Trump indicted….again

The Feds are coming for you, if you are also lying, obstructing, conspiring, SPYING scumbags like DJT.
Wake up, dude. It's not Dems who are going to make Trump the Republican nominee for president.

Yeah, that trope gets old. They know what a vile incompetent he is, and need to blame someone besides themselves for him being their leading candidate.
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Big Picture .....Dems want to keep Trump in the news. True or false, accusations don't matter. Just make sure he gets the attention & wins the R nomination as he is the ONLY R that any Dem candidate can beat. Moreover, Trump makes the down ballot elections a real problem for the Rs because of his high negatives just make him the dream candidate for the Ds to run against.
Working so far for the Dems.... brilliant strategy really as enough Rs are falling for it. But if it works, both Trump and down ballot will be Ds....not because they have the best policy.....far, far from it, but because Trump has such negatives baked into the electorate it will be a Dem sweep.

Do you really think the only reason that Trump is in the public spotlight is because those pesky Democrats are talking about him? Didn't you notice who announced Trump's latest indictment today? It was Trump himself.

The Democrats and everybody else would be better off if Trump just shut up.
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Wake up, dude. It's not Dems who are going to make Trump the Republican nominee for president.

Guy is as corrupt and crooked as they come, and has been for years. The chickens are finally coming home to roost.

Prosecutors hate obstruction because it undermines what they do. And it's a key difference, perhaps the key difference, between the Trump documents case and the Pence and Biden cases.

Fulton County, Georgia will be Indictment #3 next month, with charges for election interference and racketeering. Trump's fvcked, and he has no one to blame but himself.

You don't understand the R electorate. They will likely be a bump in his polls the next week as the R electorate sees this as a corrupt Govt going after their opponent. Very third world. They will rally behind T not knowing it is just the D leadership pulling strings to make them want to be all in for Trump.

Hope it blows up in their face, even though I dislike Trump.....alot, I dislike the evil corruption of the D swamp we are witnessing so, so much more.
Ain’t nobody fighting for trump. NO BODY.
You all are doing a slow roll take over. The armed American redneck can kick ukraines ass who it giving Russia all they can handle.
Trump identified the problem. He’s gone now.
Let this be a notice, we are coming for you! When you least expect it….. expect it.
Put the bottle down and go to bed.
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Do you really think the only reason that Trump is in the public spotlight is because those pesky Democrats are talking about him? Didn't you notice who announced Trump's latest indictment today? It was Trump himself.

The Democrats and everybody else would be better off if Trump just shut up.
Biden and Trump are old goons who need to go enjoy their retirements.

Time for someone new to complain about.
Now you understand. You’re on the wrong side of this. Our lives are about to change terribly.
You keep allowing , even promoting control creep. A caged animal will only allow so much. DC is out of control.
You are unhinged. Settle down, man.
Yeah, that trope gets old. They know what a vile incompetent he is, and need to blame someone besides themselves for him being their leading candidate.
Just so I'm not misunderstood in this little end of the fight, I'm not blaming the Dems for Trump winning the nomination. I'm saying I'll be blaming the Dems when Trump wins the general.
The Feds are coming for you, if you are also lying, obstructing, conspiring, SPYING scumbags like DJT.
Can you imagine how much money Trump could make if he just buckled down and focused on his business, instead of dumb stuff that makes him look ridiculous?
you really think the only reason that Trump is in the public spotlight is because those pesky Democrats are talking about him?
The Democrats and everybody else would be better off if Trump just shut up.

Well that bold we can agree on. I dislike Trump and his reckless personality and reckless spending immensely.

But if I didn't have an understanding of the corrupt Dem corporate legal media complex, I would agree with you on the other. But I on that we will just have to disagree.
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You don't understand the R electorate. They will likely be a bump in his polls the next week as the R electorate sees this as a corrupt Govt going after their opponent. Very third world. They will rally behind T not knowing it is just the D leadership pulling strings to make them want to be all in for Trump.

