump Presidency, except that Trump will control immigration much like he did in his first Presidency.
LOL Do the Dems have 60 votes in the Senate now?

You have no idea what will happen in a Trump Presidency, except that Trump will control immigration much like he did in his first Presidency.

The bill only got over 60 votes because it was attached to Ukraine $.

I'd literally bet $500k that no significant immigration legislation would pass under a Trump admin. The Dems go immediately into defense/attack mode.

Everything in DC is about leverage and Trump will have very little, particularly as a lame duck President.
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He implemented a remain in Mexico policy, which was very effective. He also made it known illegal immigration was not welcome. His PR campaign against illegal immigration was effective.

No government is going to stop 100% of the illegals coming through. But, as has been noted here, even Obama exported more illegals than even Trump did, without the type of legislations wanted by Democrats - the 'Dream Bill' as Goat called it. lmao

I have posted the law repeatedly, when anyone steps one foot in the US and says, "asylum", a hearing is required.

(4) Claim of asylum or fear of persecution or torture. If an alien subject to the expedited removal provisions indicates an intention to apply for asylum, or expresses a fear of persecution or torture, or a fear of return to his or her country, the inspecting officer shall not proceed further with removal of the alien until the alien has been referred for an interview by an asylum officer in accordance with 8 CFR 208.30. The examining immigration officer shall record sufficient information...​

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So don’t “throw away $billions” , allow Putin to rollover any country that he wants because it’ll save souls”, is your stance?
You’re pulling the “save souls who get the privilege to live in slavery”, is your platform?
And you chastised Danc and I for blasphemy against Jesus?
You set in the front pew don’t you?
I sure hope no one ever releases a squirrel in your church. You’ll be fvcked!
Wait...@All4You says Russia is too militarily weak to project power beyond their borders. Gilligan has claimed that the Russian military are inept, criminals, untrained conscripts using old weapons...yet here we are.
Which one is it?
Strong enough to roll over any country, or weak?
Where do I find corroboration that Russian citizens consider themselves slaves?

Sometimes your posts are entertaining...
Other times, mostly bullshit

Watching incompetent, morally and ethnically corrupt globalist warmongers throwing away $Billions of treasure and the blood of a million souls does not bring forth feelings of glee as we witness this debacle unfold.
If you don't want to come across as a Russian shill, you need to change your communicative approach. The only thing your original post was missing was Khrushchev banging his shoe.

I question the blank check and even the approach of adding Ukraine to NATO. There are questions there about the nature of the NATO relationship in general, but Russia sucks. This is all their fault. All of it. They have no redeemable qualities as a partner (other than being a pain in the ass to the West and a cheap resource provider for the asshole aligned countries of the world) and they are a bully. The reason the majority of Europe and many of their former satellite states want under the NATO umbrella is, despite some faults, we are better than them in almost every conceivable fashion. You rail against the "globalist war mongers" yet run to the defense of the aggressor in this case who is seeking, by force, to reconstitute as much of their former empire as possible. An empire partially built on the idea of global communism. It is nonsensical.

If the Russians were so great, people would be lining up to do business with them. We have all sorts of warts but the only alliances you tend to see against us are the ones pissed that we stand in their way of regional hegemony. The line to be true friends (not just partners of convenience) with countries like Russia is pretty short.
I have posted the law repeatedly, when anyone steps one foot in the US and says, "asylum", a hearing is required.

(4) Claim of asylum or fear of persecution or torture. If an alien subject to the expedited removal provisions indicates an intention to apply for asylum, or expresses a fear of persecution or torture, or a fear of return to his or her country, the inspecting officer shall not proceed further with removal of the alien until the alien has been referred for an interview by an asylum officer in accordance with 8 CFR 208.30. The examining immigration officer shall record sufficient information...​

How do you think we should apply that law to a Venezuelan who crosses into the US from Mexico?
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The bill only got over 60 votes because it was attached to Ukraine $.

