Ukraine and NATO(US) Are Done.

Russia can't really do much either. If they could they would have managed to move more than a handful of miles in the matter of two years. Instead they have 250k casualties.

Due to Congressional dithering Ukraine has a serious deficit of artillery. What did the GOP gain by delaying the supplemental by 6 months? Nothing.
The majority in the GOP should have shoved the House MAGA-nuts aside and approved the aid at least five months ago.

Production doesn’t go on and off like a valve. Today’s production is a result of Trumps energy policies that are now on line. We won’t see the results of Biden policy for a few more years. . But we know what’s coming.

You never actually try to document anything do you.

Production shut off during 2020. It took a long time to ramp back up. 1) we have a massive worker shortage (if you want to be scared, Google illegal aliens working in oil fields and you will see how much worse it might become)

2) we had a LOT of oil/gas bankruptcies. It started before COVID, prices were way too low for fracking. COVID ramped it up.

Notice links documenting my points.

But my original argument was Russia IS making big money because Saudi cut oil production. You then brought Biden into it. But now you say Biden has made no difference yet. So what does it have to do with my point? You are the second half of this conversation "that was a good beer", "yes, but Biden sucks".

You never actually try to document anything do you.

Production shut off during 2020. It took a long time to ramp back up. 1) we have a massive worker shortage (if you want to be scared, Google illegal aliens working in oil fields and you will see how much worse it might become)

2) we had a LOT of oil/gas bankruptcies. It started before COVID, prices were way too low for fracking. COVID ramped it up.

Notice links documenting my points.

But my original argument was Russia IS making big money because Saudi cut oil production. You then brought Biden into it. But now you say Biden has made no difference yet. So what does it have to do with my point? You are the second half of this conversation "that was a good beer", "yes, but Biden sucks".
I linked some supporting data when we discussed Biden’s delay of LNG export infrastructure. I don’t think I need to document how much time it takes from permitting to production do I? It doesn’t happen overnight. Biden’s hold up on production ranges from leasing, to permitting, to bureaucratic review, to financing to pipeline transportation. The adverse effects will take a while.

My son works in the industry. I know about labor shortages.
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I linked some supporting data when we discussed Biden’s delay of LNG export infrastructure. I don’t think I need to document how much time it takes from permitting to production do I? It doesn’t happen overnight. Biden’s hold up on production ranges from leasing, to permitting, to bureaucratic review, to financing to pipeline transportation. The adverse effects will take a while.

My son works in the industry. I know about labor shortages.
So production will drop precipitously in the Trump administration as Biden's policies take effect?

And again, how is this impacting Ukraine?

Submitted for your consideration:

Another factor is the Inflation Reduction Act.

Patrick Jelinek, leader of Americas oil and gas with Ernst & Young, said it has spurned significant investment in the industry — including through enhanced oil recovery incentives — even though former President Donald Trump and other Republicans have pointed to the law as a waste of government resources that could hurt oil and gas.​

Due to Congressional dithering Ukraine has a serious deficit of artillery. What did the GOP gain by delaying the supplemental by 6 months? Nothing.
The HousecGOP tried to establish our border problem as a higher priority. The Dems were having none of that. The rent- seeking GOP didn’t either.

I don’t think this supplemental funding will make any difference except to delay the reckoning to after the election.
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The HousecGOP tried to establish our border problem as a higher priority. The Dems were having none of that. The rent- seeking GOP didn’t either.

I don’t think this supplemental funding will make any difference except to delay the reckoning to after the election.
Trying to establish it as a higher priority by rejecting a dream bill because it's bad politically in an election year. You can't be serious.
I don't think our policy with how we approached Ukraine has been 100% effective and think we missed a couple of potential exits, BUT, the Russians suck an entire bag of dicks. I will never understand the glee in which some of the people here and elsewhere are gloating over an expected loss of Ukraine to Russia. It is f---ing weird.

Watching incompetent, morally and ethnically corrupt globalist warmongers throwing away $Billions of treasure and the blood of a million souls does not bring forth feelings of glee as we witness this debacle unfold.