Hope it blows up in their face, even though I dislike Trump.....alot, I dislike the evil corruption of the D swamp we are witnessing so, so much more.
Wrong, the R electorate sees the DC power as totally in American. They’ll fight against that, not for Trump. T is a mere blip that pisses off the cabal and caused them to come into the light.
We all thank Trump for coaxing them out of their hole, but we are fighting for our country, not Trump! Trump did his job. It’s up to a now.
You are unhinged. Settle down, man.
I am not. How have you allowed yourself to be bought off to promote what DC is getting away with?
How? You’re a warrior. You’ve protected us all. But now you promote or at least are agreeable to allowing a banana republic cabal tear down all you fought for. I honestly don’t get it.
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Unless the DOJ has Trump in a sting where he has agreed to give secrets to Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea, this prosecution is a huge mistake. If all they got is a technical document case and failure to cooperate case, this prosecution is a huge mistake and damaging to the United States. Very poor application of common sense and reasonable discretion.
Biden and Trump are old goons who need to go enjoy their retirements.

Time for someone new to complain about.
Yeah, well, but they won't do that, will they?

I've been wondering whether Biden could improve his chances by getting another running mate that doesn't draw so much criticism. I don't expect him to do that, but recruiting a stronger VP candidate would throw Trump a curveball.
Yeah, well, but they won't do that, will they?

I've been wondering whether Biden could improve his chances by getting another running mate that doesn't draw so much criticism. I don't expect him to do that, but recruiting a stronger VP candidate would throw Trump a curveball.
He should at least consider it. Harris has done nothing to distinguish herself.
Well that bold we can agree on. I dislike Trump and his reckless personality and reckless spending immensely.

But if I didn't have an understanding of the corrupt Dem corporate legal media complex, I would agree with you on the other. But I on that we will just have to disagree.
Trump and his self-promoting big mouth are his own worst enemy. Trump couldn't even keep Fox News on his side.
I am not. How have you allowed yourself to be bought off to promote what DC is getting away with?
How? You’re a warrior. You’ve protected us all. But now you promote or at least are agreeable to allowing a banana republic cabal tear down all you fought for. I honestly don’t get it.

I agree with you we are living in a post constitutional republic with unequal justice under the law for Ds & Rs. Here is just another example....when you come to what Hillary did and what Biden has done with the shell corporations. It's the Corrupt swamp on display for all to see.

Where I disagree with you is your radical response of talking bullets and the like above......settle down man.

Take a breath and consider God is in charge, and in the end it is a SHORT existence here & comes down to is Christ your Lord & Savior.....or not? The rest is just all window dressing.
I've been wondering whether Biden could improve his chances by getting another running mate that doesn't draw so much criticism. I don't expect him to do that, but recruiting a stronger VP candidate would throw Trump a curveball.

He should at least consider it. Harris has done nothing to distinguish herself.

I have someone in mind to replace her but would like to first hear any other suggestions others might have. Who you got?

The idea of a President Harris isn't appealing. She should take one for the team and step aside.

I have no idea who would be a good replacement.
Ain’t nobody fighting for trump. NO BODY.
You all are doing a slow roll take over. The armed American redneck can kick ukraines ass who it giving Russia all they can handle.
Trump identified the problem. He’s gone now.
Let this be a notice, we are coming for you! When you least expect it….. expect it.
Seek help. This is unhinged.
Speaking of news babes... Danya Perry, just on MSNBC as a legal analyst/commentator... yowza...

I agree with you we are living in a post constitutional republic with unequal justice under the law for Ds & Rs. Here is just another example....when you come to what Hillary did and what Biden has done with the shell corporations. It's the Corrupt swamp on display for all to see.

Where I disagree with you is your radical response of talking bullets and the like above......settle down man.

Take a breath and consider God is in charge, and in the end it is a SHORT existence here & comes down to is Christ your Lord & Savior.....or not? The rest is just all window dressing.
I get ya man, I swear I do.
But someone is going to start sending lead down field if there isn’t a quick and decisive course correction. I’m just trying to alert people that we are on the edge of the envelope.
There’s not one person here that honestly can deny the multi tiered laws, if they’re honest.
We are on a powder keg, if DC doesn’t put some of its own legacy people in cages soon, it’s going to get ugly, fast!
J6 was a family reunion, with 30-40 bad actors.
Consider 300,000 of which many are current military.
Get DC, those who work for us, under control, the natives will calm down. But Let it continue, we all hurt badly very soon.
This isn’t from me, but If you can’t see the storm brewing then I don’t know how I can help you/ us.

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