Trump had a chance to deny it on Fox News-- he didn't

It's all over the news now and the Twitterverse. It's odd, to say the least.
Trump lies about everything, so him denying he is a Russian asset is completely meaningless. I think this is kind of a non-story.
Yeah, I'm not following this at all and don't know the meaningful details, but unless there's more than just the headline, it's not as though Trump is thinking, "Yes, it's true, but I can't say that; I must dodge giving an answer. I can't say yes, but I can't lie either".*

*I'd think the only way it's true is if this were a slow bleed to him ultimately saying, "Yes, I work for Russia and that's a good thing."
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What if he said "Hell no!" instead? Would it matter? Even if he was a Russian asset he wouldn't have any problem lying about it. He lies many many times every day. I think there isn't much to this story other than being a story quota filler.
What if he said "Hell no!" instead? Would it matter? Even if he was a Russian asset he wouldn't have any problem lying about it. He lies many many times every day. I think there isn't much to this story other than being a story quota filler.
Trump spent time in Russia. He could be brainwashed and not even know it.
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He denied it today and then told the reporter she should be ashamed for asking it. Lol.
Trump spent time in Russia. He could be brainwashed and not even know it.

Maybe the Russians have the next level brain-washing techniques -- they call it golden showers but it's not what we think it is?

The Indians have this Ayurveda oil head massage...

If you are a stooge being played like a fiddle by somebody, you definitely would not consider yourself to be working for them. He was/is an unpaid non-volunteer patsy.

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