I'd literally bet $500k that no significant immigration legislation would pass under a Trump admin. The Dems go immediately into defense/attack mode.

Everything in DC is about leverage and Trump will have very little, particularly as a lame duck President.
Fine, so you admit the Democrats aren't interested in passing anything to stop illegal immigration because..... TRUMP.

Don't blame Repbulicans when the Senate wouldn't even address HR2.
I have posted the law repeatedly, when anyone steps one foot in the US and says, "asylum", a hearing is required.

(4) Claim of asylum or fear of persecution or torture. If an alien subject to the expedited removal provisions indicates an intention to apply for asylum, or expresses a fear of persecution or torture, or a fear of return to his or her country, the inspecting officer shall not proceed further with removal of the alien until the alien has been referred for an interview by an asylum officer in accordance with 8 CFR 208.30. The examining immigration officer shall record sufficient information...​

I know you've posted it but they're breaking the law when they don't come through an authorized entry point. That's grounds for expulsion, which is what Obama did more than Trump.

They can apply for asylum in Mexico, which is what Trump had them do.
I know you've posted it but they're breaking the law when they don't come through an authorized entry point. That's grounds for expulsion, which is what Obama did more than Trump.

They can apply for asylum in Mexico, which is what Trump had them do.

The law says specifically that they are eligible for expedited removal and say asylum, the rest kicks in. Trump wasn't following the law. If you look up "expedited removal" it includes people who are in the country illegally. I don't see any exceptions that allow for "if subject to expedited removal unless it is for being in the country illegally".
The law says specifically that they are eligible for expedited removal and say asylum, the rest kicks in. Trump wasn't following the law. If you look up "expedited removal" it includes people who are in the country illegally. I don't see any exceptions that allow for "if subject to expedited removal unless it is for being in the country illegally".
I know you don't see any exceptions, but you're not a Federal judge or Supreme Court Justice.

The executive is authorized to protect the US. The immigration laws are not suicide pacts. It's obvious the people have been coached on what to say and are not entering for asylum. If you watch Fox News - and I'm sure you don't - they interview illegals all the time who have just crossed the border and they all claim they're there for jobs - none of them claim political prosecution.

Trump was well within his authority of chief executive to protect the US.
Why don't they apply for asylum to Mexico when that's the first country they get to?
Good question, I agree they should. That isn't in the actual law. The Administration made an interpretation of the law, you know, the same thing all conservatives hate Biden and Obama for.

I have suggested an asylum points system and applying in a 3rd country gains one points.

In reading, it appears the US spent the post 1945 world brow beating allies to take refugees, especially from communist countries. I suspect our laws are modeled after what we wanted them to do. If that isn't what we want any longer, change the laws. Or let Trump revert to his interpretation next year and let the courts decide. I am not arguing Trump was wrong, every president stretches the law. I am arguing he wasn't following the letter of the law. Again, every president does that. We only get our underwear bunched when they are of the other party.

Points for applying from 3rd countries. I could see why some who are legitimately afraid of narco gangs wouldn't trust Mexico, would you? It is basically a narco gang state. There are some people that may want to risk getting all the way here. But then they lose the extra points. That's how we do it on Mars, your astronauts better stop at the moon and apply before coming on.
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Good question, I agree they should. That isn't in the actual law. The Administration made an interpretation of the law, you know, the same thing all conservatives hate Biden and Obama for.

I have suggested an asylum points system and applying in a 3rd country gains one points.

In reading, it appears the US spent the post 1945 world brow beating allies to take refugees, especially from communist countries. I suspect our laws are modeled after what we wanted them to do. If that isn't what we want any longer, change the laws. Or let Trump revert to his interpretation next year and let the courts decide. I am not arguing Trump was wrong, every president stretches the law. I am arguing he wasn't following the letter of the law. Again, every president does that. We only get our underwear bunched when they are of the other party.