Watching incompetent, morally and ethnically corrupt globalist warmongers throwing away $Billions of treasure and the blood of a million souls does not bring forth feelings of glee as we witness this debacle unfold.
So don’t “throw away $billions” , allow Putin to rollover any country that he wants because it’ll save souls”, is your stance?
You’re pulling the “save souls who get the privilege to live in slavery”, is your platform?
And you chastised Danc and I for blasphemy against Jesus?
You set in the front pew don’t you?
I sure hope no one ever releases a squirrel in your church. You’ll be fvcked!

Watching incompetent, morally and ethnically corrupt globalist warmongers throwing away $Billions of treasure and the blood of a million souls does not bring forth feelings of glee as we witness this debacle unfold.

Putin could stop at any time. He's the one that invaded another country. When you going to start a thread bemoaning the warmonger Putin?
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Trying to establish it as a higher priority by rejecting a dream bill because it's bad politically in an election year. You can't be serious.
His argument is about as serious as a Republican House member on this topic. Which is about as serious as an episode of SpongeBob.
The bill solved no problems, it changed no policy, and worse it codified the worst of the Biden administrative policy. But it did throw a bunch of money at the system as is.

The bill should never been written, printed, or voted on.
it changed no policy,


By any honest reckoning, this is the most restrictive migrant legislation in decades. Previous immigration talks have involved trading security measures for legalizing more immigration. There is little of the latter in this bill—nothing for nearly all of the Dreamers who were brought here illegally as children, no general pathway to citizenship or green cards for most illegal immigrants already in the U.S.....

The bill’s details are worth describing because they’re crucial to reducing the current incentives for migrants to come to the U.S. border. Most important, the bill rewrites the standard and process for granting asylum in the U.S.
Under current law and practice, migrants cross the border, turn themselves in to border patrol agents, and claim asylum. If they pass the deliberately low bar for claiming “credible fear” of persecution, they are given a date for a future asylum hearing and released into the U.S. The wait can take years, and many never show up. This is the policy that has become known as “catch and release.”

The new bill raises the bar for that initial border screening for credible fear to a “reasonable possibility” of persecution. Toughening the asylum standard was a priority of the Trump Administration, but a statutory change is needed to make it permanent. Migrants will have to show they couldn’t have moved elsewhere in their own country to avoid persecution before seeking refuge in the U.S.

The bill also includes an expedited review process for asylum with a stay-or-deport decision within 90-180 days.

A Border Security Bill Worth Passing
The Senate bill has reforms Trump never came close to getting.

It’s all a smokescreen for what should be happening with Ukraine. Why do you think
Mike Johnson did a complete 180 on his position? Why does the border have anything to do with Ukraine? We’ll pay dearly in the future for pulling our support from Ukraine. BTW, I thought leftist scum supported Russia, my how times have changed.
You've gone off the deep end, Bill.

The Congress voted for every penny Biden asked for regarding Ukraine. 3 months after he wanted it - big whoop.

We're paying dearly now for leaving our borders wide open. I guess 100k US fentanyl deaths per year are of no concern to you.
You've gone off the deep end, Bill.

The Congress voted for every penny Biden asked for regarding Ukraine. 3 months after he wanted it - big whoop.

We're paying dearly now for leaving our borders wide open. I guess 100k US fentanyl deaths per year are of no concern to you.

Biden submitted his request on the supplemental on Oct 20. The bill didn't pass until April 24. So 6 months.
Yeah, once they could see the weakness that our government showed in its support of Ukraine, and no there is not excuse available to Russia that they had a right to go into Ukraine and kill thousands and thousands of innocent people. Russia is POS country, always has been and probably always will be.
That's on your buddy, Biden.
Biden submitted his request on the supplemental on Oct 20. The bill didn't pass until April 24. So 6 months.
We were told it had to be passed by the end of the year. It always takes time to pass legislation - stop being disingenuous.
You've gone off the deep end, Bill.

The Congress voted for every penny Biden asked for regarding Ukraine. 3 months after he wanted it - big whoop.

We're paying dearly now for leaving our borders wide open. I guess 100k US fentanyl deaths per year are of no concern to you.
Personal accountability. Isn't that what your party is about? People need to learn to say no. Those that choose drugs will always find a way.
We were told it had to be passed by the end of the year. It always takes time to pass legislation - stop being disingenuous.

