TX judge overrules FDA on abortion drug

I'm fine with looking the other way on abortion. I'm also fine with legalizing assisted suicide.

The people that get abortions are the ones I don't want reproducing anyway. The less lefties around the better off we are.
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I'm fine with looking the other way on abortion. I'm also fine with legalizing assisted suicide.

The people that get abortions are the ones I don't want reproducing anyway. The less lefties around the better off we are.
Lol. Thinking lefties the only ones getting abortions. I’d love to know the number of people preaching against abortions who have paid for one themselves. Hershel Walker is by no means alone on this.
5th circuit stays the ruling but rolls back restrictions to 2016 levels.
What's interesting about the 5th Circuit's ruling is that I don't think the limitation that it is only approved for use at up to 7 weeks rather than 10 has any significant effect. Doctors write off-label prescriptions all the time. Maybe in some states it could be an issue?

And the basis for standing of the plaintiffs (doctors) is very bizarre:

The court also disagreed with the F.D.A.’s argument that the plaintiffs did not have legal standing to file the lawsuit. Legal standing requires that plaintiffs incur damage or harm from the actions of the party they are suing.​
The plaintiffs said they were injured because they treated some women who needed additional care after taking abortion pills, requiring the doctors to divert medical resources they would have used for other patients and to sometimes act against their moral views and perform a surgical procedure after an incomplete medication abortion. The F.D.A. said that those claims of harm were too far removed from the agency’s actions in regulating mifepristone and that the definition of a doctor’s job was to care for patients so the doctors could not be harmed by doing the job they were trained to do.​
The appeals court said that “as a result of F.D.A.’s failure to regulate this potent drug, these doctors have had to devote significant time and resources to caring for women experiencing mifepristone’s harmful effects. This harm is sufficiently concrete.”​
The opinion added that the plaintiffs “also face an injury from the irreconcilable choice between performing their jobs and abiding by their consciences.”​
What's interesting about the 5th Circuit's ruling is that I don't think the limitation that it is only approved for use at up to 7 weeks rather than 10 has any significant effect. Doctors write off-label prescriptions all the time. Maybe in some states it could be an issue?

And the basis for standing of the plaintiffs (doctors) is very bizarre:

The court also disagreed with the F.D.A.’s argument that the plaintiffs did not have legal standing to file the lawsuit. Legal standing requires that plaintiffs incur damage or harm from the actions of the party they are suing.​
The plaintiffs said they were injured because they treated some women who needed additional care after taking abortion pills, requiring the doctors to divert medical resources they would have used for other patients and to sometimes act against their moral views and perform a surgical procedure after an incomplete medication abortion. The F.D.A. said that those claims of harm were too far removed from the agency’s actions in regulating mifepristone and that the definition of a doctor’s job was to care for patients so the doctors could not be harmed by doing the job they were trained to do.​
The appeals court said that “as a result of F.D.A.’s failure to regulate this potent drug, these doctors have had to devote significant time and resources to caring for women experiencing mifepristone’s harmful effects. This harm is sufficiently concrete.”​
The opinion added that the plaintiffs “also face an injury from the irreconcilable choice between performing their jobs and abiding by their consciences.”​
Even though we all know IANAL, even a hack like me can see the legal claims being made in this case are laughable.
Even though we all know IANAL, even a hack like me can see the legal claims being made in this case are laughable.
One of the things I quickly learned in law school is that caselaw and concepts usually were not that hard to remember since the majority of the time: (1) the decision or rule was logical and made sense; or (2) you didn't necessarily agree with the decision or rule, but you could at least understand someone else's logic behind it.

Compare that to my engineering and other science classes, where a lot of what you learned had to be taken on relatively blind faith. Sure, the professor would try to demonstrate how some equation was derived. But, in the end, you had to memorize the resulting equation or principal.