Points for applying from 3rd countries. I could see why some who are legitimately afraid of narco gangs wouldn't trust Mexico, would you? It is basically a narco gang state. There are some people that may want to risk getting all the way here. But then they lose the extra points. That's how we do it on Mars, your astronauts better stop at the moon and apply before coming on.
Nah, that'll never happen. Makes too much sense.

Marvin, I honestly think this board could put together a sane immigration policy/laws better than the US Congress. Of course, we're not worried about getting re-elected, so we can use common sense.

I was never much of a terms limit guy, but I'm warming up to it quickly.s
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Good question, I agree they should. That isn't in the actual law. The Administration made an interpretation of the law, you know, the same thing all conservatives hate Biden and Obama for.

I have suggested an asylum points system and applying in a 3rd country gains one points.

In reading, it appears the US spent the post 1945 world brow beating allies to take refugees, especially from communist countries. I suspect our laws are modeled after what we wanted them to do. If that isn't what we want any longer, change the laws. Or let Trump revert to his interpretation next year and let the courts decide. I am not arguing Trump was wrong, every president stretches the law. I am arguing he wasn't following the letter of the law. Again, every president does that. We only get our underwear bunched when they are of the other party.

Points for applying from 3rd countries. I could see why some who are legitimately afraid of narco gangs wouldn't trust Mexico, would you? It is basically a narco gang state. There are some people that may want to risk getting all the way here. But then they lose the extra points. That's how we do it on Mars, your astronauts better stop at the moon and apply before coming on.
Nah, that'll never happen. Makes too much sense.

Marvin, I honestly think this board could put together a sane immigration policy/laws better than the US Congress. Of course, we're not worried about getting re-elected, so we can use common sense.

I was never much of a terms limit guy, but I'm warming up to it quickly.
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I suspect very similar words were written during Dunkirk. Ukraine falling in no way is the "end of the US". Russia's production isn't sustainable. You ever notice countries don't stay on full war footing for years and years? Ukraiian troops, poorly trained with NATO weapons, extracted a very heavy cost to the Russians. How do you think a Marine division would do? Newer versions of the same weapons, much better trained and led? Russia hasn't come close to losing all the tanks, airplanes, ships she lost. She is just building tons or artillery shells.
Plus Russia hasn’t sustained enough population to do what they used to do. They used to just send in bodies. Well…they are like the rest of the world. Not enough kids and babies.
So production will drop precipitously in the Trump administration as Biden's policies take effect?

And again, how is this impacting Ukraine?

Submitted for your consideration:

Another factor is the Inflation Reduction Act.

Patrick Jelinek, leader of Americas oil and gas with Ernst & Young, said it has spurned significant investment in the industry — including through enhanced oil recovery incentives — even though former President Donald Trump and other Republicans have pointed to the law as a waste of government resources that could hurt oil and gas.​

Yessss. The “ attack on oil and gas” was to appease his base. He picked very low hanging fruit to do that. This is typical of both parties. What Biden did was pick Anwar and the keystone section 4 to do that. Nobody was ever going to develop ANWAR oil. Keystone on the other hand….
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I have posted the law, is there one thing in it that says to treat a Venezuelan ANY different than a Mexican? Show me the wording.
The law speaks for itself.

Once the Venezuelan is out of Venezuela, he is out of danger and doesn’t qualify for asylum. If Mexico won’t accept the Venezuelan, why does that become Uncle Sam’s problem? At that point, the Venezuelan becomes an ordinary immigrant seeking legal status.

The notion that the United States is the only safe haven in the planet is the Democrat policy and that is wrong, unsustainable, and is not consistent with any reasonable interpretation of the law.
  • Like
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Good question, I agree they should. That isn't in the actual law. The Administration made an interpretation of the law, you know, the same thing all conservatives hate Biden and Obama for.

I have suggested an asylum points system and applying in a 3rd country gains one points.

