UCLA game end....what happened?

Something with postgame?

Miller called a TO with 1 second to go when he was up by 11. This was retaliation for Alford calling a TO with 1 second to go earlier in the year when up by 5. Alford said he called to tell his players to have poise.
Something with postgame?

Apparently Sean Miller was upset about Alford taking a timeout after Bryce made the free throw that wrapped up the UCLA win in Tucson on senior night. So, yesterday he called a timeout with .09 seconds remaining as some sort of revenge. It was strange. Tracy Murray on the UCLA radio broadcast immediately said "that's a slap in the face"

I'm guessing that Miller used Alford's timeout in Tucson as a sort of rallying cry with his players, but the timeout in Tucson wasn't unusual at all and nobody has ever said anything about it until trying to figure out why Miller called his bizarre timeout.

In the post game interview, Schilling said that he is a long time friend of Miller. Probably just gamesmanship on Miller's part.