There is no better sports than the Stanley Cup Playoffs

I've been watching hockey for 20 years now, and I can't remember seeing a team as good at PK as this Oilers team.

At one point earlier in the game, they went 5 mins without a stoppage and there were at least 2 sticks on the ice for multiple minutes. It was so great. Bodies and limbs flying everywhere... the puck bouncing all over the place.
At one point earlier in the game, they went 5 mins without a stoppage and there were at least 2 sticks on the ice for multiple minutes. It was so great. Bodies and limbs flying everywhere... the puck bouncing all over the place.
That was insane. That Panther defender was on the ice for what felt like 2 full minutes without a stick just trying to defend with his body and face.
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The dude handling the Cup is the most Canadian hockey looking dude possible.

Is his name Hans?

Same reason NBA and MLB players don’t want to play in Toronto. “Free” healthcare's and other “free” services cost money.
NBA championships are pretty much a blue state thing. Top NBA players don't want to live with MAGA crap even if it comes with tax advantages.

Needs to be updated (C's have 18) but I think you can see a trend. Florida also wasn't red back when Lebron picked South Beach.
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