These refs are garbage.


Jan 6, 2019
TJD getting throw out of the way and no whistle. Then, Wesson bullies his way to the hoop. Travels one or twice. Then a foul on IU.

refs have it out for IU.
TJD getting throw out of the way and no whistle. Then, Wesson bullies his way to the hoop. Travels one or twice. Then a foul on IU.

refs have it out for IU.

Please. Just stop with this nonsense. The refs have nothing to do with our mentally weak team and coach who give a half-assed 30% effort.
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TJD getting throw out of the way and no whistle. Then, Wesson bullies his way to the hoop. Travels one or twice. Then a foul on IU.

refs have it out for IU.
I watched the game late. The refs gave OSU at least a 12 point swing on total dog shit calls or no calls. That doesn’t change that we looked like a flattened turd, but Jesus. These refs do ****ing suck dick
I watched the game late. The refs gave OSU at least a 12 point swing on total dog shit calls or no calls. That doesn’t change that we looked like a flattened turd, but Jesus. These refs do ****ing suck dick

yep, I wish Archie would have shown some emotion and gotten T’d up.
I watched the game late. The refs gave OSU at least a 12 point swing on total dog shit calls or no calls. That doesn’t change that we looked like a flattened turd, but Jesus. These refs do ****ing suck dick
This is stupid. The refs had nothing to do with this loss. You know nothing.
The refs sucked, and we also sucked. I don't know how the conference can fix it either. It makes some of the games uninteresting...
TJD getting throw out of the way and no whistle. Then, Wesson bullies his way to the hoop. Travels one or twice. Then a foul on IU.

refs have it out for IU.

Um, that's the way it works in B10, always has been, and I hope it always will. It toughens teams up, and it should be expected, what's your gripe? My problem is we get the same advantages as everybody else at home, and still manage to lose.
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This is stupid. The refs had nothing to do with this loss. You know nothing.
Didn’t say that. Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit. Refs were garbage. But so were we. And you for that matter.
Ahhh the ole ‘we got screwed by the refs’ excuse.
It never gets old....well actually it does.
Um, that's the way it works in B10, always has been, and I hope it always will. It toughens teams up, and it should be expected, what's your gripe? My problem is we get the same advantages as everybody else at home, and still manage to lose.

toughens the teams up for what? 20 years and counting for a B10 team winning a national championship.
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Jesus, you’re dense. Not blaming the refs for anything other than them calling a poor game. It’s like talking to a brick wall.
I’m sure it feels that way to someone like you who doesn’t know anything about the game. Whining about the refs is for losers. Stop being a loser.
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Jesus, you’re dense. Not blaming the refs for anything other than them calling a poor game. It’s like talking to a brick wall.

We knew what you meant. The refs did struggle with consistency as they have much of the season. I have not heard anyone whining about the refs in this game.
The inability to act like a civil human being, posting on a racist anti-Mike Davis hate site, getting banned dozens of time for it and bold faced lying...claiming it isn't indeed the loser thing to do.
The inability to act like a civil human being, posting on a racist anti-Mike Davis hate site, getting banned dozens of time for it and bold faced lying...claiming it isn't indeed the loser thing to do.
I forgot you bragged about posting on a racist hate site. Why did you do such an awful thing, and why did you choose to admit it? Do you still post there or have you stopped?
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And then he laughs about it. Even more conformation he’s no IU guy, especially after I busted you for lying about Kevin Warren, the IUF, and several other little things. Rent free, Ace.

I was flattered that you created a new name in my honor this about obsession

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Anyone that throws out cliches like “loser mentality” regarding officiating hasn’t played, coached or understands the game.
Refs have a direct impact on outcomes. Why was instant replay created? Why do coaches get fined if they criticize? It is the only profession immune of any responsibility to their job performance.
When was the last ref terminated for poor job performance?
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Anyone that throws out cliches like “loser mentality” regarding officiating hasn’t played, coached or understands the game.
Refs have a direct impact on outcomes. Why was instant replay created? Why do coaches get fined if they criticize? It is the only profession immune of any responsibility to their job performance.
When was the last ref terminated for poor job performance?
Do some research on your last question and you’ll likely be surprised. That you’ve never heard of it doesn’t mean it never happens. Losers whine about refs, as do people who never played.Its an easy giveaway.

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