In other words, law school was a hell of a lot easier than chemical engineering.
Lol. Thinking lefties the only ones getting abortions. I’d love to know the number of people preaching against abortions who have paid for one themselves. Hershel Walker is by no means alone on this.
They aren't the only ones but by far the majority. It's not a choice I'm making so people can do what they want.
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Which pharmaceutical company?
Is it a single source product?
It's off patent and made and distributed in the USA mostly by a small firm named Danco Laboratories. A generic supplier is GenBioPro. Other generic companies have generally not wanted to market it, perhaps due to concerns about protests and anti-abortion terroristic threats.
It's off patent and made and distributed in the USA mostly by a small firm named Danco Laboratories. A generic supplier is GenBioPro. Other generic companies have generally not wanted to market it, perhaps due to concerns about protests and anti-abortion terroristic threats.
Really fits the “pharmaceutical industrial complex”.
“Terroristic threat”. You and IGW make similar asinine comments
Supremes stay both the district court and appeals court rulings 7-2. Unsurprisingly, Alito and Thomas voted against the stay. Those two have no shame.

Supremes stay both the district court and appeals court rulings 7-2. Unsurprisingly, Alito and Thomas voted against the stay. Those two have no shame.

7-2 also means the 5th circuit is being sent a message. At least that’s what the TV told me.

Let the parsing begin!
Which pharmaceutical company?
Is it a single source product?
an out of control judge saying F U to Planned Parenthood and women is one thing..

saying it to the pharmaceutical industrial complex is another.


if a fed judge can overrule the FDA and remove a drug from the market, then any fed judge can remove any drug from the market given the chance.

our current SCOTUS majority shills for Wall St and the church, and were put on the court for that reason.

this case will pit the church against Wall St.
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Supremes stay both the district court and appeals court rulings 7-2. Unsurprisingly, Alito and Thomas voted against the stay. Those two have no shame.

But but but … they're awful Republicans who always rule based solely on politics!

Or … was that a lie? Too? Like always?
Supremes stay both the district court and appeals court rulings 7-2. Unsurprisingly, Alito and Thomas voted against the stay. Those two have no shame.

What in the hell was Alito and Thomas's reasoning? I don't see any mention in that article. On what constitutional basis could there be for those two to vote contrary? I don't get it.

AND GenBioPro CEO Evan Masingill , Masingill? really? Got damn that is next level bought into female hygiene. It's like he was made to be the CEO for this issue alone. Ya just can't make this stuff up.
What in the hell was Alito and Thomas's reasoning? I don't see any mention in that article. On what constitutional basis could there be for those two to vote contrary? I don't get it.

Check the link again, they've added more info. Alito is barking mad.

In a snide solo dissent, Alito criticized his fellow justices for previously criticizing the use of the “shadow docket” to judge cases while also using it in this case. He added that he would not block the 5th Circuit’s decision because Danco and the Justice Department had not proved that anyone would suffer harm.​
“At present, the applicants are not entitled to a stay because they have not shown that they are likely to suffer irreparable harm in the interim,” Alito wrote.​
He also argued that the decision should not be blocked because the Biden administration “has not dispelled legitimate doubts that it would even obey an unfavorable order in these cases, much less that it would choose to take enforcement actions to which it has strong objections.”​
Check the link again, they've added more info. Alito is barking mad.

In a snide solo dissent, Alito criticized his fellow justices for previously criticizing the use of the “shadow docket” to judge cases while also using it in this case. He added that he would not block the 5th Circuit’s decision because Danco and the Justice Department had not proved that anyone would suffer harm.​
“At present, the applicants are not entitled to a stay because they have not shown that they are likely to suffer irreparable harm in the interim,” Alito wrote.​
He also argued that the decision should not be blocked because the Biden administration “has not dispelled legitimate doubts that it would even obey an unfavorable order in these cases, much less that it would choose to take enforcement actions to which it has strong objections.”​
Ok, I read the link literally 20 seconds before I posted and it had nothing.. dayyyum..
Now reading your quotes, my mind is very confused (stop the jokes, I know damn well that is the lowest of low hanging fruit).
Now after having 15 minutes of confused thought typed out, I relized that I am confused to level's that I didn't even think possible. I deleted it all.
I am very well aware that there are "laws" that are on paper and what courts rely on to uphold, and then there is "law" that us laymen think should be.
I suspect that the written law is what confuses be, because it relies on the exact specific written words (which mostly can have multiple meanings).

