Not ALL.
But, let's be honest, look at the last 30 years of Dem candidates.
1992/96 Clinton - Rockstar
2000 Gore - Good but gaffed himself a bit. Clinton did him no favors
2004 Kerry - snooze
2008/12 Obama - Rockstar
2016 Rodham-Clinton - qualified but evoked too strong a reaction from moderates and conservative (and lefties). Too long in Washington, too may skeletons
2020 Biden - saved by Clyburn otherwise useless after he made clear he wasn't going to be a moderate
2024 Harris - qualified on paper but that's where her campaign should have stayed.
2028 ????? - Decision time for dems.
Dems need to read the room and get back to non-woke, non-identity polticis. Say what you will about Trump but his identity politics boiled down to Dems bad adn he grew the Latino and Black vote. Which is something. It really, really is. The Dems can continue to ignore it at their own peril. And, while I would concede the 2016 Trump election was on the Pubs, 2024 was the result of missteps by the Dem party establishment. They knew Joe was done in 2022 and did nothing. This ones on them.
Hopefully they learn. Somebody needs to take over the part and wrestle it away from the wokesters. To be sure, the country is moving back to the middle and opportunity is right there in front of them.