The SOB truly doesn’t know the difference between an illegal immigrant and a refugee

Right, so I don't see anything wrong with that list. That's exactly the kind of thing USAID is supposed to do. We are using the mighty dollar to push our values and interests abroad, which honestly is probably the most efficient method we have of doing so.
Of course you see nothing wrong.
'Supposed to do'.
700,000 dead Ukrainians might have a quibble about pushing values and interests..
I’m not a fan of birthright citizenship. I don’t believe it’s right for an illegal immigrant’s child to be a US citizen solely because of its birth in this country. However, to change this situation is going to take a modification to the 14th amendment (a new amendment) IMO. An Executive Order can’t do it. There was another loss for the EO on its way to the USSC, where I think it’ll lose again.

Donald Trump Water GIF by Election 2016
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