But in the end, in my mind, Alito and Thomas are wrong. But I understand that they are not voting on moral right, they have to go by the written law that all of those words can/do have multiple meanings.
The law reminds me of "protocols" of engagement in the fire service. YOu roll up on a set of circumstances that don't fit any of the protocols, you adapt and solve the issue. But you get reprimanded because your reactions weren't procedure (that NEVER accounted for that circumstance).

Fvck it. I'm out.

Make that pill in peez dispensers. Er'body take it just in case. Coffee and milfprezone er'day! If you're to stupid to not have the pill the next day... congrats. You are a mom. deal with it.
Ok, I read the link literally 20 seconds before I posted and it had nothing.. dayyyum..
Now reading your quotes, my mind is very confused (stop the jokes, I know damn well that is the lowest of low hanging fruit).
Now after having 15 minutes of confused thought typed out, I relized that I am confused to level's that I didn't even think possible. I deleted it all.
I am very well aware that there are "laws" that are on paper and what courts rely on to uphold, and then there is "law" that us laymen think should be.
I suspect that the written law is what confuses be, because it relies on the exact specific written words (which mostly can have multiple meanings).

But in the end, in my mind, Alito and Thomas are wrong. But I understand that they are not voting on moral right, they have to go by the written law that all of those words can/do have multiple meanings.
The law reminds me of "protocols" of engagement in the fire service. YOu roll up on a set of circumstances that don't fit any of the protocols, you adapt and solve the issue. But you get reprimanded because your reactions weren't procedure (that NEVER accounted for that circumstance).

Fvck it. I'm out.

Make that pill in peez dispensers. Er'body take it just in case. Coffee and milfprezone er'day! If you're to stupid to not have the pill the next day... congrats. You are a mom. deal with it.

Your confusion is understandable. It stems from you assuming that Thomas and Alito have some sort of sound legal basis to let the lower courts' rulings stand. That's where you're fvcking up. There is absolutely no sound legal basis for those rulings. They are laughable. Absurd on their face. Giving them any credence at all can only be explained by Thomas and Alito having no compunction against ruling in favor of any abortion restriction or ban, no matter how baseless.
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Your confusion is understandable. It stems from you assuming that Thomas and Alito have some sort of sound legal basis to let the lower courts' rulings stand. That's where you're fvcking up. There is absolutely no sound legal basis for those rulings. They are laughable. Absurd on their face. Giving them any credence at all can only be explained by Thomas and Alito having no compunction against ruling in favor of any abortion restriction or ban, no matter how baseless.

Didn't read - don't care
It stems from you assuming that Thomas and Alito have some sort of sound legal basis
No, but I think that they SHOULD. I sure as hell don't see it though. To also add, it all seems counter intuitive double negative comments, happening in a circular motion. Jeez, made my head hurt.
No, but I think that they SHOULD. I sure as hell don't see it though. To also add, it all seems counter intuitive double negative comments, happening in a circular motion. Jeez, made my head hurt.

try and keep up everyone.

they don't have to have to have any legal or constitutional backing for any ruling they make.

they can do whatever they want, whenever they want. (and just invent their legal justification).

they are appointed for life with no accountability to anyone, ever.

It feels like every time we take two steps forward on women's healthcare rights, we get yanked five steps back. Here in Michigan, we're at least fortunate to have access (for now), but it shouldn't be a state-by-state gamble. We need clear, federal guidelines that prioritize women's safety.

On a separate note, if you or someone you know is struggling with an unplanned pregnancy, there are resources available. The National Rehab Hotline ( is a confidential service that can connect you with support.

This judge's decision is just the tip of the iceberg. We need to stand together and fight for comprehensive women's healthcare. What are your thoughts, everyone else? Let's keep this conversation going!
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It feels like every time we take two steps forward on women's healthcare rights, we get yanked five steps back. Here in Michigan, we're at least fortunate to have access (for now), but it shouldn't be a state-by-state gamble. We need clear, federal guidelines that prioritize women's safety.

sure, but


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