We passed the first aid package within 1 month of the Russian invasion with a 2nd one 2 months later.
Russia can't really do much either. If they could they would have managed to move more than a handful of miles in the matter of two years. Instead they have 250k casualties.

Due to Congressional dithering Ukraine has a serious deficit of artillery. What did the GOP gain by delaying the supplemental by 6 months? Nothing.
They were still getting arms from Ukraine. Just as you shouldn't believe Russian propaganda, you shouldn't believe Ukrainian propaganda.
By any honest reckoning, this is the most restrictive migrant legislation in decades
Stopped reading right here.
Just ONE DAY before the buyden puppet masters took over, there were measures to stop an invasion from a porous boarder. One ****ing day!!!! Don’t bring your bllshit that it can’t be done.
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By any honest reckoning, this is the most restrictive migrant legislation in decades. Previous immigration talks have involved trading security measures for legalizing more immigration. There is little of the latter in this bill—nothing for nearly all of the Dreamers who were brought here illegally as children, no general pathway to citizenship or green cards for most illegal immigrants already in the U.S.....

The bill’s details are worth describing because they’re crucial to reducing the current incentives for migrants to come to the U.S. border. Most important, the bill rewrites the standard and process for granting asylum in the U.S.
Under current law and practice, migrants cross the border, turn themselves in to border patrol agents, and claim asylum. If they pass the deliberately low bar for claiming “credible fear” of persecution, they are given a date for a future asylum hearing and released into the U.S. The wait can take years, and many never show up. This is the policy that has become known as “catch and release.”

The new bill raises the bar for that initial border screening for credible fear to a “reasonable possibility” of persecution. Toughening the asylum standard was a priority of the Trump Administration, but a statutory change is needed to make it permanent. Migrants will have to show they couldn’t have moved elsewhere in their own country to avoid persecution before seeking refuge in the U.S.

The bill also includes an expedited review process for asylum with a stay-or-deport decision within 90-180 days.

A Border Security Bill Worth Passing
The Senate bill has reforms Trump never came close to getting.

Sure, let's spend billions on a bill when all that's needed is for Biden to actually enforce existing law.

Sounds like a typical Democrat excuse for frittering away billions more dollars.
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Sure, let's spend billions on a bill when all that's needed is for Biden to actually enforce existing law.

Sounds like a typical Democrat excuse for frittering away billions more dollars.

What existing law would that be?
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We passed the first aid package within 1 month of the Russian invasion with a 2nd one 2 months later.
What's your point? They all got passed. Ukraine was still getting arms from us and from Europe.
We passed the first aid package within 1 month of the Russian invasion with a 2nd one 2 months later.
I won’t question your ignorance, it apparent you need credit for what your 4X grandparents lived through to make you whole now.
God save you, because I will NOT!
Ok thanks?
You ready to admit that what Trumped used to stop the invasion , isn’t still available to buyden, if his handlers would allow it?
You ready yet? It’s all right there.
Someone willing, verses someone totally against USA Serenity!
You are being ruled by some pimple faced admin because your leader wets himself.
Our fore fathers never imagined the level of pussy the their fellow males could ovulate too.
You ready to admit that what Trumped used to stop the invasion , isn’t still available to buyden, if his handlers would allow it?
You ready yet? It’s all right there.
Someone willing, verses someone totally against USA Serenity!
You are being ruled by some pimple faced admin because your leader wets himself.
Our fore fathers never imagined the level of pussy the their fellow males could ovulate too.

As usual you have no idea what you are talking about. So don't try
Well I'd argue the problem IS existing immigration legislation.

It's very lenient with a giant asylum loophole. Trump admin struggled with this for 3 years.
He implemented a remain in Mexico policy, which was very effective. He also made it known illegal immigration was not welcome. His PR campaign against illegal immigration was effective.

No government is going to stop 100% of the illegals coming through. But, as has been noted here, even Obama exported more illegals than even Trump did, without the type of legislations wanted by Democrats - the 'Dream Bill' as Goat called it. lmao
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