In reading, it appears the US spent the post 1945 world brow beating allies to take refugees, especially from communist countries. I suspect our laws are modeled after what we wanted them to do. If that isn't what we want any longer, change the laws. Or let Trump revert to his interpretation next year and let the courts decide. I am not arguing Trump was wrong, every president stretches the law. I am arguing he wasn't following the letter of the law. Again, every president does that. We only get our underwear bunched when they are of the other party.

Points for applying from 3rd countries. I could see why some who are legitimately afraid of narco gangs wouldn't trust Mexico, would you? It is basically a narco gang state. There are some people that may want to risk getting all the way here. But then they lose the extra points. That's how we do it on Mars, your astronauts better stop at the moon and apply before coming on.
Point system for asylum? How would that work. One is either in danger or not.

I can see a point system for legal status for any immigrant. I think that is workable and is sorta kinda what we have now.
The law speaks for itself.

Once the Venezuelan is out of Venezuela, he is out of danger and doesn’t qualify for asylum. If Mexico won’t accept the Venezuelan, why does that become Uncle Sam’s problem? At that point, the Venezuelan becomes an ordinary immigrant seeking legal status.

The notion that the United States is the only safe haven in the planet is the Democrat policy and that is wrong, unsustainable, and is not consistent with any reasonable interpretation of the law.

OK, read the law again and tell me where danger comes in. My reading, once someone says "asylum" they are guaranteed a hearing. No reference to danger. Tell me the words of the law that tell me I am wrong.
Point system for asylum? How would that work. One is either in danger or not.

I can see a point system for legal status for any immigrant. I think that is workable and is sorta kinda what we have now.
Everyone is in degrees of danger across the world. We need to have a point that says, "That is enough danger to warrant asylum". Pretty much anyone in Central America is at risk from Narco gangs. Pretty much anyone in Venezuela is in danger from an unstable leadership. Basically, what causes one case to rise to a clear and present danger.
OK, read the law again and tell me where danger comes in. My reading, once someone says "asylum" they are guaranteed a hearing. No reference to danger. Tell me the words of the law that tell me I am wrong.

No hearing is guaranteed with a one word utterance of “asylum.”

No hearing is guaranteed with a one word utterance of “asylum.”
How do lawyers read this:

If an alien subject to the expedited removal provisions indicates an intention to apply for asylum, or expresses a fear of persecution or torture, or a fear of return to his or her country, the inspecting officer shall not proceed further with removal of the alien until the alien has been referred for an interview by an asylum officer in accordance with 8 CFR 208.30. The examining immigration officer shall record sufficient information..
If you don't want to come across as a Russian shill, you need to change your communicative approach. The only thing your original post was missing was Khrushchev banging his shoe.

I question the blank check and even the approach of adding Ukraine to NATO. There are questions there about the nature of the NATO relationship in general, but Russia sucks. This is all their fault. All of it. They have no redeemable qualities as a partner (other than being a pain in the ass to the West and a cheap resource provider for the asshole aligned countries of the world) and they are a bully. The reason the majority of Europe and many of their former satellite states want under the NATO umbrella is, despite some faults, we are better than them in almost every conceivable fashion. You rail against the "globalist war mongers" yet run to the defense of the aggressor in this case who is seeking, by force, to reconstitute as much of their former empire as possible. An empire partially built on the idea of global communism. It is nonsensical.

If the Russians were so great, people would be lining up to do business with them. We have all sorts of warts but the only alliances you tend to see against us are the ones pissed that we stand in their way of regional hegemony. The line to be true friends (not just partners of convenience) with countries like Russia is pretty short.
Pointing out the abject failure of the NATO(US) misadventures in Ukraine over the past two decades does not constitute any form of defense of Rus or it's leadership. Not a difficult concept to grasp, but you seem to have swallowed the neocon propaganda in it's entirety.
Keep in mind; Zsky has canceled the election to stay in power, has jailed Christian clergy, has closed Christian churches, $Billions of American taxpayer dollars (borrowed/stolen) are missing, print and broadcast media have been censored and the Azov neo-nazi organization is flourishing.
This is what you are supporting.
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