No major predictions this time... I'll provide some resources and you reach your own conclusions... (I will add mine at the bottom [just can't help myself 😉😎]...).
From about 3 miles offshore out in Lake Michigan (1st box upper left):
From the Northwestern Sailing Center:
Accu Weather:
National Weather Service:
Hourly Box (NWS):
As everyone is aware, the key factor up there will be the wind... I'm guessing the best indicator of the types of wind(s) they'll be experiencing at the stadium will be a combination of the first two site real time observations (average wind speed, gusts and direction of) from above...
Looks like a typical late afternoon on Lake Michigan... If you're there "live on site" you'd best bring your hat, UV rated sunglasses, and sunscreen, as it appears many of you will be seated directly across from the water ( that reflected sunlight can cook your retinas and your skin)...
Here's hoping the wind stays below 20 mph most of the game..., and that Cig has a Grad Asst. monitoring those two Weather sites at the top before we attempt a FG...
The key may be the wind direction (which can move around on you at times out on the lake), rather than the wind speed... If it's from the SSE as predicted it might be blocked a little at field level by the bleachers; if it moves around to coming in from a Northerly direction it might cause a lot more problems...
I'm guessing that as long as we don't end up throwing a pass or attempting a FG exactly when the wind gusts to above 25 we probably won't have any major issues...
Field-wise I'm just glad we're not playing on that Elephant Grass (height exaggeration) old field that (seemingly) had a foot high crown running down the center of it... I've watched more than one player (from several different schools) be taken down by it [seemingly tripping over their own feet]... That's one half of their Home Field Advantage that's gone...
Here's to a Great Day and a Great Game! 😎🍺🍺💨☁️☀️
From about 3 miles offshore out in Lake Michigan (1st box upper left):
From the Northwestern Sailing Center:
Northwestern Sailing - Weather Conditions and Forecast
Chicago and Northshore sailing, windsurfing, kayak and SUP - lessons and rentals.
Accu Weather:
National Weather Service:
National Weather Service
Hourly Box (NWS):
National Weather Service
As everyone is aware, the key factor up there will be the wind... I'm guessing the best indicator of the types of wind(s) they'll be experiencing at the stadium will be a combination of the first two site real time observations (average wind speed, gusts and direction of) from above...
Looks like a typical late afternoon on Lake Michigan... If you're there "live on site" you'd best bring your hat, UV rated sunglasses, and sunscreen, as it appears many of you will be seated directly across from the water ( that reflected sunlight can cook your retinas and your skin)...
Here's hoping the wind stays below 20 mph most of the game..., and that Cig has a Grad Asst. monitoring those two Weather sites at the top before we attempt a FG...
The key may be the wind direction (which can move around on you at times out on the lake), rather than the wind speed... If it's from the SSE as predicted it might be blocked a little at field level by the bleachers; if it moves around to coming in from a Northerly direction it might cause a lot more problems...
I'm guessing that as long as we don't end up throwing a pass or attempting a FG exactly when the wind gusts to above 25 we probably won't have any major issues...
Field-wise I'm just glad we're not playing on that Elephant Grass (height exaggeration) old field that (seemingly) had a foot high crown running down the center of it... I've watched more than one player (from several different schools) be taken down by it [seemingly tripping over their own feet]... That's one half of their Home Field Advantage that's gone...
Here's to a Great Day and a Great Game! 😎🍺🍺💨☁️☀️
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